January 21, 2014

PRESENT: Sarah Friedrich, Ginny Folts, Kim Stiller, Kim Zimmer, Stacy McCulligan, Mr. Riester, Fr. Pat, Kristi Stromecki, Jennifer Bauer, Kimberly Klubek, Pat Marchinda, Lori Hull, Neil Conte, Harmonie Conte, Sherry Snyder, Tracy Brunner, Elaina Hayes, Kristi Pruss, Megan Comerford, Sarah Seweryniak, Megan Insera, Bridget and Jason Reid, Danielle Alessandra, Madonna Rhodes, Kristin Galus, Jamie Galus, Kelly Jaworski, Diane DiPasquale, Renee Gaume, Andrew Nyman, Jennifer Schwenkbeck, Mary Roberts, Pat and Mary Hannon, Bridget Murphy, Bridget Wood, Maureen Casey

The meeting began at 7:00 pm with an opening prayer led by Fr. Pat.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Maureen Casey reported all future Parent’s Guild meeting minutes will be posted to the school website. Profit for the 2013 Oktoberfest Sweepstakes Party is $27, 041.05, with the final profit available in June 2014. The February Parent’s Guild meeting date has been moved to February 26, 2014. There will not be a meeting in March; the April meeting date is April 9th.

CO-PRESIDENTS REPORT– Sarah Friedrich announced a chair is needed for the Pancake Breakfast; after the meeting it was reported Kristi Pruss and Renee Gaume will co-chair this event. Diane DiPasquale advised all tax letter requests for charitable donations be directed to her attention. Information required includes name of the donor, complete address, amount of cash donated and complete description.

TREASURER – Kim Stiller reported the Treasurer’s December Report shows a balance of $58,779. The Parent’s Guild fundraising goal for the 2013-2014 year is $65,000; we have reached 90% of that goal as the fundraising balance to date is $58,779.00. A list of names was read of those who have not cashed Oktoberfest checks. The December 2013 Fundraising Report was submitted.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY –Kim Zimmer stated a MassCard was sent to the McCulligan family in honor of Pat’s father. Kim also stated she will send out thank you cards for the SSPP Basketball Tournament.

MODERATOR’S REPORT –Father Patreminded us, as a school community, to be open to growth and change.

PRINCIPAL REPORT - Mr. Riester stated the office has been hectic and very busy with inquiries from interested families. 30 % of the catholic school closings came from our cluster; 70% of closures were from the Southtowns. The school office is answering the phone with “SSPP Community School”. Our school name/logo will remain, however we are striving to emphasize our sense of community. Faculty at our school will remain intact; principals’ positions will be evaluated in one year by the “Board of Limited Jurisdiction”. A Transition Committee is also being formed and will comprise veteran parents, Advancement, Sports Committee, Parent’s Guild and new parents. Currently there is a waiting list for the 8th grade class of 2015. SSPP is accepting registration at this time for September classes on a first come, first serve basis. Once classroom sizes are full, SSPP will offer a waiting list. The Diocese will allow a maximum of 52 students per grade with 26 in each classroom. Our school hopes to fill two classrooms per grade. At this time, Mr. Riester does not have the number of students required to “split” a class. If teaching positions are needed, we will look at displaced teachers in the diocese. SSPP will be offering lunch to the teachers of St. Bernadette’s, Saint Mary’s of the Lake and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. At this time, Mr. Riester was not able to provide specific numbers regarding tuition. Parishioners from other parishes who wish to send their children to SSPP will be granted the SSPP parish tuition rate. Mr. Riester stated there is space for additional classrooms; plans have been made. The middle school Science laboratory will begin construction in late June, with an expected completion date of 9/1/14. The Russo Foundation has donated $10,000 to our school. Plans are in process to update the Pine Street entrance with these funds. A packet/schedule has been sent home for Catholic Schools Week (week of January 27th). The school is looking to purchase an electric piano and two additional smartboards. Mr. Riester extended a special thanks to Advancement Director Sarah Seweryniak for all her effort and help.

ADVANCMENT DIRECTOR: Sarah Seweryniak asked all to be patient if she takes a bit longer than usual to return emails and calls. Thanks to all who baked for the Coffee Social. Sarah is seeking family volunteers for the Veteran Family Program. This year the meeting will take place in June, instead of August. The Advancement Committee is planning to form a “Transition Committee”; next meeting date is February 13 at 7:00pm. The Spring Fundraiser is scheduled for April 26th and will comprise beer/wine tasting and pulled pork sandwiches. There will be a raffle with atrip to Napa Valley. Fleeces are on back order; refunds will be available if requested.

Old Business

Santa’s Secret Workshop 12/13/13–Sarah Friedrich thanked all volunteers and bakers. Sarah stated the event was a success especially since all students were given the opportunity to attend. If anyone has old Christmas cards they are going to throw away, please consider sending them to Sarah for use in a craft next year.

SSPP Basketball Tournament January 9 – 11, 2014 and January 16 -19, 2014–Renee Gaume reported sales were up slightly. There was an issue with parking at the Saturday 4 pm mass that will be addressed for next year.

New Business

Spaghetti Dinner January 26, 2013– Stacy McCulligan reported set up is Saturday the 25th at 3 pm. The majority of dinner items were donated. The event will be held from 12-6 pm.

Irish Night – March 7, 2013 Bridget Reid/Harmonie Conte/Shannon Jerome – A suggestion was made to post an invitation at the Open Tour/Open House.

Lenten Breakfast Club – Ginny Folts/Renee Gaume – Ash Wednesday is March 5th; the first breakfast will be held on March 12th in the cafeteria after the 7 am mass.

Easter Candy Sale – Kim Zimmer – The Niagara Candy sale will run from 2/3/14 through 2/14/14/.

Closing prayer led by Father Pat.

Next Meeting February 26, 2014

7:00 pm ~ Parish Meeting Room