Mrs. Tigulis 7th Grade Global Studies

Welcome!! I am looking forward to exploring 7th grade Global Studies with you. For this year to be the best that it can be, it is important for all students and parents to read this information. Let the learning begin!

Materials Needed in Class Everyday:

-Social Studies Textbook-Homework that is due that day

-Social Studies Notebook/Binder-Pen/Pencil

-Assignment book-Red Pen

-Loose-leaf Paper-Highlighter

Social Studies Notebook

A Social Studies notebook is required for all students. Although it may seem a difficult task, you will find it beneficial in the long run. Keeping materials organized will help students be successful in learning the material and in studying for tests. At the end of each grading period, part of the student’s notebook will be collected for a grade. Also at the end of each grading period, each student will take an organizational quiz based on their notebook.


1. It will be PART of the overall 7th grade Notebook

2. Loose-leaf paper -for taking notes or classwork

3. Dividers –clearly marked with the following sections:

SECTION 1-This Packet -Grade Keeper

INFORMATION-Procedures-Other General Info Sheets

SECTION 2-Notes Taken in Class

CHAPTER -Homework and Activities

WORK-Study Guides/Unit Organizers

SECTION 3-Word of the Day

WOD/JOURNAL -ANY journal writings done in or out of class

ENTRIES(Graded or Not Graded)

SECTION 4-Course Organizer & Important assignments/maps

KEEPERSactivities that will be kept throughout the year.

Your teacher will tell you what items will be in here.

SECTION 5-Writing Reflection Sheet

WRITING-Samples of writing throughout 7th grade

Assignments and Absences

There is an assignment section on the blackboard for keeping track of assignments. Assignments are DUE ON TIME. Each student will be granted TWO late assignments per nine weeks. After those two late assignments, if a student chooses to turn an assignment in late, he/she chooses to receive a zero on it.

If you are absent the day homework is due, you are responsible to turn that in on the day you return. For each day you are absent, you have ONE day to make up any homework or test. If it is an extended absence, arrangements will be made depending on the circumstances. **Due dates for long-term out of class assignments are not extended for short- term absences. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK MISSED ON ANY DAY YOU ARE ABSENT!

Students missing class due to an excused absence should determine what they missed by finding his/her specific make-up work sheet. All the student needs to know about what happened in class and what he/she needs to make up will be on that sheet. Remember that homework and activities can count 40-50% of your final grade.


Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment/test. The assignment/test CAN NOT be made up. Cheating consists of:

- copying someone’s work

- supplying the paper to be copied

- each doing half of an assignment and then trading answers.

ALL students involved will receive a zero.


Grades in social studies will be determined by scores on tests, quizzes, daily assignments, activities, projects, and notebooks. Grades are figured on a total point basis. This makes it easier for you to figure your grade at all times.

All grades are also on-line for both student and parent to see. Therefore, you will never be surprised by your grade. Please give your teacher time to update grades on the internet. Please do not expect your teacher to have your specific grade on an assignment posted on the internet the period after you have taken a test or turned in an assignment.

All students will be required to fill out their own grade keeper, which is placed in the information section of their notebook. There will be periodic surprise checks of grade keepers to help encourage you to keep it up to date. Also, the grade keeper will be turned end at the end of each 9 weeks for a portion of your notebook grade.

To Figure your Grade:

  1. You must find the sum of your “points received” and sum of “points possible”


Grading Scale (also on the bulletin board)

98-100 A+ 88 – 90 B+ 78 – 80 C+ 68 – 70 D+

94 - 97 A 84 – 87 B 74 - 77 C 64 – 67 D 59 or less F

91 - 93 A- 81 – 83 B- 71 – 73 C- 60 – 63 D-

Classroom Expectations

  1. Students are to be in their seats at the beginning of class. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.
  2. Students are to come to class with ALL needed materials.
  3. Show respect to ALL!
  4. Only one person is to speak at a time.
  5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  6. Students are to stay in their seats until dismissed by the teacher.


  1. Reminder (warning) of inappropriate behavior.
  2. Talk with teacher (removal from classroom may result) AND fill out and discuss a “My Action Plan” with teacher.
  3. Teacher will call parents and discuss behavior occurring at school.
  4. Conference with student, teacher, and parents.
  5. Referral to office for disciplinary action


Please sign the following and provide the information requested.

Return By: Tuesday, August 21st

I have read and understand what is expected in order to have a successful year in Social Studies.

Student Signature: ______

I have read and understand what is expected in 7th grade Social Studies.

Parent Signature: ______

Daytime phone: ______

Evening phone: ______

E-mail address: ______

Special information that may effect your child’s behavioror learning: ______


Do you have any questions or concerns that you would like me to answer before we begin the year?
