TEACH Grant Bootcamp

When advertising the bootcamp distribute printed copies of the following:

· TEACH Grant Description: http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/attachments/siteresources/4807Teach_FactSheet_v3.pdf

· FAFSA ready sheet: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/before003.htm

· Your state’s teacher shortage areas: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/pol/tsa.doc

What you’ll need for the workshop:

· access to a classroom with enough computers for each participant and internet access

· projection system capable of projecting what’s on the presenter’s computer screen, or copies of screenshots for all participants

· a separate area for lunch and a speaker

Agenda for Saturday Bootcamp

Session I: Intro and overview of the day (30 minutes)

§ Congratulate students in their expressed interest to become teachers.

§ Circulate a sign-in sheet that collects each student’s email address.

§ Stress that today’s goal is to get them familiar with the process of financial aid that will pay up to $4,000 of their college tuition each year if they agree to complete 4 years as teachers after graduation.

§ If your branch or unit has supplemental funds available, tell the students about those also.

§ Review the basic requirements of the TEACH grants and conversions to loans

§ Point out local schools on the high-needs list that are in your area using this website: https://www.tcli.ed.gov/CBSWebApp/tcli/TCLIPubSchoolSearch.jsp. Students will likely react by sharing the “reputation” of these schools. Explain that one reason these schools might have a bad reputation is that they need to attract great teachers who can help students learn. Participants in this program will help turn these schools with a negative reputation around by becoming well-prepared and committed to serving in these communities.

Q & A


Session II: Don’t Fear the FAFSA! (30 minutes)

Presentation on federal student aid form – guidance counselor, admissions counselor (30 minutes)

§ Briefly explain the 3 sections of the website

§ Stress that students must complete the FAFSA even though TEACH grants are not need-based

§ Make sure students get their PIN via email (they’ll need it to access parts of the TEACH grant website later)

Q & A

Exploring the FAFSA website – (1 hour)

§ Let students begin the process.

o Stress that it’s ok if they don’t have all the documentation. They can always come back later.

o Students should at least apply for and receive the PIN to make signatures easier on the FAFSA and the TEACH grant application

Break for Lunch

§ Lunch should incorporate members from the local youth and college chapter to discuss majors, coursework requirements and study skills that high school students can perfect now to make college easier.

§ A keynote speaker could poll the audience on how many teachers of color they may have had and why it’s important that we have more.

Session III: The TEACH process

§ Share video overview from local university if possible (see resources list)

§ Explore the TEACH website with the group: https://teach-ats.ed.gov/ats/index.action

o Point out the major segments on the left

o Highlight the agreement to serve – perhaps with a student who has already begun the process and can use his or her PIN to open the agreement section

§ Let students go through the initial counseling session and/or their school’s application if they have already selected a school

§ Have volunteers circulate to answer individual questions and point out common questions to the group

o use youth and college members, admissions counselors or guidance counselors;

o appoint an Association member to keep a log of questions that can’t be answered onsite and the which students need which answers

§ Commit verbally to get students answers via email within two weeks.

Serve snack

§ Adjourn with announcement of next steps (follow-up emails, Q & A session with an expert, next branch meeting etc)

§ Debrief the questions with the expert volunteers after the meeting and make a plan to find answers and forward them to the students.


FAFSA Website: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/

TEACH Grant website: https://teach-ats.ed.gov/ats/index.action