Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 6

Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 6


MGT 4480
Technology and Innovation Management


QM 3345

Course Description

This course requires the student to take a hands-on approach to investigate the strategic implications of technology and innovation for manufacturing and service organizations that operate in dynamic environments. The course provides a study of leading-edge product and process technologies, emerging organizational and social issues that influence the adoption of technology, and methods for forecasting future trends in technology.

Assurance of Learning:

Assurance of Learning

Learning Goal 1: Investigate the strategic implications of technology and innovation for manufacturing and service organizations.

To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives:

Objective 1: Explain the relationship between technology and innovation to successful business strategy.

Measure: Essay question: What is the relationship between technology and innovation to successful business strategy?

Objective 2: Create business strategy that incorporates technology.

Measure: Business case that requires technology integration

Learning Goal 2: Study innovative product and process technologies

To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives:

Objective 1: Differentiate between process and product innovation.

Measure: Essay question: What is the difference between process and product innovation?

Objective 2: Evaluate the efficacy of leading-edge process and technologies

Measure: Completion of evaluation rubric and research-based justification of answers.

Learning Goal 3: Study emerging organizational, including financial, and social issues that influence the adoption of technology

To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives:

Objective 1: Explain critical factors that impact an organization’s management of innovation and technology

Measure: Essay question: Explain critical factors that impact an organization’s management of innovation and technology.

Objective2: Develop recommendations to address management problems related to innovation and technology management

Measure: project rubric

Learning Goal 4: Study how the principles of continuous improvement relate to customer satisfaction, process improvement, and corporate strategy.

To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives:

Objective 1: Explain how the principles of continuous improvement relate to 1) customer satisfaction, 2) process improvement, and 3) corporate.

Objective 2: Design an innovative and improved product or service using the Plan, Do, Check, Act framework from the Baldridge Performance Excellence criteria.

Measure: Innovation rubric; project rubric


To prepare Management majors to deal with the challenges of differentiation through technology and innovation. Three important issues are studied in the course: (1) The different types of technology; (2) the factors that influence the adoption or rejection of new technologies; (3) how technology choices impact an organization’s corporate strategy. BABA/BSBA Global Business concentration specified required for Management and General Business.

Approved Texts

Required: Fast Company magazine subscription

Required: Baldridge Performance Excellence Criteria (

Lord, M., deBethizy, D., & Wager, J. (2005 or current). Innovation that fits: Moving beyond the fads to choose the right innovation strategy for your business (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Narayanan, V. K. (2001 or current). Managing technology and innovation for competitive advantage (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

White, M. A. & Bruton, G. D. (2011). The management of technology and innovation: A strategic approach (2nd ed). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.


Christensen, C. M. (1997, 2011). The Innovator’s Dilemma. Harvard Business Press


Project Rubric

Grading Rubric for MGT 4480 Project Student:

Objective: The purpose of this project is to give the student a forum to display his/her best work in a professional presentation that demonstrates a full working knowledge of innovation management tools and knowledge.

1.  Professionalism / Papers are wrinkled; paper is poor quality; binding is poor or nonexistent; missing fundamental components; does not demonstrate knowledge of professional business writing.
4 points / Plain, vanilla; indicates no extra effort; all components are included; bound in some manner; demonstrates knowledge of professional business writing.
7 points / Presentation is neat, colorful; high quality paper; extra components are included; binding is neat and allows easy access of materials. Professional business writing provides the foundation for the presentation.
10 points
2.  Organization / No sequence; difficult to understand; No paragraphs.
4 points / There is order to the information; order is not highlighted. Uses paragraph form, but sentences may not be related.
7 points / Information is sequenced and easily identifiable; may contain index, dividers, or other organizational tools; uses paragraph form with topical sentences that are supported by remainder of the paragraph.
10 points
3.  Mechanics / Presentation has four or more spelling errors, grammar errors; presentation is “slapped together;” four or more word use errors; is difficult to understand the intended meaning; is not competitive against other presentations.
4 points / Presentation has two/three misspellings or grammar errors; presentation is complete but no extra effort is demonstrated. Two or three word use errors; intended meaning can be deciphered; will not be competitive with an excellent presentation, but looks good next to the poor presentation.
7 points / Error free; presentation demonstrates extra effort on the part of the student to create a positive image; writing is clear and concise.
10 points
4.  Necessary components / Leaves out two or more of the matrices or analyses; relies on a soft research base and does not tie the research to the project.
4 points / Leaves out one analysis; uses a strong research base to support recommendations.
7 points / The analyses are complete and grounded in a solid research base; justification of decisions is integrated into the report.
10 points
5.  Graphics / Superfluous or no graphics.
4 points / Graphics are used but may not support the text.
7 points / Graphics are used to explain and reinforce the text.
10 points
6.  Specialty / Student’s specialty is not highlighted in the case report.
4 points / Student’s specialty is given special consideration but may not be integrated into the case effectively (addressed in the strategies of the organization).
7 points / Student’s specialty is highlighted and integrated meaningfully into the strategic plan.
10 points
7.  Recommendations / Recommendations are not justified nor grounded in research.
4 points / Recommendations have been justified and grounded in research.
7 points / Recommendations are creative, based in research, and well justified.
10 points
8.  Accuracy / Information/recommendations are the result of faulty reasoning or misapplication of tools.
4 points / Information/recommendations are based on correct application of tools and information.
7 points / Student demonstrates innovative and creative applications of tools and information.
10 points
9.  Ancillaries / The ancillaries to this project are weak or nonexistent. Powerpoint may be ineffective or there may be poor support for the report.
4 points / The ancillaries meet requirements but do not effectively highlight the innovation and creativity of the project.
7 points / Ancillaries are engaging and clever to the reasonable adult. They highlight the innovative and creative nature of the project.
10 points
10.  Objective / Not met; student does not clearly demonstrate her/his knowledge of the strategic management process and tools consistently. This report will suffer when compared to other reports and presentations.
4 points / Meets the objective: Student demonstrates a consistent knowledge of the strategic management process and tools through the materials in the case report. This report will look “okay” but bland next to the excellent report.
7 points / Exceeds the objective: Student demonstrates a consistent and superior knowledge of the strategic management process and tools in a manner that makes a clearly positive statement about the student’s work. This report will be professional and cannot be identified as student work.
10 points

* The instructor reserves the right to grade exceptionally poor work below 40 points.

Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space):

1.  Course title
2.  Course number + section
3.  Term
4.  Instructor
5.  Prerequisites
6.  Office hours
7.  Class days, times / 8.  Classroom location
9.  Office location + e-mail address
10.  Office telephone
11.  Course description, objectives
12.  Text(s)
13.  Other materials / 14.  Grading methods, criterion weights, make-up policy, mid-term grade reports
15.  Procedure, course requirements / 16.  General supports (computer works, writing center)
17.  Daily assignments, holidays, add/drop & open dates, dead day, final exam / 18.  ADA statement
19.  Electronic device statement
20.  Additional services, statements
21.  Absence policy
22.  Incomplete-work policy / 23.  Cheating policy
24.  Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)