Math 141 – Calc Anly Geom II Fall 2007 – Dr. Taoye Zhang
Math 141 is a calculus course designed primarily for science and engineering students. We plan to cover much of the material in chapters 7, 8, 11 and 12 or Calculus (5th edition) by James Stewart. The course will involve work on exponentials, logarithms, integration techniques, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and series.
Daily class sessions will consist of the presentation of new material and a review of the homework. It is important that you do the homework daily. If you have attempted the assignment and encountered difficulty, you will be more likely to benefit from the homework review than if you have made no attempt to do it.
There will be three tests (100 points each) plus a final exam (200 points) as well as ten quizzes (10 points each). There will be makeup tests but no makeup quizzes. To be eligible for a makeup test, you must have a valid reason and proof of your absence, contact me at least 24 hours before the test and receive a 10 point penalty. Test grades of A, B, C and D will be obtained if your total score is at least 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, respectively.
3 Exams / Final / 10 Quizzes / Bonus / TotalPoints / 300 / 200 / 100 / 10 / 610
Grade / A / B / C / D / F
Points / 540-610 / 480-539 / 420-479 / 360-419 / 0-359
Test policy: During the tests or the final exam, any electric device is NOT allowed.
Academic Integrity: All students are expected to act with civility and personal integrity; respect other students' dignity, rights and property; and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their own efforts. An environment of academic integrity is requisite to respect for self and others and a civil community.
Academic integrity includes a commitment to not engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty include cheating or copying, plagiarizing, submitting another persons' work and one's own, using internet sources without citation, fabricating field data or citations, "ghosting" (taking or having another student take the exam), stealing examinations, tampering with the academic work of another student, facilitating other students' acts of academic dishonesty, etc.
Students charged with a breach of academic integrity will receive due process and, if the charge is found valid, academic sanctions may range, depending on the severity of the offense, from F for the assignment to F for the course.
The University's statement on academic integrity, from which the above statement is drawn, is available at
In summary, any work you do for credit is expected to be your own. However, you are free to work together on homework assignments that are not to be handed in. Their purpose is to help you learn the material, and you should use them in whatever way is most effective for you. Students often find working together to be a beneficial way to come to understand mathematical concepts and procedures.
Your active involvement in the course is essential to your learning the material well. It is absolutely necessary that you do the homework daily. Mathematics cannot be learned by watching me or your fellow students do it. It is not a spectator sport; you must struggle through it yourself in order to learn it effectively. It is also certain that if you don't comprehend something there are others in the classroom in the same boat. ASK! If you start to have problems, get help in one form or another----if not from me, then from the Math Assistance Center. Don't let things that you don't understand slip by in the hope that they will become clear. Mathematics is a subject in which one thing builds upon another; if you don't make sure of your foundation as you go, your later understanding will collapse. Use me----that is what I am here for.
Contact Information: Dr. Taoye ZhangOffice: 202 Dawson. Phone: 963-2569
Class information: Class meets MTRF 8:00am - 8:50am at 018 Dawson.
Compressed Schedule: 10:00am –10:45am at 018 Dawson (Call 963-2766 for more information).
Office Hours: 2:30pm-3:30pm and 5:15pm-6:30pm TR or by appointment.
Outline of schedule:
Week / Date / Chapter / Section / Note1 / Aug. 27-31 / 7 / 1, 2
2 / Sep. 4- 7 / 7 / 3, 4
3 / Sep. 10-14 / 7 / 5, 7 / Chapter 7 Review
4 / Sep. 17-21 / 8 / 1, 2
5 / Sep. 24-28 / 8 / 3, 4 / Exam 1 on Sep. 27
6 / Oct. 1- 5 / 8 / 5, 8 / Chapter 8 Review
7 / Oct. 8-12 / 9 / 1, 2
8 / Oct. 15-19 / 12 / 1, 2
9 / Oct. 22-26 / 12 / 3, 4 / Exam 2 on Oct. 25
10 / 10/29-11/2 / 12 / 5, 6
11 / Nov. 5- 9 / 12 / 7, 8
12 / Nov. 12-16 / 12 / 9, 10
13 / No Class / 12 / No Class / Thanksgiving break
14 / Nov. 26-30 / 12 / 11, 12 / Exam 3 on Nov. 29
15 / Dec. 3- 7 / 11 / 1, 2
16 / Dec. 10-14 / 11 / 3, 4 / Review
17 / Final Exam, Date TBA
Office: 202 Dawson Building. Phone: 963-2569. Class meets MTRF 8:00am-8:50am at 018 Dawson.