INSTRUCTOR: Bonnie Blumberg

OFFICE: S729 PHONE: (713) 221-8408 WEBSITE:

OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Wednesday 8:00– 8:30 a.m., 12:45 – 1:45 in S729 EMAIL:

Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 – 8:30 a.m., 12:30 – 1:30 in S729, and by appointment

I can also be found in the afternoons in the Advising Center (S360 or S405)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class combines Math 0300 Beginning Algebra with Math 1310 College Mathematics for Liberal Arts, and meets every day Monday thru Thursday at 10:00. Math 0300 will be completed by October 17th, and Math 1310 will start immediately following the Math 0300 final exam for those students completing Math 0300 with an average of 70 or better. Those students not completing the Math 0300 course with an average of 70 or better must drop Math 1310 and work on passing Math 0300 for the rest of the semester. Students that complete Math 1300 with an average of 70 or better will receive a grade for both Math 0300 and Math 1310. Math 0300 may not be used to satisfy college degree requirements. Math 1310 may not be applied toward any degree in the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. Math 0300 is designed to provide the students with basic background in arithmetic and algebraic skills needed for business, liberal arts, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, engineering, computer science and mathematics courses. This is a 3-credit course with no pre-requisites. Math 0300 topics include real numbers and their properties, the order of operations and simplifying real-valued expressions, simplifying algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, an introduction to the Cartesian Coordinate System, systems of first-degree equations in two variables solved by graphical and algebraic means, and stated problems. Math 1310 is designed to provide the students with an introduction to contemporary mathematical ideas and problem-solving techniques. It is designed for students requiring one college-level mathematics course. This is a 3-credit course with the prerequisite of passing the linked Math 0300 with a grade of “C” or better. Math 1310 topics include set theory, logic, consumer mathematics and financial management, counting methods and probability theory, and statistics.

TEXTBOOKS: The Math 0300 textbook is Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 4th edition, by Elayn Martin - Gay, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2009, ISBN 13: 978-0-13-600731-9, but it is not required!! MyMathLab (explained below) online homework system is required!! The textbook is part of the required MyMathLab online homework package and does not need to be purchased separately. The textbook for Math 1310 will be loaned to you by the Math Department. You will sign for a copy of the textbook, and will only be charged for the book if it is not returned by the end of the semester. The textbook for Math 1310 is Thinking Mathematically 5th Edition, by Robert Blitzer, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, 2011.

RESOURCE MATERIALS: Students enrolled in MATH 0300 and MATH 1310 at UHD have access to the Academic Support Center (N-925), where they may get additional help in understanding the theory or in improving their skills. This lab is open for free one-on-one walk-in math tutoring Mon-Thurs. 9 am – 9 pm; Fri 9 am – 2 pm; Sat. 11 – 5 pm. It is available for use with small groups or board work. The accompanying online homework component, MyMathLab, at provides numerous help resources such as chapter pretests, exercise examples, and self quizzes. The Multimedia Library section of MyMathLab contains section lecture videos, animation examples, PowerPoint slides, test prep videos corresponding to each textbook chapter test, and a multimedia textbook. There is a CD, The Test Prep Video that is sometimes packaged with the textbook that can also be used as a resource. It contains step by step video instruction for each question corresponding to the chapter tests in the textbook. A copy of this CD is available in the math lab for use in the lab. Headphones may be checked out at the front desk in N925. Another resource, The Martin-Gay’s Interactive DVD/CD Lecture Series, is available for purchase at From the Math Department portal,, you can access the direct links to the online homework program, the textbook, the optional Math Study Skills workbook, the Student Solutions Manual, as well as additional materials corresponding to any other math department course. There is a departmental final exam review for Math 0300 that can be purchased from the UHD bookstore (available the last 2 weeks of the semester) or it can be downloaded from . There is a departmental Math 0300 final exam review (bring with you the hard copy of the final exam review purchased from the bookstore or downloaded) presented on one of the 2 Reading Days at the end of the semester. You will be given extra credit for attending this review.

CALCULATOR USE: Calculators will be used in class occasionally, but the use of calculators on tests and the final exam in Math 0300 is not required. Students in Math 0300 may not use calculators on tests or the final exam; however, students in Math 1310 are allowed to use a basic 6-function calculator on tests and the Math 1310 final exam.


·  Exam 1 Math 0300: Thursday, September 1 Exam 1 Math 1310: Wednesday, October 26

·  Exam 2 Math 0300: Monday, September 19 Exam 2 Math 1310: Wednesday, November 9

·  Exam 3 Math 0300: Thursday, September 29 Exam 3 Math 1310: Thursday, November 17

·  Exam 4 Math 0300: Wednesday, October 12 Exam4 Math 1310: Wednesday, November 30

·  Final Exam Math 0300: Monday, October 17 Final Exam Math 1310:

MAKE-UP POLICY: There will be absolutely no make-up tests or quizzes. Any missed grades are recorded as zeroes, so attendance counts (See Attendance Policy, a separate handout)! If you miss a test due to an emergency, you must notify me promptly in writing with documented evidence. In such case, the final exam will be counted for the missing test.

ONLINE HOMEWORK: You will need a MyMathLab student access code to be able to register. You can get this by purchasing your textbook in the bookstore (it is packaged with the text) or purchasing the access code directly from the website using a major credit card. You will need your instructor’s Course ID number and your school’s zip code (77002). You need your own e-mail address in order to complete the registration. This is the email account you check most often. Don’t forget to record your exact login name and password for future logins. Check the syllabus for further instructions. Please contact me immediately if you have any problems with the website. You may use your home computer or the computers in the 8th Floor Computing Lab or 925N. You may also bring your laptop because UHD is wireless.


·  There are 600 points in each class, including 100 from MyMathLab homework, 300 from tests and 200 points for the final exam. Your course grade is determined by how many points you can accumulate.

·  Three (3) of four major in-class exams at 100 points each will be counted. A scantron (which can be bought from the UHD Bookstore) may be needed for at least one of these exams.

·  Another exam grade: Online homework assignments (MyMathLab) and any quizzes will be averaged together for a grade counting 100 points. All online homework is due the day of the test. Those students completing the online homework on or before the test day with an average of 90 or better will receive 10 points extra credit!

·  All assigned homework problems come from the list of “Textbook Homework Problems” located in your syllabus. This is required homework and is due the day of the test. Anyone not completing the textbook homework by the day of the test will have 5 points taken off the test grade.

·  The final exam grade is worth 200 points (1/3 of your semester grade). The comprehensive final exam contains all multiple choice questions to be taken on a scantron. If the final exam score is less than 50, regardless of the course average, a grade of “F” will be given in Math 0300.


For Math 0300: 540 points and above A, 480-539 points B, 420-479 points C, and 419 points or below IP (In Progress)

For Math 1310: 540 points and above A, 480-539 points B, 420-479 points C, and 360-419 points D, and below 359 points F

The grades for Math 0300will appear on student transcripts, but will not be calculated into the GPA. Students not taking the final exam will receive an “F” for the semester. Students violating the Math 0300 Attendance Policy will receive an “F” for the course, regardless of their average. Students attending class but not making a genuine effort to pass (as evidenced by not turning in assignments on time, not participating in class, not seeking help outside of class, etc.) will receive an “F” for the course, regardless of their average.


·  A 3-ring binder to keep the textbook, all notes, homework, quizzes, and exams.

·  Graph Paper

·  The Textbook (optional)

·  MyMathLab (required)

DROPPING THE COURSE: Please note that the last day to withdraw from a course with a grade of “W” is October 27 (6:00 pm). If you do not complete the course requirements and do not officially withdraw, you will receive a grade of “F”. You cannot receive the grade of “I” – Incomplete unless you have a documented personal emergency that prevents you from completing the last fraction of the course. You must have a passing average on the work you have already completed to receive an “I”.

ATTENDANCE: An attendance policy is enforced for this course. Attendance will be taken on a daily basis, starting with week 3 of long terms or day 4 of summer sessions. If a student misses the equivalent of more than 6 hours of class (2 weeks - 4 classes), the instructor will notify the CMS department office and the student will be automatically assigned a course grade of "F". Also, a "HOLD" will be placed on the student's academic record. The student must subsequently see an academic advisor to have the "HOLD" removed. A student may petition to be reinstated after being assigned an automatic "F" by submitting a Request for Reinstatement form together with documentation explaining his or her absences. This form can be obtained in the CMS department office in 705-S. This request must be delivered to the chair of the CMS department. The student must also notify the instructor and give him or her a copy of the petition. Both the student and the instructor will be notified of the final decision of the chair. The student should continue to come to class and participate in all activities (including quizzes and tests) until a decision is reached. If the student's request is denied, the student may continue attending class at the instructor's discretion; however, the student's final course grade of "F" cannot be altered. Students who are attending class regularly, but still not passing the course, are strongly encouraged to continue attending class and to participate in all activities (including quizzes/tests/final exam), as this will assist in preparing the student for the next semester. If the student makes this effort, a grade of "IP" will be assigned. If you do not take the final exam you will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

EXCESS COURSE ATTEMPTS: In accordance with state law, effective Fall 2004, UHD is charging a fee of $65 per semester credit hour for enrollment in a developmental course after 18 hours of developmental work has already been attempted. Once 18 hours of developmental course work has been accumulated, registration in a development-al course will result in the additional charge. An attempt is defined as an enrollment that results in a letter grade (including “S”, “U”, “IP”, and “W”). A developmental course is defined as MATH 0300, MATH 1300, ENG 1300, ENG 130A, and RDG 1300.

HONESTY CODE: Please remember that as a member of the UHD academic community you are bound to observe the academic honesty code in all your school work. A grade of “0” will be given for any course work where cheating is detected. Failure to report a dishonest act is also categorized as “Academic Dishonesty” in the UHD Student Handbook.



o  If you receive an IP (In Progress) in this course, you may enroll in a maximum of 12 credit hours the next semester (You must re-enroll in the same course until satisfactorily passed.).

o  If you receive two or more IP’s in the same semester in different courses, you may enroll in a maximum of 9 credit hours the next semester (You must re-enroll in the same course until satisfactorily passed.).


o  If you receive an F in this course, or four IP’s over four semesters in the same course

§  You may enroll in a maximum of 9 credit hours the next semester (You must re-enroll in the same course until satisfactorily passed).

§  You must also enroll in an extra course (Math 1201-Math Success Lab) to help you pass the developmental course the next semester