
“Mastering Wet-into-Wet Watercolor”


Kathleen Giles, NWS

March 19-23, 2018, 9:30am-3:30pm

St. Andrew’s Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, VA 22207

$395 members, $425 non-members

Kathleen Giles’paintings are defined by her expert use of strong values and intense colors. In an article published in the January/February 2017 edition of “Watercolor Artist”, she says “it’s obvious that artists want their work to be eye-catching regardless of subject matter. For me, a strong pattern of lights and darks, or value, is a fundamental ingredient for creating work that jumps off the paper and grabs the viewer’s attention.” Her success in doing just that is evident from the many awards that her paintings have garnered around the country. She is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and American Women Artists amongst others, and her work has been juried into shows of the American, Transparent and Northwest Watercolor Societies.

In this exciting and challenging workshop, Kathleen will share her techniques for successful wet washes that build both color saturation and value. She will demonstrate how to achieve incredibly realistic looking paintings that still embody the artistic spirit that we all strive for. From choosing the best reference photographs to using the computer to plan a strong value pattern, all aspects of the painting process will be discussed and demonstrated. A strong emphasis will be made on the importance of knowing the properties of your colors, using color compliments for vibrancy and to mix neutrals, and how best to use them all in different parts of any painting. This knowledge combined with value and the use of hard and soft edges is a winning format for creating your most dramatic paintings.


I use both transparent staining paints and semi-opaque/opaque paints .I don’t require my students to have my exact palette or supplies, but the quality of paint, paper and brushes I use allow me to get the results that I do. You need to have a transparent yellow, pink and blue to paint with me! ** I strongly urge students to use Arches watercolor paper, 140 or 300 lb. cold press. (if you have another paper you love and use frequently, that is fine) Old paper is subject to sizing problems and should be saved for something other than a class or workshop setting.

I put an * by the paints I consider the most important and use the most. A dble ** next to the must haves.

For a basic starter palette I would recommend getting the paints in bold script, then other paints can be added as you progress. If you plan to paint a lot of greens I would add sap green.

** Primary Yellow (Maimeri Blu) MY YELLOW or any transparent staining yellow (Hansa is good), Mission, Steven Quiller, etc.

* Indian Yellow (Qor)

Quinacidone Gold (Qor)

* Cadmium Yellow Light (I use American Journey but any brand) really important for semi-opaque mixtures

** Primary Red-Magenta (MY PINK)(MaimeriBlu) or use Permanent Rose (Winsor Newton) (Mission)

* Quinacidone Magenta (Qor)

Taylor’s Flamingo Pink (Cheap Joes, it’s a fun opague)

Transparent Pryide Orange (Qor)

* Burnt sienna (W.N.)

* Vermillion (MY RED)(Mission)

Cadmium Red

* Perylene Maroon (W. N.)

* French Ultra Marine Blue(W.N.)

* Indanthrene Blue (Dick Blick)

* Peacock Blue (Holbein)

** Winsor Blue Red shade(Winsor Newton) or thalo Blue

Cobalt Teal (Qor) or MaimeriBlu

Sky Blue (Cheap Joes)semi opaque

** Winsor Green Blue Shade (W.N.)orThalo Green

* Permanent Sap Green (W.N.)

Skip’s Green (Cheap Joes) semi opaque

* Dioxazine Purple (Qor)

Brushes are a personal choice. You need a good large wash brush, I use a sable/synthetic W.N. 2” brush. I also paint with it. I use rounds that come to a good point and also several flats. I use sable/synthetic blends and some synthetic, one or two sizes 6 thru 12.

A scrubby brush, I use a fritch scrubber, 6 and 12. (Cheap joes)

Paper- I use Arches #140 and #300 bright white paper. I prefer sheets, not blocks, so you can wet the back of the paper.

Palette- A plastic palette with mixing wells, I use Robert Wood

Masking fluid- I use Incredible White Mask

An inexpensive fine pointed brush for applying mask and a little dish soap

Spray bottles, regular and a fine mist sprayer

Masking tape, paper towels, I use regular pencils, a good eraser,

Mr. clean magic eraser, plain

A piece of gator board or some hard waterproof board to mount your painting on

Water container

If you have any specific questions, you can e-mail me or call me at 716-795-9368.

We will be using the scrubby brush and masking fluid in my workshops, but please don’t mask anything before class


MARCH 19-23, 2018

Online registration and payment options at

Log in to the website and look on the menu at left.
Choose “Events and Registrations” and then select “Kathleen Giles Workshop”
Contact Deborah Conn if you have any problems: 703-573-0660;

Or return this form to:

Kate Niner, 8210 Treebrooke Ln, Alexandria, VA 22308

$395 (members) $425 (non-members)Check payable to PVW

Name ______Check # ______

Address ______

Tel ______Email ______

Member ______Non-member ______

Registration will be on a first come, first served basis and will be held for PVW members until February9th, after which date registration opens up to non-members. Early requests from non PVW members will be placed on a waiting list and will be allocated after February9th if space is available. A full refund (minus a service charge of $25) will be given for cancellations up until February9th. After that date, a full refund (minus the service charge) will be given only if the space can be filled.


Kate Niner 703-768-1352 or

Tammy Wiedenhaefer 703-768-3209