Fall 2011
Stat4395 SENIOR PROJECT (CRN 11882)
2:30 – 5:15pm, Tuesdays; Room N620
Instructor: Dr. Shishen Sam Xie (sounds like Share)
Office: S-705D Phone: (713)221-8431E-mail:
Website: A copy of this syllabus is available at
Office Hours: 10:30am – 11:30am, TR, 1:30pm – 2:30pm T.
Course Description: Intensive study under the guidance of a member of the Computer and Mathematical Sciences faculty culminating in an individually researched and formally written report and oral presentation dealing with the applications of the computer and mathematical sciences in the student’s area of specialization.
Prerequisite: Comm 1304, Eng 3302, grade B or better in Math/CS 4294, 3.0 GPA, senior standing and departmental approval.
Textbook: None
Attendance: Students are expected to attend the class regularly. A student with more than 3 absences will have his/her grade lowered by one letter grade.
Oral Presentations: Each student will give a minimum of 3 oral presentations during the semester describing his/her progress in senior project. Students who miss a scheduled presentation due to absence will be counted as two absences.
Written Report: Each student is required to submit a written senior project report approved by the instructor and his/her advisor. The report must be submitted to the advisor by Monday, November 28, a week before the final presentation.
Final Presentation:Each student is required to give a30-minute presentation for the results of the senior project. The final presentation can be scheduled only if a student meets the following requirement:
- Completion of all three (3) oral presentations;
- Submission of the written report by the due date (November 28);
- Approval of the advisor;
Final presentations are scheduled during the reading days(December 5 and/or 6).
Grading Scale: The grade is determined on your classroom participation, your presentations, your written Senior Project Report with the recommendation of your advisor. Also see the “Attendance” bullet.
Last Day to Drop: Thursday, October 27.
Cell Phones: Please turn your cell phone into vibrate during the class.
General University Policies: All students are subject to UH-Downtown’s Academic Honesty Policy and to all other university-wide policies and procedures as they are set forth in the UH-Downtown University Catalog and Student Handbook.
STATEMENT ON REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: UHD adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities should be notifiedto register with Disabled Student Services (in S409) and contact the instructor in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations. Whenever possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, UHD will attempt to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them. Students may call 713-226-5227 for more assistance.
Name: ______email______
Major: ______CS ______MATH ______STAT
Senior Project Title: ______
Senior Project Advisor: (Please print)
Senior Project Committee Members: (Please print)
- ______
- ______
Brief Description of Your Senior Project:
Signature of Senior Project Advisor:______