Expedition Team Expectations
Materials You Should Bring to EVERY Class
- SSR Book
- Assignment Notebook
- Pencil and Pen
- Notebook for that class
Homework Policy
- All assignments are due at the assigned time
- If not turned in at the assigned time, it is late – even if it is the same day
- Assignments will be accepted up to 2 days late
- Late work will not earn full credit
- After 2 days, assignments will not be accepted for credit
- With a signed note from a parent, students may have one additional day to turn in an assignment
- Students will be given one late pass per quarter per Core Class
- Note: projects and other longer term assignments may have a different late policy. Any alternate late policies will be covered in the directions for that project.
Locker, Bathroom, Bubbler Passes (Oops Passes)
- Students will be given passes each quarter that they can use to leave the classroom
- When they have used all their passes, they will not be allowed to leave the room for the rest of the quarter
- Any unused passes at the end of the quarter will be entries into a Team Raffle
Assignment Notebook
- Students are expected to write in their assignment notebook for every class
- Even if there is no homework, students are still expected to make an entry for each class each day – such as “test”
- For the first quarterevery student will have their assignment notebook checked by their resource teacher, to be sure it has been filled out for every class
- After the first quarter students on the D/F list will continue to have their assignment notebooks checked each day
Resource Expectations
- Students must work on homework during this time.Resource is a quiet study time. There is no social talking. This time is to be used for work, not for talking and distracting others.
- Students will bring ALL of their homework with them to avoid having to go back to their lockers. Students should not need to go to their lockers multiple times throughout resource.
- Student should have an SSR book with them. Once caught up with all homework, students may use this time to read.
- On days students have choir, orchestra, band, ELL or other activities during resource they should report directly to the activity. They should not check in with their resource teacher first.
- If you would like to go to the LMC for the entire resource hour, a pass in your assignment notebook must be obtained ahead of time. This is an LMC rule. Plan ahead if you think you may need to use a computer. Students may use a 10 minute LMC pass anytime during the resource hour. Only one student per resource may use a 10 minute pass at a time.
- Once students receive permission to leave the classroom, they must have a pass in their assignment notebook and they must sign out. This is a safety issue. It is expected that students go directly to the location without talking to other students.
- Students must have their assignment notebook with them everyday. Students will spend the first part of resource making sure they’ve filled in their assignment notebook & recorded all assignments.
- Students on the D/F list and those with behavior problems will be “grounded”. This means that they will have fewer privileges – they will need to get double signatures to use the LMC for resource, before being allowed to sign out, their need to leave will be verified.
- Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. We follow the Wildcat Way. Your behavior will determine if it is a major or minor infraction.
- You are expected to work individually at resource. If you need to work in a small group you must make arrangements with the teacher who assigned the work ahead of time, in order to work in that classroom.
cut here and return to your resource teacher
Student/Teacher/Parent (Guardian) Agreement Form
I have read and discussed the expectations for Expedition Team classes. I understand what is expected of me on a daily basis. Please sign below and return to your resource teacher by Friday, September 7, 2012.
Student signature: ______
Student’s name (print): ______
Date: ______
Parent’s signature: ______