Materials List: You don’t come to class every day with these materials, you have come unprepared for class
- Pencil…we do not do math in pen
- Colored pencils
- Glue stick
- Flexible ruler…not a plastic ruler that will snap, not a metal ruler that is not flexible.
- A compass that is functional
- Scientific Calculator
- Protractor
Come to Class Prepared;This is posted in the room. First 5 minutes of class isn’t free time and neither is the last 5 minutes of class. That would be 50 minutes, almost 20% of instructional time per week and we will not waste it.
Phone is put away BEFORE you walk in the door.
Pencil is sharpened BEFORE I start to teach.
Homework that is not out when I pass your desk will not be stamped.
You are working on the Launch/Warm-up without socializing.
If you are late, bring a pass, or you will be asked to go get a pass.
You will walk into class with your homework already stapled and with a cover sheet on top that has been signed by your parent.
Not stapled and in order -5 points
Any missing homework up to -10 per page
No parent signature (1st quarter) No +10 extra credit on HW
No Homework:
- Thursday after school mandatory tutoring for 30 minutes
- Don’t show up? Mandatory Saturday School
Parents will know homework isn’t done in the following ways:
- They did not see it or sign it before Monday when it is due
- There will be no grade in the Gradebook
- Sometimes there will be a zero in the Gradebook…then it is too late to turn it in
Parents can know what the homework is:
- By looking at students’ assignment sheet
- By checking Edlio
- By checking Power School
Students know what the homework is:
- I tell them
- I write it with the notes that day
- It is posted on the board
- They write it on their assignment sheet
- They can phone a friend
- They can check Edlio
- They can check Powerschool
- “I didn’t know what the hw was,” is never an acceptable excuse.
- Asking me personally, what the homework is, is not necessary.
Late Homework:
- Seldom counts because it was practice for the following day’s learning.
- Loses value as new concepts are built upon practiced concepts.
- Isn’t necessary…there are tutors in the library every day, I have office hours and there was class time given, as well.
Missed a day:
- Phone a friend
- Check Edlio
- Copy notes from someone, if you don’t know someone, I will suggest someone for you
- Do not come to me when I am starting class and announce that you were absent the day before.
- Someone at your table should have any handouts you are missing.
***All of this may sound strict and prescriptive, with 150-200 students for each high school teacher, it is better for students to take responsibility for themselves, their learning and their preparation.
If you have any questions, please email me.
Ms. Magaña