Cut out these pieces. Match and glue them into the spaces that most correctly match their descriptions. All of the pieces will be used, so don’t lose any.
This bone forms the lower jaw, including the chin. / The only vertebrae that articulate with the ribs; there are 12 of these bones.The most superior bone in the vertebral column; articulates with the base of the occipital bone and allows flexion and hyperextension of the neck. / The bridge of the nose is formed by these bones.
Organs of hearing (internal parts of the ears) are located in and protected by these bones. / This cranial bone sits directly over the spinal column; it contains the hole through which the
spinal cord connects to the brain.
The bones form most of the roof and a good portion of the side walls of the skull. / This triangular-shaped bone articulates with the two hip bones laterally; was originally 5 bones that fused into one.
These small, flat bones form the posterior part of the hard palate. / Commonly called the forehead, it provides protection for the anterior portion of the brain.
This irregularly shaped cranial bone forms most of the roof of the nasal cavity and also the superior septum of the nose. / It is shaped like a bat or butterfly with wings forming parts of the sides of the skull and the back of the eye sockets.
The largest of the vertebral bones, has the largest body for supporting weight; only 5 in adults. / Two delicate, shell-shaped bones that are found on the lower side walls of the nose.
A U-shaped bone that holds the muscles of the tongue in place; located in anterior neck just superior to the Adam’s apple. / The second most superior bone in the vertebral column; allows the head to move from left to right, in other words, permits rotation of the head.
The most inferior part of the vertebral column; was originally 4 bones that fused into one. / Tears pass through tiny openings in these bones; they are the smallest bones in the face.
This bone forms the inferior part of the septum dividing the nose into two nostrils. / These bones form the most of the roof of the mouth (hard palate) and contain the sockets into which upper teeth are set.
The flattest of the vertebral bones; have the least amount of intervertebral cartilage between the bones; there are 7 of these bones / These are the cheek bones; they also form lateral walls of the orbit of the eye.
Match the Bone to the Descriptor
Using the slips of paper you cut from the colored page, complete this chart.
Frontal bone / Occipital BoneTemporal bone / Sphenoid bone
Parietal bone / Ethmoid bone
Vomer bone / Maxilla bone
Zygomatic bone / Palatine bone
Hyoid bone / Nasal bone
Mandible bone / Axis
Lacrimal bone / Inferior concha bone
Lumbar vertebrae / Cervical vertebrae
Thoracic vertebrae / Coccyx
Atlas / Sacrum