July 2006 Omega 1 Page 1 of 4


Company Details


Company: Industrial Evolutions Inc. Incorporation: Nevada, USA

Postal Address: Telephone No: +1 818 249 4577

Suite 126, 2441 Honolulu Ave Emergency No: +64 (0) 274 938 239

Montrose, CA 91020 USA Facsimile No: +1 818 745 1291

Street Address:

Suite 126, 2441 Honolulu Ave
Montrose, CA 91020




Product Name: Omega 1 - Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Other Names: The Infrared ‘Mirror¢

UN No: Not Allocated

Dangerous Goods Class Not Allocated

Subsidiary Risk: None

Hazchem Code: None

Packaging Group None

Poisons Schedule Not Scheduled

Manufacturer’s Product Code: None

USE- Omega 1 is a photon dispersive coating, used in refractory situations such as lining furnaces. It is usually applied by spraying.


Appearance: White, odourless, rock/aggregate, paint-like material.

Boiling Point: Above 2100° C Flash Point: None

Melting Point Above 1650° C Lower Flammability Limit None

Specific Gravity: 2.65* Upper Flammability Limit: None

Vapour Pressure: As for water Solubility in Water: Insoluble in water

When fired


Vapour Density: As for water Evaporation Rate: As for water

INGREDIENTS- (as in Omega 1)
Chemical Entity / Synonyms / CAS Number / Proportion
Water / 7732-18-5 / above 30%
Aluminium / Alumina / 1344-28-1 / below 20%
Aluminosilicate / Aluminosilicate, Quartz / 14464-46-1 Proprietary Mixture / below 30%
Phosphoric Acid / 7764-38-2 / below 30%

Where they are present in this product, any other ingredients of this material are not Hazardous, as defined by the ‘Approved Criteria for Defining a Hazardous Substance; and published by Worksafe Australia, 1993.

*The listed data is for Aluminosilicate, the major ingredient of this product.

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Health Hazard Information




Swallowed: Practically non-toxic. Swallowing is unlikely to be a hazard.

Eye: Contact of the eyes with the product during installation may cause physical irritation and possible abrasive damage.

Skin: Skin contact is not likely to be a hazard except where the product may cause physical irritation or abrasive damage if it stays in prolonged contact with skin during installation.

Inhaled: The product is a low inhalation hazard. Inhalation of mists of dusts that could arise from the product during installation may cause upper airway irritation, wheezing, cough, increased production of mucus and undue breathlessness.


Silicosis is a well established consequence of exposure to dusts made from silica containing materials, either from heavy exposures for short periods (such as in sandblasting), or from prolonged moderate exposures. Prolonged exposure to such materials may also cause other respiratory problems, such as pneumoconiosis and fibrosis. The international Agency for Research into Cancer has concluded that crystalline Silica is “probably carcinogenic’ to humans (Class A).

The silica risk from this material is considered minmal because the product is supplied in a wet paint-like form which will not produce any concentrations of dust. After application the coating forms an eggshell thin hard layer which does not degrade to dust, unless purposely ground up. Accidental damage to the coating will cause it to break off in small eggshell-like pieces, with no discernable concentration of dust.


Take a copy of this MSDS to medical advisers if signs or symptoms of overexposure occur and medical attention is needed.

Swallowed DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If more than a mouthful has been swallowed, give one or two glasses of water. Seek advice from a medical practitioner or Poison Information Centre if gastric problems arise.

Eye: If contact with product or dust occurs, or if eye irritation arises, hold the eyelids open and flush the eye with tepid water for 15 minutes. Seek medical advice immediately for all eye contact.

Skin: Wash exposed skin with plenty of soap and water. Seek medical advise if irritation occurs.

Inhaled Remove affected individual from exposure. Seek medical advice if respiratory symptoms occur.


An eye wash facility should be available where this material is installed.


Pre-existing respiratory disease or eye irritation may be aggravated by exposure to this product.

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Precautions for Use



Two ingredients for this product have an exposure standard established by Worksafe Australia:

Aluminium Oxide: 10 mg/ cubic metre, as an eight hour time weighted average (TWA).

Hydrated Aluminium Aluminium pyro powders have an exposure standard of 5mg/cubic metre, as

Silicate: an eight hour time weighted average (TWA).


The main hazard from this material is in the production of dust. Engineering controls must be employed which minimize the production of dust, such as dustless systems for storage, handling, use and clean up. Wherever possible, installation on the material should be carried out in ventilated areas. If dusts do arise, then (i) mechanical ventilation should be used to ensure that exposures do not exceed the exposure standard, and (ii) clean up of dusts should be facilitated with wet or dustless (vacuuming) methods.


Clothing: Overalls as a general requirement.

Skin Protection: Not normally necessary, although skin exposure to the product should be minimised,

and could be reduced through wearing though, water-impervious gloves.

Eye Protection: Should be worn during installation. Eye protection should comply with AS1336/7.

Respirator Type: Not normally necessary, unless the production of dust is significant, or during spraying. Under such circumstances, at lease a suitable particulate respirator should be worn. The selection, use and maintenance of such respiratory protection should comply with AS1715/1716.

FLAMMABILITY The product is a refractory material and is not flammable or combustible.


Safe Handling Information



Storage Minimal storage requirements are needed for this product. Store in a cool, dry, ventilated store away from sunlight. Containers should be kept upright, closed and airtight when not in use.

Transport: The product is not a dangerous good, and needs no special requirements for transport.


Small Spills: Collect the material into a container for disposal before it dries out. Wash down the area of spill with plenty of water to remove any remaining residues.

Large Spills: Evaluate the possibility of recovering and reusing the material. Otherwise, as for small spills.

Disposal: Waste material, its bags and material contaminated with the product can be discarded to landfill in accordance with local regulations.


Hazchem Code: None Extinguishers: None

Reactivity: Stable Incompatibilities: None

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Other Information


Worker Training: All workers handling silica containing materials should be trained in the hazards of silica and the methods to be used in controlling the hazard.

As a minimum, workers should be shown a copy of this MSDS.

Contact Point:

Name: Mr Kevin McColl

Title: Licensee

Telephone No: +64 9 278 2005 or + 64 (0) 274 938 239

This material safety data sheet (MSDS):

1.  Is produced by Industrial Evolutions (NZ) Ltd for use in Australia and New Zealand.

2.  Is based on information supplied to Industrial Evolutions (NZ) Ltd for use in Australia and New Zealand.

3.  Has been produced following the principle and recommendations outlined in the “Worksafe Australia Guidance Note for Completion of a Material Safety Data Sheet ”, Third Edition, Canberra, October 1991.