Good Teacher Area Faith Community

Churches of St. Edward & St. Eloi

Pastor: Rev. Craig Timmerman (829-3014)

Associate Pastors: Fr. Zach Peterson & Fr. Garrett Ahlers

(476-1688) (507-423-5220)

St. Edward Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8-4 pm

St. Edward Rectory - 872-6346 St. Eloi Rectory – 428-3285

St. Edward Email – St. Eloi Email –

St. Edward Website – St. Eloi Website –

Parish Sec – Caren Buysse St. Eloi Bulletin Coordinator – Michael VanKeulen

Radio Rosary – Carol Louwagie 532-6081 DRE – Nathan Jones

Formed: (Z8Q2WJ) Catholic Charities – (1-866-670-5163)

Facebook page – St. Edward Catholic Church Area Faith Website –

Sunday, Aug 14, 2016 ~ Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

SUNDAY – Aug 14 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8-8:15 am – Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Edward

8:30 am –Mass at St. Edward (Rosary Society)

10-10:15 am – Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Eloi

10:30 am –Mass at St. Eloi (Greg Kesteloot)

MONDAY – Aug 15 St. Edward Office Closed

5:00 pm – Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel (Fr. Gilbert DeSutter)

TUESDAY – Aug 16

8:15 am – Mass at St. Edward (School Staff)

11:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel (Marian Boerboom)


10:00 am-1:00 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Eloi

11:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel (Our Priests and Religious)

5:00 pm – St Edward School Open House

6:00 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Edward

6:30 pm – Confessions before Mass at St. Edward

7:00 pm – Mass at St. Edward (School Families and Staff)


7:15 am – Confessions at St. Eloi

7:45 am – Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel (Walter & Delores DeCock)

4:00 – 7:00 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Edward

FRIDAY – Aug 19

11:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel (David Speltz Family)

2:30 pm – Mass at the Manor (Leo & Jeff Fonteyn)


11:30 am Mass at St. Eloi Our Lady of Mercy Convent Chapel Joe & Betty Claeys)

4:30-5:15 pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Edward

5:30 pm – Mass at St. Edward (Margaret & Paul Traen)

SUNDAY – Aug 21 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

8-8:15 am – Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Edward

8:30 am – Mass at St. Edward (Herman & Carrie Verschelde)

10-10:15 am – Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Eloi

10:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi (For the Parish Family)

Area Faith Weekly Mass Schedule

These Mass times are Subject to Change

Tuesday, Aug 16 6:00 pm – Mass St. Peter (Kathy Kronabetter)

Wednesday, Aug 17 9:00 am – Mass at St. Peter (Dorothy Nosbush by CCW)

Thursday, Aug 18 8:30 am – Adoration 9:30 am Mass at St. Leo (Donald Grengs

Friday Aug 19 10:30 am – Mass at Sylvan Court (Liz Kubezewski by CCW)

Saturday, Aug 20 5:30 pm – Mass at St. Peter (Jerry & Diane Steffen)

Sunday, Aug 21 8:30 am – Mass at St. Peter (Francis Antony by KC’s)

Sunday, Aug 21 10:30 am – Mass at St. Leo (Deceased Members of Lozinski Family)

UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETING: (** means new event added)

Aug 17 5:00 pm St. Edward School Kick off Mass to follow at 7:00 pm

Aug 21 7:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Eloi

Aug 22-24 St. Edward Pictures will be taken for Directory

Aug 24 First day of school

Aug 28 Coffee and Rolls at St. Edward after Mass to Welcome Nathan Jones our new DRE and his family

Aug 29*** 6:30 pm CCW meeting at the Knights Hall. Speaker is The Benedictines of Marshall

Aug 29 – Nov 21*** Monday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 pm Griefshare at Holy Redeemer Church

Sept 2 Catholic United Financial Meeting in the Wilno church basement following 8:30 am Mass

Sept 11 St. Peter Fall Festival

Sept 13 6:00 pm Ed Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Parish Admin Meeting

Sept. 15 St. Leo Fireman & Midwest Cattlemen are serving Philly Cheese Steak sandwich & Hamburgers from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the St. Leo fire hall.

Sept 18 Fall Festival at St. Edward

Oct 11 6:00 pm Ed Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Parish Admin Meeting

Nov 8 6:00 pm Ed Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Parish Admin Meeting

*** means something new in the bulletin

MOVING/CHANGE OF ADDRESS – If you are moving or changing your address please contact the Rectory. We need to keep our records current. If you know of a family member that has moved away and is no longer a member here please have them call in to take their name off the registry.

BAPTISM PREP –to set up a baptism date please call the St. Edward Office at 507-872-6346.

INTERCESSIONS FOR LIFE – For all who are persecuted for their respect for human life: May the Lord strengthen their faith and assure them of his closeness; We pray to the Lord:

BULLETIN BRIEFS – “The Church always advances between the cross and the resurrection, between persecutions and the consolations of the Lord. This is the path: those who take this path do not go wrong.”

- Pope Francis, Homily on the Feast of St. George, April 23, 2013

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: Our churches will be producing a new Area Faith pictorial directory with Lifetouch. Our photo dates are

St Edward, Minneota: Contact Ruth Bot at 829-0514 Caren at 872-6346

Monday, Aug 22 – Wednesday, Aug 24

St Peter, Canby

Thursday, Aug 25 – Thursday, Sept 1

Hours of photography are: Weekdays 2:00-9:00, Saturdays 9:00-4:00 and Sundays 9:30-4:00

Online at open now for registration

Just a reminder if you can’t make it to one of the sessions you can submit a picture for $10. You will get a directory for submitting the photo also. You can put the photo in the collection basket with the $10 or give it to Ruth Bot.

RELIGIOUS ED – We are in need of teachers for this coming CCD year. If you are interested, please call the Rectory at 872-6346.

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP - If you experienced the death of a loved one (spouse, child, friend, family) and are journeying toward grief healing, you are invited to GriefShare, a 13-week DVD nondenominational seminar. The first session will be held August 29, 6:30-8:00 pm in Holy Redeemer Church Gathering Area, Marshall. Call Dorothy 401-0601, Gerri 530-1418 or Jason 829-9487.

FROSTY 5 K - Mark your calendars for this year's Frosty 5k Event which will be held on Saturday, September 24th at 9:00am! Registration opens at 7:30am with the race beginning at 9:00am. New this year - FUN RUN format (event is not timed). Online registration is now open: If you would like to sponsor the event, please contact Jessica Anderson at or 320-368-0309!


Sunday, Aug 14: Pray for: Fr. Brian Mandel, For All Candidates

Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Heb 12:1-4 Lk 12:49-53

Which of Jesus’ harsh statements most unsettle and challenge me? Why?

Monday, Aug 15: Pray for: Bishop LeVoir, For Religious Vocation

Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab 1 Cor 15:20-27 Lk 1:39-56

In what ways do I live between memory and hope?

Tuesday, Aug 16: Pray for: Fr. Leland Mead, Shawn Polman

Ez 28:1-10 Mt 19:23-30

How might my possessions be possessing me or leading me away from Jesus?

Wednesday, Aug 17: Pray for: Fr. Gerald Meidl, Tanner Thooft

Ez 34:1-11 My 20:1-16

How might I thank God today for all the mercy I have been freely given?

Thursday, Aug 18: Pray for: Fr. Andrew Michels, Troy Timmerman

Ez 36:23-28 Mt 22:1-14

What most helps me to recognize God’s boundless mercy to all persons?

Friday, Aug 19: Pray for: Fr. Robert Mraz, Joshua Bot

Ez 37:1-14 Mt 22:34-40

What specific thing can I do today to show my love for God and others?

Saturday, Aug 20: Pray for: Fr. John Nordick, Raymond Eberhard

Ez 43:1-7a Mt 23:1-12

Whom might I have misjudged by applying labels or rigid dualisms?

Sunday, Aug 21: Pray for: Fr. Peter Nosbush, Nathan Hansen

Is 66:18-21 Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 Lk 13:22-30

What holy discipline can I practice to make me a more faithful disciple of Christ?

St. Eloi News

Bulletin news - Please email Michael VanKeulen any bulletin news by Tuesday at .

OUR FAIR SHARE – This is what we collected for the week of Aug 7th

Adult $610.00 Commodity $750.01 Loose plate $180.00 Year to Date $10,784.91 Budgeted YTD 16-17 $12,876.67 (-$2,091.76)

Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Eloi Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving


Sacristan: Lila Schmidt

Altar Servers: Trevor VanKeulen, Brett VanKeulen, Levi VanKeulen

Lectors: Mike VanKeulen, Jason Boerboom

Gift Bearers: Mike & Donna VanKeulen Family

Ushers: Conrad Hennen, Galen Boerboom, Mike DeSutter

Piano/Song Leader:

EMHC: B = S Josephson, Lori Head C= S Maeyaert, Cindy Nelson, Sandy Nuytten, Linda Oftedahl

CCW NEWS - 2016-2017 CCW booklets: Pease look for and pick up your new book in the back of the church. Feel free to pick up and deliver any for family or friends that were not here for mass. Remember, it's still not too late to join our committee as an officer or commission chair!


· Marriage, Becoming Catholic, Baptisms, Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) – Call the Rectory 872-6346

· An offering of $10 is accepted for each Mass intention. $3 offering for the vigil light stipend; St. Eloi Cemetery graves are $400

· Holy Communion Outside-of-Mass Contacts: Sandy Nuytten 428-3473; Elaine Hennen 532-7407; Julie Stiklestad 872-6751; Betty Verkinderen 532-2926.

· Bulletin news - Please email Michael VanKeulen any bulletin news by Tuesday at .

RAFFLE WINNERS – The winners for the raffle are attached to the bulletin. Raffle prizes can be picked up in the back of church the next two weekends or call Char Thooft at 828-2514 to make other arrangements.

Sisters of Mary Morning Star News

St. Eloi Convent Masses: Call 428-3919 for times. Mass on M-T-W-F and Sat

Vespers: 6:15 pm, Adoration: 7:30–8:30 pm.

SUPPORTING THE SISTERS OF MARY MORNING STAR - There are a few items on the shopping list for the Sisters that need to be purchased weekly and monthly. If this is something you would like to do please call me to pick an item from the list. You will be responsible to purchase and deliver the items to the convent entrance (old school entrance). Lila Schmidt: 507/532-7564 or 507/530-3001 Thank You.

St. Edward News

Please email any bulletin news to by Tuesday.

OUR FAIR SHARE – This is what we collected for the week of Aug 7th

Adult $2,646.00 Youth 11.00 Loose plate $119.00 Commodity $1,893.78 Year to Date $19,235.96 Budgeted YTD 16-17 $25,467.97 (-$6,232.01)

Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Edward Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving.


Please remember to find replacements if you won’t be in church on this day.

Saturday, Aug 20th 5:30 pm Mass

Sacristan: Nate Welsh

Gift Bearers: Tom & Paula Sterzinger

Altar Servers: Cecelia Rabaey, Brant Buysse, Sarah Engels

Lector: Travis Welsh

(EMHC): Sherry Kern, Ann Longtin, Jessica Welsh, Travis Welsh, Claren Novotny

Ushers: David Laleman, Leon Kack, Tom Sterzinger, Doug Sarazyn

Sunday, Aug 21st 8:30 am Mass

Sacristan: Terry VanKeulen

Gift Bearers: Rick & Ruth Bot

Altar Servers: Isaac Hennen, Mariah Hennen, Tony DeSmet

Lector: Julie Janiszeski

(EMHC): Jan Bot, David Vlaminck, Joy Buysse, Fran Sturm, Ruth Bot

Ushers: Rick Bot, Gary Buysse, Richard Buysse, Joe Callens


· We had to do some work on the elevator this past spring and would except any donation that you feel you could make to offset that cost. It was around $5,600.00 to fix it. If you can make a donation, please put it in the collection basket marked repair donation.

WELCOME – to Jason & Angie Sipple and their son JC. They have just moved to town. If you know of someone who is looking for a parish to call home have them call the office at 872-6346.

INFORMATION CENTERS – remember to check out our Facebook page (St. Edward Catholic Church) or the website ( to keep up with new information.


· If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at home during the week of Aug 13th to Aug 19th please call Lisa Hennen at 872-5031.

CCW NEWS - St. Edward CCW Meeting Monday August 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus Hall. We will have a presentation by The Benedictines of Marshall at 6:30 pm with meeting to follow. The Benedictines will introduce us to themselves, their "BeFriender Ministry" and inform us about their upcoming "Preparedness and Practices” workshop. All women of our parish are invited and welcome to attend!


· ST. EDWARD FALL FESTIVAL CARNIVAL - The Carnival Committee is seeking new members (individuals, friends, couples) with fresh ideas to join us this year. The current committee members will “train” a new team, so this fun-filled and worthwhile carnival can continue running and running smoothly beyond this year. The existing committee has enjoyed serving for 12 years, and now it is time for a new, enthusiastic team. All the responsibilities of the weekend can be easily delegated to 2-3 pairs of committee members resulting in a great carnival that blesses many. If interested in serving in this way, please call Lona Rae at 872-5451 or Caren at 872-6346. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your gifts and a small commitment of time in order for this fulfilling, fundraising event to continue blessing many beyond this year.