Cellular Respiration Study Guide

Cellular Respiration Study Guide


Topic 2.8 – 2.9

Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

Textbook pages 101-113

Define the following key terms:

  1. Cell respiration
  2. pyruvate
  3. ATP
  4. ADP
  5. glycolysis
  6. Link reaction
  7. Krebs cycle
  8. Electron transport chain
  9. anaerobic respiration
  10. aerobic respiration
  11. lactate
  12. mitochondrion
  13. oxidation
  14. reduction
  15. phosphorylation
  16. NADH
  17. FADH
  18. chlorophyll a
  19. photolysis
  20. carbon fixation
  21. chloroplast
  22. light-dependent reaction
  23. light-independent reaction
  24. action spectrum
  25. absorption spectrum
  26. limiting factor
  27. NADPH
  28. thylakoids
  29. stroma
  30. RuBP
  31. RuBP carboxylase (rubisco)
  32. G3P


Cellular Respiration

  1. Outline the process of glycolysis.
  2. Where in the cell do the following processes take place:
  3. Glycolysis:
  4. Link Reaction:
  5. Krebs Cycle:
  6. Electron Transport Chain:
  7. Compare the processes of anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
  8. Explain the process of lactic acid (lactate) fermentation and when it would be done.
  9. Explain the process of alcoholic fermentation and when it would be done.
  10. Describe how alcoholic fermentation is used in baking.
  11. Explain or sketch the link reaction.
  12. Explain or sketch what happens during Krebs cycle.
  13. Explain or sketch what happens during the electron transport chain.
  14. What is the role of NADH in cellular respiration?
  15. Explain the role of oxygen in aerobic respiration.
  16. Explain how ATP is produced in the electron transport chain.
  17. What is produced in the following steps (include how many of each):
  18. Glycolysis:
  19. Link Reaction:
  20. Krebs Cycle:
  21. Electron Transport Chain:
  22. What is a respirometer used to measure?
  23. Why is an alkali solution, such as Potassium hydroxide, needed?


  1. What is the range of wavelengths for visible light and which color of light has the shortest and longest wavelengths?
  2. Outline the differences in absorption of red, blue and green light by chlorophyll.
  3. Draw an absorption spectrum for chlorophyll and an action spectrum for photosynthesis.
  4. Explain the relationship between the action spectrum and the absorption spectrum of photosynthetic pigments in green plants.
  5. What is photolysis? When does it take place during photosynthesis?
  6. Draw and label the parts of a chloroplast.
  7. Where in the chloroplast do the light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions take place?
  8. Outline the steps of the light-dependent reactions.
  9. Outline the steps of the light-independent reactions.
  10. What is produced in the:
  11. Light dependent reactions:
  12. Light-independent reactions:
  13. What are the different ways that rates of photosynthesis can be measured?
  14. Outline the effects of temperature, light intensity, and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis.
  15. Explain the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis, with reference to light intensity, temperature, and concentration of carbon dioxide.
  16. Explain how photosynthesis led to changes in the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and rock deposition.