MATH 104 SYLLABUS, Fall 2008, daily 10:00 a.m., Room 1101, Section 4914, Hawkes
Math 104: Intermediate Algebra (High School Algebra II)
Prerequisite: Math 102 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.
Text: Lehmann, Intermediate Algebra, Third Edition.
Also Required: A scientific calculator; a graphing calculator is highly recommended.
Instructor: Dorothy Hawkes
Office: Room 1508, phone 864-7202 (please leave a message), e-mail
Office Hours: M 12-12:50, T&TH 8:30-9:50 WF 12:00-12:30, and by appointment
MAC Hours: MWF9:00-9:50
Course Description: Math 104 is a five-unit course that is an extension of the algebraic concepts developed in elementary algebra. Additional topics include functions; basic graphing techniques; absolute value; exponential and logarithmic functions; equations of the second degree and their graphs; complex numbers; and systems of linear equations in two or three variables. The official course outline is available online at
Course Materials: Scientific calculators will be used in this class. The TI- 83 or TI- 84graphing calculator is the recommended calculator.
Academic Regulations: Students are expected to attend and participate in class regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to drop; however a student may be dropped by the instructor for poor attendance (more than 5 days) or lack ofparticipation (e.g. missing three quizzes or homework assignments and/or an exam without agreement of the instructor). Drops after the April 11th withdrawal deadline will be approved only with student verification of extenuating circumstances.
Grading: The course grade will be based on points earned from quizzes, homework, 4 exams, the final exam, and participation in the Math Activities Center (MAC).
Homework 100
MAC 50
Final Exam200
Projected Points for Grades:
760-850A(590-850 Credit)
500-589D (0-589 No Credit)
These may be altered (only in the student’s favor) after the final exam.
- There will be NO makeup quizzes. To allow for absences, low scores will be dropped before the overall Quiz score is computed. The rule governing dropping low scores is that one score will be dropped for each six recorded.
- Each quiz will count 10 points. The Quiz score is computed by dividing the adjusted student total by the total possible and multiplying by 100.
- The maximum Quiz score is 100 points.
2) Homework
- Problems from the book will be assigned daily, and questions on those problems will be answered at the beginning of the next class period.
- MATH IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! You must READ the book and DO the exercises.
- You are encouraged to GET INDIVIDUAL HELP DURING MY OFFICE HOURS andto work with your classmates. If you work with other students on the homework assignments, make sure you can give your own explanations and understand the solutions.
- Designated homework assignments will be collected weekly and graded.
- No late homework will be accepted.
- Each graded HW assignment will count 10 points.
- The Homework score is computed by dividing the individual student total by the total possible and multiplying by 100.
- The maximum Homework score is 100 points.
3) MAC
- You are required to spend an average of one hour a week outside of class time working on mathematics in the MathActivitiesCenter (Room 1525).
- If you complete 16 hours or more, you will receive 50 points. If you complete less than 16 hours, your grade will be the appropriate percentage. For example, 12 hours would yield 37.5 points.
- Students who cheat on the MAC hours will be liable for disciplinary action.
- The four tests will be worth 100 points each.
- Plan to take every exam as scheduled. A make-up exam will be given only with good reason and when arrangements have been made before the exam is returned to the class.
- See the important dates listedbelow for tentative exam dates.
- Students caught cheating on an exam or quiz will receive a grade of 0 on that exam or quiz and will be liable for disciplinary action.
5)Final Exam
- The final exam will be worth 200 points.
- The final exam will be cumulative, with topics covered after the last exam countingabout 50 points on the final exam.
- Keep all of your Math 104 papers in one notebook. Your notebook should have sections for notes, a record of your grades, homework, quizzes, worksheets, and tests.
- Bring your notebook, calculator, paper and pencil to class every day. You are expected to take notes and do practice problems during class.
- You are expected to attend class regularly, to be on time, to pay attention, and not to create distractions.
- Cell phones and pagers should be on silent mode during class. Using cell phones, music players, and other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom – no talking/no text messaging/no ear phones during class.
- If you disrupt the class, youmay be asked to leave.
- Eating is not permitted in the classroom.
- This syllabus, homework assignments, and practice tests can be found online at
Important Dates
January 22First day of this class
February 1Last day to register or add classes
February 13Exam 1: Chapters 1-3
February 14Last day to drop a course with no course record
February 15, 18Lincoln’s Birthday, President’s Day Holidays
March 12Exam 2:11.1, 11.2, Chapters 4 & 5
March 24-28Spring Break
April 11Last day to drop with a “W”
April 16Exam 3: Chapters 6 & 7
May 7Exam 4: Chapters 8 & 9
May 16Last day for this class
May 2310:30 – 12:30: Final Exam for this class
MATH 104 SYLLABUS, Fall 2008, MWF1:00 p.m., Room 1101, Section 4924, Hawkes
Math 104: Intermediate Algebra (High School Algebra II)
Prerequisite: Math 102 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.
Text: Lehmann, Intermediate Algebra, Third Edition.
Also Required: A scientific calculator; a graphing calculator is highly recommended.
Instructor: Dorothy Hawkes
Office: Room 1508, phone 864-7202 (please leave a message), e-mail
Office Hours: M 12-12:50, T&TH 8:30-9:50 W&F 12:00-12:30, and by appointment
MAC Hours: MWF 9:00-9:50
Course Description: Math 104 is a five-unit course that is an extension of the algebraic concepts developed in elementary algebra. Additional topics include functions; basic graphing techniques; absolute value; exponential and logarithmic functions; equations of the second degree and their graphs; complex numbers; and systems of linear equations in two or three variables. The official course outline is available online at
Course Materials: Scientific calculators will be used in this class. The TI- 83 or TI- 84graphing calculator is the recommended calculator.
Academic Regulations: Students are expected to attend and participate in class regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to drop; however a student may be dropped by the instructor for poor attendance (more than 3 days) or lack of participation (e.g. missing three quizzes or homework assignments and/or an exam without agreement of the instructor). Drops after the April 11th withdrawal deadline will be approved only with student verification of extenuating circumstances.
Grading: The course grade will be based on points earned from quizzes, homework, 4 exams, the final exam, and participation in the Math Activities Center (MAC).
Homework 100
MAC 50
Exams 400
Final Exam200
Projected Points for Grades:
760-850A(590-850 Credit)
500-589D (0-589 No Credit)
These may be altered (only in the student’s favor) after the final exam.
- There will be NO makeup quizzes. To allow for absences, low scores will be dropped before the overall Quiz score is computed. The rule governing dropping low scores is that one score will be dropped for each six recorded.
- Each quiz will count 10 points. The Quiz score is computed by dividing the adjusted student total by the total possible and multiplying by 100.
- The maximum Quiz score is 100 points.
2) Homework
- Problems from the book will be assigned daily, and questions on those problems will be answered at the beginning of the next class period.
- MATH IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! You must READ the book and DO the exercises.
- You are encouraged to GET INDIVIDUAL HELP DURING MY OFFICE HOURS andto work with your classmates. If you work with other students on the homework assignments, make sure you can give your own explanations and understand the solutions.
- Designated homework assignments will be collected weekly and graded.
- No late homework will be accepted.
- Each graded HW assignment will count 10 points.
- The Homework score is computed by dividing the individual student total by the total possible and multiplying by 100.
- The maximum Homework score is 100 points.
3) MAC
- You are required to spend an average of one hour a week outside of class time working on mathematics in the MathActivitiesCenter (Room 1525).
- If you complete 16 hours or more, you will receive 50 points. If you complete less than 16 hours, your grade will be the appropriate percentage. For example, 12 hours would yield 37.5 points.
- Students who cheat on the MAC hours will be liable for disciplinary action.
- The four tests will be worth 100 points each.
- Plan to take every exam as scheduled. A make-up exam will be given only with good reason and when arrangements have been made before the exam is returned to the class.
- See the important dates listed below for tentative exam dates.
- Students caught cheating on an exam or quiz will receive a grade of 0 on that exam or quiz and will be liable for disciplinary action.
5)Final Exam
- The final exam will be worth 200 points.
- The final exam will be cumulative, with topics covered after the last exam counting about 50 points on the final exam.
- Keep all of your Math 104 papers in one notebook. Your notebook should have sections for notes, a record of your grades, homework, quizzes, worksheets, and tests.
- Bring your notebook, calculator, paper and pencil to class every day. You are expected to take notes and do practice problems during class.
- You are expected to attend class regularly, to be on time, to pay attention, and not to create distractions.
- Cell phones and pagers should be on silent mode during class. Using cell phones, music players, and other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom – no talking/no text messaging/no ear phones during class.
- If you disrupt the class, you may be asked to leave.
- Eating is not permitted in the classroom.
- This syllabus, homework assignments, and practice tests can be found online at
Important Dates
January 22First day of this class
February 1Last day to register or add classes
February 13Exam 1: Chapters 1-3
February 14Last day to drop a course with no course record
February 15, 18Lincoln’s Birthday, President’s Day Holidays
March 12Exam 2:11.1, 11.2, Chapters 4 & 5
March 24-28Spring Break
April 11Last day to drop with a “W”
April 16Exam 3: Chapters 6 & 7
May 7Exam 4: Chapters 8 & 9
May 16Last day for this class
May 2310:30 – 12:30: Final Exam for this class