MATH 1710.120– Calculus I


Instructor: Dr. Rhonda Huettenmueller

Email: (do not use any other address or Blackboard for e-mails)

Office/Office Hrs:GAB 411 MWF 10:00-10:45, Mondays 8:00-8:50 and 12:00-12:45

Course Meets: MWF 9:00-9:50, ENV 110

Textbook: Calculus2nd Editionby Briggs and Cochran (delivered via MyMathLab; see below)

MyMathLab Required:

The course content (assignments, help tools, textbook, etc.) will be delivered in MyMathLab at the website: Students must register in MyMathLab (MML) by the 2nd class of semester. Temporary access is available, register immediately. You must purchase MML by the end of the temporary 14-day access period. Students who do not purchase MML by the end of the temporary access may lose credit for all work previously completed in MML AND be administratively dropped with the possibility of no refund. You will enroll in your MML course through Blackboard. Additional information will be provided the first day of lecture. Note that you must have the free CDF viewer plug-in on your computer to access the digital textbook.

Course Description: 4 hours. Limits and continuity, derivatives and integrals; differentiation and integration of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, and algebraic functions; applications, including slope, velocity, extrema, area, volume and work.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1650; or both MATH 1600 and MATH 1610.

Teaching Assistant(s): KatherynCarmichael and Robin Ragland

Grading Scheme:

Three Tests, 20% each

MML Homework, 10%

Written Homework, 10%

Final Exam, 20%

Attendance: Attendance to lecture is required. Students are responsible for material and announcements made in lecture, even if they are absent. Students who have six absences fromlecture could be dropped with a WF for nonattendance. Note that the sign-in sheet might be passed around class more than once, and missing any part of lecture can be counted as a full absence.

Recitation Class: Twice a week you will meet with a recitation instructor. Your recitation instructor will provide supplemental instruction in the form of help with questions from lecture, guidance on solving homework problems, preparing for exams, and (occasionally), lecturing over new material.

Homework: This course will use Pearson’s MyMathLab (MML) platform for a portion of the homework. I will typically have MML assignments due on Fridays at 11:59 pm. Your lowesttwo MML homework grades will be dropped. If you miss a homework assignment it will count as one of your dropped scores. Extensions will not be granted for any reason, including technical reasons. Do not send emails requesting extensions on the homework.

Written homework assignments will typically be due on Thursdays and will never be accepted late. Your recitation instructor (not me) will take them up in recitation. Written assignments must be turned in on paper. Your work must be neat, orderly and showing appropriate steps. The grader has the right not to grade (thereby giving you a 0) work that is sloppy and/or unorganized. Electronic submissions are not allowed. The lowest written assignment grade will be dropped.

Tests: There will be three midterm tests and a comprehensive final exam.

The dates are tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 13; Monday, March 27; Monday, April 24.

Note that if the University is closed during a time when a test is scheduled (such as for inclement weather), then the test will be held on the following day of lecture (most likely the following Wednesday).

Final Exam Date and Time: Wednesday, May 10, 8:00-10:00

Calculators:TI-Nspires, TI 89’s, TI 92’s or any other utility with alphanumeric/CAS capabilities ARE NOT permitted for tests and the final exam.

Make-up Policy:There are NO make-up tests, if you miss a scheduled test, your grade for that test will be 0. The final exam grade can replace one test grade (including a 0 from one missed test). This would make the final exam worth 40%. In the event that a grade of 0 is assigned for a student caught cheating on a test, the final exam grade would NOT replace the 0. If a student knows in advance that he or she is unable to take a scheduled test, then the student can request to take a test early. I require one week’s advance notice (before the scheduled test date), by e-mail, so that I can prepare a different test to take in another location before the scheduled test.

START WORKING NOW: The best way to ensure you pass this course is to work consistently throughout the semester. In mathematics courses topics always build one upon the other making it very difficult to catch up later if you fall behind. If you need to pass this course because it is your last semester, your financial aid depends on it, your scholarship depends on it, or your parent/guardian has threatened to harm you in some manner then do yourself a favor and start studying right away. I will not entertain any pleas for extra credit or offers to do additional work at the end of the semester.

Disability Accommodations: The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at . You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.

Summary of Key Dates – Spring 2017:

January 17, Tuesday

Classes begin.

January 30, Monday (5:00 p.m.)

Last day to add/swap a class. Cannot swap up to a higher level class, only down.

January 31, Tuesday

Beginning this date a student who wishes to drop a course must first receive written consent of the instructor.

February 24, Friday

Last day to drop a course or withdraw from the university with a grade of “W” for courses that a student is not passing; after this date a grade of “WF” may be recorded.

February 25, Saturday

Beginning this date instructors may drop students with a grade of “WF” for non-attendance. (Your attendance policy must be written on your syllabus in order to drop students for non-attendance.)

March 13, Monday – March 19, Sunday

Spring Break – No classes

April 4, Tuesday

Last day to drop a course with consent of instructor (W or WF)

April 17, Monday

Beginning this date a student may request a grade of “I”, incomplete, a non-punitive grade given only if a student (1) is passing, (2) has justifiable reason why the work cannot be completed on schedule; and (3) arranges with the instructor to complete the work.

April 21, Friday

Last day for an instructor to drop a student with a grade of “WF” for non-attendance.

Last day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester.

May 6, Saturday – May 12, Friday

Final examinations. Terms ends.

Course Calendar - Spring 2017

I reserve the right to change this schedule as necessary throughout the semester. You are still responsible for being aware of any changes I announce in class even if you were not present. Also note that if the University is closed during a time when a test is scheduled (such as for inclement weather), then the test will be held on the following day of lecture (most likely the following Wednesday).

Tuesday, January 17


2.1 The Idea of Limits

Wednesday, January 18

Class Introduction, 2.2 Definitions of Limits

Thursday, January 19


2.2 Definitions of Limits

Friday, January 20

2.3 Techniques for Computing Limits

Monday, January 23

2.3 Techniques for Computing Limits, 2.4 Infinite Limits

Wednesday, January 25

2.4 Infinite Limits, 2.5 Limits at Infinity

Friday, January 27

2.6 Continuity

Monday, January 30

2.6 Continuity, 3.1 Introducing the Derivative

Wednesday, February 1

3.1 Introducing the Derivative,3.2 Working with Derivatives

Friday, February 3

3.2 Working with Derivatives, 3.3 Rules of Differentiation

Monday, February 6

3.4 The Product and Quotient Rules

Wednesday, February 8

3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

Friday, February 10

3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change

Monday, February 13

Test 1

Wednesday, February 15

3.7 The Chain Rule

Friday, February 17

3.7 The Chain Rule,3.8 Implicit Differentiation

Monday, February 20

3.8 Implicit Different

Wednesday, February 22

3.9 Related Rates

Friday, February 24

3.9 Related Rates

Monday, February 27

4.1 Maxima and Minima

Wednesday, March 1

4.2 What Derivatives Tell Us

Friday, March 3

4.3 Graphing Functions

Monday, March 6

4.4 Optimization Problems

Wednesday, March 8

4.4 Optimization Problems

Friday, March 10

4.6 Mean Value Theorem

March 13-17

Spring Break

Monday, March 20

4.7 L'Hôpital's Rule

Wednesday, March 22

4.9 Antiderivatives

Friday, March 24

4.9 Antiderivatives

Monday, March 27

Test 2

Wednesday, March 29

5.1 Approximating Areas Under Curves

Friday, March 31

5.2 Definite Integrals

Monday, April 3

5.3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Wednesday, April 5

5.3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Friday, April 7

5.4 Working with Integrals

Monday, April 10

5.5 Substitution Rule

Wednesday, April 12

5.5 Substitution Rule

Friday, April 14

6.1 Velocity and Net Change

Monday, April 17

6.2 Regions Between Curves

Wednesday, April 19

6.2 Regions Between Curves

Friday, April 21

6.3 Volume by Slicing

Monday, April 24

Test 3

Wednesday, April 26

6.3 Volume by Slicing

Friday, April 28

6.4 Volume by Shells

Monday, May 1

6.5 Length of Curves

Wednesday, May 3


Friday, May 5

No class (Reading Day)