Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) Member Questionnaire

  1. Are you aware of the National Health Products Directorate (NHPD)?

□ Yes □ No Comments:

  1. If so, are you aware of the new Natural Health Products (NHP) regulatory framework?

□ Yes □ No Comments:

  1. Are you aware that applying the above regulations will block the sale of any currently available health product (particularly if effective) or significantly increase their cost?

□ Yes □ No Comments:

  1. If this happens, do you think, many or maybe all small and some medium size businesses will be forced to close?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that this has already happened in Australia? Similar entrapment is now well on its way in Britain & the European Union (EU).

□ Yes □ NoComments:

6. Are you aware that the media & mainstream medicine make a big issue of generally trivial side affects of NHPs while neglecting death & major side effects from drugs which are nearly all toxic?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that there has only been one death in Canada in the last 30 years that was likely attributable to a NHP compared to 1000s from the highly quality controlled & regulated drugs?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Given the above do you still think more regulations are needed to protect the Canadian consumer form NHPs?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that many safe, effective & low cost products like vitamin K, SOD, amino acids are available freely in the U.S. but are not available in Canada due to Health Protection Branch (HPB) regulations?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Do you think that Health Canada’s HPB could better protect the Canadian consumer if it used its limited resources on generally toxic drugs instead of the generally safe NHP’s?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Do you believe that NHP’s compete with pharmaceuticals?

□ Yes □ NoIf no can you explain? Comments

  1. Did you know that HPB directors and scientists have several times publicly objected to, and even quit because of internal pressure from senior HPB officials to approve drugs that had not been properly tested, or in which testing had shown to be unsafe yet the government has never investigated the HPB?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that most of the pressure to regulate NHPs comes form the drug regulating branch of HPB?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that there are no provisions to protect the consumer form conflict of interest (many HBP officials have had direct connections to drug companies) in the HPB’s current or proposed NHPs regulations?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Did you know that many activist/health/environmental/industry associations and groups, in whole or part, are funded by corporations with vested interests as this is the most effective and the best public relations tactic money can buy?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Given this information can you afford to leave the protection of NHPs, on your behalf, in the hands of CHFA only? Remember similar organizations in Australia, sold out their members (Britain and EU are following the same footsteps)?

□ Yes □ NoComments:

  1. Do you not find it strange, given the escalating costs & the high toxicity of drugs & the thousands of studies on the safety & effectiveness of low cost food supplements like vitamins, amino acids, HC never promotes these alternative?

□ Yes □ NoComments

  1. To protect your livelihood and our freedoms should we all not get involved?

□ Yes □ NoIf no can you explain? Comments


Feel free to add more comments, and attach to this questionnaire.

Supporting data is available from Friends of Freedom. Email: Trueman Tuck at: 613 968-2613

C. Gupta/Canadian Health Food Association - Questionnaire Ver 3.doc 1 of 3