Mastergrade : Initial Set up for Emailing Marks

Mastergrade : Initial Set up for Emailing Marks

MasterGrade : Initial set up for emailing marks

Step 1: Visit to create a new email account (Mastergrade uses an built-in email engine that is blocked by sd43 at present – this is standard protocol to avoid spammer who might try to use our district email)

Step 2: Consider choosing a username that clearly indicate you are a teacher and that this is an account only for emailing marks (e.g. )

Step 3: Once you have gone through the process and created your email account, choose “Settings”

Step 4: Create a custom “Away Message” (that way if students reply to your emailed marks, they will be notified to email your sd43 account).

Step 5: Launch Mastergrade, open your existing Gradebook, using the “Edit” menu, choose “Preferences.”

Step 6: Choose the “Email” preference, and enter in the information below in the SMTP Server and SMTP Port. Enter your AOL user name, and enter your password.

ENTERING STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESSES: The entering of each student’s email address is the most onerous if you do it all yourself. Instead, have the students who WANT their marks emailed to them, come up and enter the information themselves.

Step 7: Choose the “Student” area in Mastergrade.

Step 8: Select the current class that you have in the room with you.

Step 9: Invite the students who wish to have marks emailed directly to them to come up one-by-one, click on his name, and type in his email address.

Step 10: Once you have all the students entered for a class, from the “File” menu, choose “Email”. Mastergrade will ONLY email INDIVIDUAL PROGRESS REPORTS to students.

Step 11: You can now select which students you wish to e-mail (1), what summary information you wish to include (2), which assignments you wish to include (3), and what notes and miscellaneous information you wish to include in your e-mail (4).

NOTE: DURING THE INITIAL SET UP – the first time you set-up email – things are a little different, but every time afterwards, Mastergrade does not need to verify everything).

Step 12: Mastergrade will walk you through the Confirmation options of your “Mail and Server Setting” which you did in the preferences. IMPORTANT: Ensure that your “Teacher Email Address” matches your AOL email account and NOT your sd43 account. Click “Next” after you have confirmed your email address and server settings.

Step 13: All the students who have entered their email address will already be selected in the “Student Email Options”. If you ever wish to have Parent’s emailed as well, this is where you can include them (repeating STEP 9, but inputting Parent Email address in the “Email 2” options”).

Step 12: Step 3 of 5 will ask you to enter a Subject Line and Text that you wish to have appear in the email that is sent (NOTE: This option ONLY seems to appear the FIRST TIME that you set up the email options; afterwards it is no longer required/asked.)

Step 13: Step 4 of 5 asks you to “Initiate Email Progress Reports” (you can opt to “Run in Test Mode” which will allow you to email a copy to your account for verification that things are set up properly (this is recommended as it will ensure things are working properly)

Step 14: Check you account and ensure the email went through.

Step 15: Now you can return to Mastergrade and click DONE, and go back to Step 10 to email directly to your students.