Spring 2008 Membership Application Form

Full Name: Year: Major:

E-mail: Phone Number:

Number of Years Work Experience: Previous Public Relations Experience: Y/ N

Previous Marketing or Consulting Experience: Y/ N

Membership: Select one – Passive, Active, or Executive Board

Passive Membership ::For the member who wishes to learn without obligation

Must pay a $25 membership fee

May attend club presentations and social PR mixers

May participate in arranging club (internal) events

Does not participate in client (external) activities

Cannot run for executive board

Is not obligated to attend club events or meetings

Active Membership:: For the member who wishes to actively participate with adequate obligation

Must pay a $25 membership fee

Attend club presentations, social PR mixers, and fundraising activities.

Attend weekly project meetings and possibly additional meetings depending on client’s need

Participate in arranging club (internal) events

Participate in client (external) activities

May run for executive board

3-5 hours of commitment per week

Executive Board :: For the member who wishes to gain both leadership and PR experience

Must pay a $25 membership fee

Attend weekly executive board meetings and club presentations.

Attend social PR mixers and fundraising activities.

Participate in arranging club (internal) events

Participate in leading client (external) activities

Manage events, projects, meetings etc.

If Project Director, attend weekly project meetings

If applying for Executive Board, rank your choices (descriptions at end of application):

__ Event Coordinators (2)__ Assistant Event Coordinator

__ Project Director (2)__ Executive Assistant

__ Historian

If applying to be an Executive board member or Active member please answer the following on a separate piece of paper.

  1. How many units are you currently taking?
  2. What are your current obligations or projected obligations for this semester and how many hours per week of commitment do they require?
  3. Explain a time where you performed under pressure.
  4. What is the last funny movie you saw?
  5. If applying to be active member: provide a short statement of interest of why you would like experience working on a PR project with a client.

Attach to your application your resume and a photograph of yourself.

**E-mail this application to by 11:59 PMSunday, February 10.

For those applying for an Executive Board position: If you do not already have an interview time you must sign up immediately by 11:59 PMSunday, February 10by emailing your interview, make sure to bring your calendar/planner, we will be bouncing dates off you.

Job Descriptions

Event Coordinator - Plans club socials and other events. Manages PR Mixer responsibilities. Delegates all PR Mixer tasks to Executive Board Members (such as food / money donations, contact Millicent in ASUC to send out Tax ID to various patrons, decorations, reserving venue location and arrangement of amenities). This person should be proactive, well organized, detail oriented and be able to think outside the box.

Assistant Event Coordinator - Assists the Event Coordinators with organizing and planning all PR @ Cal events, including the club's semi-annual PR with the Pros. The position entails communicating between the coordinators and fellow PR @ Cal members.
Project Director - Manages all client relations and serves as the liaison between the club and client. Works with Director of Professional Development to make sure everyone in Project Group is well trained. Makes deadlines for all client/media deliverables including: press releases, media lists and contacts, press clips and follow-up, helps teams refine pitches, project update/progress reports,

This person should like maintaining relationships, be organized and good at managing others, can pace him/herself well, know how project teams should function, is proactive, etc.

Executive Assistant –Assists Executive Board members as needed (such as assisting Internal VP with equipment rentals, assisting External VP with production and distribution of club materials, helping with snack and beverage arrangements for meetings, etc.). This person should have the ability to work well with others.

Historian - In charge of photographing PR @ Cal events. Historian must have a digital camera and be able to upload photos onto the club's website and Facebook page in a timely manner.