Master List of International Working Group for the Diamondback Moth (updated June 2, 2010)
Name and Title / Email Address / Telephone and/or Fax Nos. / Mailing Address / Research InterestsA
Aaron Gassmann, Dr / , / Tel: 515 294 7623
Fax: 515 294 7406 / Department of Entomology,
Iowa State University,
18 Insectary,
Ames, IA 50011, USA / Applications of ecological and evolutionary principles to improve IPM; tritrophic interactions; GMOs
Aidong Chen, Dr / , / Tel:+86-871-5891750 / Institute of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan Province, China., 650205
Akol Anne, Ms / , / Tel: 254 2 802501
Fax: 254 2 803360 / Vegetable IPM Project ICIPE,
P.O. Box 30772,
Nairobi, Kenya
Alan Kirk, Dr / , / European Biocontrol Laboratory,
Campus International de Baillarguet,
Montferrier sur Lez ST GELY DU,
FESC, 34980, France / Biological control
Aleni Uelese / , / Tel: 685 20605/23416
Fax: 685 20607 / Nuu Crops office,
P.O. Box 1587,
Apia, Samoa / Biological control of DBM and large cabbage moth in Brassica crops in the pacific region
Alfredo Rueda, Dr / , / Tel: 504 776 6140
extn 2364 / Apartado Postal 93,
Tegucigalpa M.D.C.,
Honduras, C.A.
Ali Asghari, Dr / , / Tel: +98 451 5510167
Fax: +98 451 5512902 / Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding,
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, P.O. Box 179, Ardabil, Iran / Molecular plant breeding; Genetic biometry; QTL mapping
Ali Fathi, Dr / ,
, / Department of Plant Protection,
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,
P.O.Box 179, Ardabil, Iran / Host plant resistance and IPM
Ali Golizadeh, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +98 451 5510140
Fax: +98 451 5512204 / Department of Plant Protection
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,
P.O. Box 179, Ardabil, Iran / Population Dynamics and Ecology; Thermal Models; Tritrophic Interactions; IPM
Ali Sayyed, Dr / , / Not Available / Institute of Biotechnology,
Bahauddin Zakariya University,
Multan, Pakistan / Resistance to insecticides
and entomopathogens in DBM and other lepidopteran species; Mode of action of Bt toxins
Aline Almeida / , / Tel/Fax: +55 11 9801 4803 / Rua Convenção, 659A - Vl Nova -
Itu/SP, 13309-000, Brazil / Microbial control of DMB with
entomopathogenic fungi in all
the phases of development
Andrea Rossbach / ,
Andrew Cherry / ,
Andrew Keddie, Dr / , / Tel: 780 492 0455
Fax: 780 492 9234 / CW 405 Biological Sciences Centre,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
T6G 2E9, Canada / Microbial based biocontrol of
insect pests, and insecticide resistance management
Andrew Michel, Dr. / , / Tel: 330 263 3730
Mob: 330-347 8652
Fax: 330 263 3686 / The Ohio State University,
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center,
Department of Entomology,
1680 Madison Ave,
Wooster, Ohio, 44691, USA / Genetics and genomics of adaptation in insect pests
Anthony Shelton, Dr / , / Tel: 315 787 2352
Fax: 315 787 2326 / Cornell University/NYSAES,
630 W North Street,
Geneva, NY, 14456, USA / IPM, biological and chemical
control of crucifer pests;
multispecies interactions; GM vegetable crops in tropics
Ariel Guzman-Franco, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +52 595 9520200
Extn 1609 / Colegio de Postgraduados,
KM 36.5 Carretera Mexico-Texcoco,
Montecillo, Estado de Mexico,
56230, Mexico / Interactions between entomopathogenic fungi and DBM
Balasubramani V, Dr / , / Tel: +91 422 661 1353
Mob: +91 975 150 7200
Fax: +91 422 661 1462 / Department of Plant Molecular
Biology and Biotechnology,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, 641003
Tamil Nadu, India / Efficacy of Bt toxins against
DBM and other Lepidoptera,
and strategies for insecticide
resistance management
Bao-Li Qiu / ,
Ben Raymond, Dr / , / Tel: 01865 271132 / Department of Zoology,
The Tinbergen Building, South Parks
Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK / Evolutionary ecology and
evolution of resistance to
biopesticides including Bt
Bill Hutchison, Dr / , / Tel: 612 624 1767
Fax: 612 625 5299 / Department of Entomology,
University of Minnesota,
1980 Folwell Ave,
St. Paul, MN, 55108, USA / Population dynamics,
sampling plans,
reduced-risk IPM programs,
resistance monitoring,
grower adoption of IPM
Brent Rowell, Dr / , / Tel: 95 1 555 221 / Department of Horticulture,
N-318 Ag. Science North,
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY, 40545-0091, USA / Biological control of DBM, and farmers' field schools
Brian Tairea / ,
Brigitte Nyambo, Dr / , / Tel: +254 20 8632000
Fax: +254 20 8632001/2 / International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE),
Plant Health Division, P.O. Box 30772 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya / Promotion of DBM biocontrol in smallholder Brassica production systems
Bronwyn Walsh, Ms / , / Tel: +61 8 93683718 / Department of Agriculture and Food,
Western Australia, Locked Bag 4,
Bentley Delivery Centre, WA, 6983
Australia / IPM implementation,
information development,
training, evaluation, and
Bruce Tabashnik, Dr / , / Tel: 520 621 1141
Fax: 520 621 1150 / Department of Entomology,
University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA / Understanding and managing evolution of resistance to insecticides and transgenic plants
Bryan Ulmer, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 605 323 7716 / 408 Herzog Drive, Watertown, SD, 57201, USA / Biological control; Crop protection
Butt TM / ,
Can-Jen Maa / ,
Canning EU / ,
Casey Hoy, Dr / , / Tel: 330 263 3611
Fax: 330 263 3686 / The Ohio State University,
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center,
Ohio State University Extension,
1680 Madison Ave,
Wooster, Ohio, 44691, USA / Behavioral responses DBM to toxins and their influence on evolution of physiological resistance
Cate Paull, Dr / , / Tel: + 61 8 83039543
Fax:+ 61 8 83039542 / SARDI Entomology Unit,
Waite Building, Waite Road,
Urrbrae, South Australia, 5064
Australia / Parasitoids; multispecies
interactions and integrated
management of DBM
Cathy Caldumbide, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 241225454 / Agrocampus-ouest 2 rue Le nôtre,
49045 angers, France / IPM of horticultural vegetables and fruits
Christian Mille / ,
Christian Mora / ,
Christine Rascle / ,
Chun Xiao / ,
Chunsen Ma, Dr / ma_chunsen@ cjac. org. cn / InstituteofPlant Proteciton,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
2 Yuanmingyuan West Rd.,
Beijing, 100193, China
Claudia Lopez Lastra / ,
Craig Feutrill / ,
Cristina Arregui / ,
Dantje Sembel, Dr / ,
, / Tel/Fax: +62 431 862 786
Tel/Fax: +62 431 846537 / Fakultas Pertanian, Kampus Unsrat, Bahu, Manado, 95115 Indonesia / IPM on vegetable crops using
biological control agents especially parasitoids and pathogens
David Grzywacz, Mr / , / Tel: 44 1634 883360
Fax: 44 1634 883379 / Natural Resources Institute,
University of Greenwich,
Central Avenue, Catham,
Kent, ME4 4TB, UK / Use of insect viruses for
control of DBM, and IPM
development in relation to deployment of GM crops
David Heckle / ,
David Johnson / ,
Derek Russell, Dr / , / Tel: +61 3 8344 2362
Mob: +61 0 425 824081
Fax: +61 0 3 9347 5352 / Bio 21 Molecular Science and
Biotechnology Institute,
The University of Melbourne,
30 Flemington Rd, Parkville, 3010
Australia / Using Bt genes for pest control in brassicas, and public sector coordination for the public/ private partnership CIMBAA
Deyong Zhang / / Tel:+86-20-8759-3378
Fax: +86-20-8759-7577 / Institute of Plant Protection Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Guangzhou,510640,China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Dijana Jevremov / ,
Duane Biever / ,
Ebert TA / ,
Elisabeth Tabone / ,
Emilio Guerrieri / ,
Eraldo Lima / ,
Eziah Vincent / ,
Fan Zhang / / Tel:+86-10-88463669 / Institute ofPlantand EnvironmentProtection;BeijingAcademy of Agricultural and Forestry Science;Beijing100097;China / Biological control;
Fereti Atumurirava / , / Tel: 679 3370733 Extn 288
Fax: 679 3386326 / Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Private Mail Bag, Suva,
Fiji Islands / Resistance management and
use of parasitoids in IPM
Fleur Stavely / ,
Francisco Perez, Dr / , / Tel: 0034 917822096
Fax: 0034 915640800 / Institute of Agricultural Sciences
C/ Serrano, 115-bis,
28006 Madrid, Spain / Trap cropping, insect-plant
Gadi Reddy, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 1 671 735 2142
Fax: 1 671 734 4600 / Western Pacific Tropical Research Center,
University of Guam,
Mangilao, Guam, 96923, USA / Biological control; behavioral
and chemical ecology of
multitrophic interactions; developing and using sex pheromones and host volatiles in IPM
Gang Wu, Dr / , / Not Available / College of Plant Protection of Fujian
Agriculture and Forestry University / Biochemical and molecular
mechanisms of insecticide
resistance, and fitness costs
of resistance
Garcera MD / ,
Gary Leeson / ,
Gary Leibee / ,
Geoff Cornwell, Mr / , / Tel: +61 7 46380966 / DuPont (Aust) Ltd. / Insecticide R&D for control of DBM in various crops
George Saville / ,
Gongyin Ye, Dr / / Zhejiang University
268 Kaixuan Road,
Hangzhou, 310029, China
Gilbert Chauvel / ,
Graham Walker, Mr / , / Tel: +64 9 926 3522
Mob: +27 208 3077
Fax: +64 9 815 4201 / Plant & Food Research,
Mount Alberta Research Centre,
Private Bag 92169, Auckland, 1142
New Zealand / Use of biocontrol agents and
GM crops for control of DBM,
and insecticide resistance
management of DBM
Greg Baker, Mr / , / Tel: +61 8 83039544
Fax: +61 8 83039542 / SARDI Entomology, GPO Box 397,
Adelaide, S. Aust., 5001, Australia / Insecticide resistance
screening, mechanisms and
management, IPM
Gursharan Singh, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +91 161 240 1960 extn 358
Mob: +91 946 350 3992
Fax: +91 161 240 0945 / Department of Entomology,
Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana, 141004, India / Monitoring variations in
behavior of insecticide-
resistant and susceptible
populations of DBM
Guy Poppy, Dr / , / Tel: 023 8059 3217 / School of Biological Sciences,
University of Southampton,
University Road,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK / GM risk management, and
insect ecology
Héctor Cárcamo, Dr / , / Tel: 403 317 2247
Fax: 403 382 3156 / Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Lethbridge Research Centre,
5403 - 1 Ave S., Lethbridge, AB,
T1J 4B1, Canada / Insect pest management
Heiko Vogel, Dr / , / Tel: +49 3641 571512
Fax: +49 3641 571502 / Max Planck Institute for Chemical
Ecology, Department of Entomology,
Beutenberg Campus, Hans-Knoell-Strasse 8, 07745 Jena, Germany / Insect-plant interactions, insect innate immunity, and impacts of evolutionary forces. NextGen sequencing for identifying genes affecting fitness of non-model species
Hiroshi Tanaka / , / Osaka Pref. Agric. & For. Res. Ctr,
442 Shakudo, Habikino, Osaka, 583, Japan
Huanyu Chen / / Tel:+86-20-8759-7577
Fax: +86-20-8759-7577 / Pesticide Laboratory,
Plant Protection Research Institute,
Guangdong Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou, 510640, China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Ian Kaplan, Dr / , / Tel: 765 494 7207 / Department of Entomology,
Purdue University,
901 W State St.,
West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA / Insect ecology
Idris Ghani, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 6 03 89215973
Fax : 6 03 89253357 / School of Environmental and
Natural Resource Sciences,
Faculty of Science,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia / Study insect biodiversity and
use nanotechnology for pest
Incheon Hwang / , / Central Research Institute,
Kyung Nong Corporation,
226, Ku Hwang-Dong,
Kyung-Ju, Kyung Buk 780-110
James Cook / , / Biological Sciences,
Imperial College,
Silwood Park, Ascot,
Berkshire, SL5 7PY, UK
Janet Knodel, Dr / , / Tel: 701 231 7915
Fax: 701 231 8557 / Department of Entomology,
North Dakota State University,
202A Hultz Hall, NDSU Dept. 7650
PO Box 6050,
Fargo, ND, 58108-6050 USA / IPM and day-degree modeling
Jean-Louis Sagliocco / , / Department of Primary Industries,
PO Box 48, Frankston, Victoria, 3199
Jeffrey Harvey, Dr / , / Tel: +31 0 26 4791111
Fax: +31 0 26 4723227 / Postbus 40, 6666 ZG Heteren,
The Netherlands / Nutritional ecology of host-
parasitoid interactions
Jianhong Li, Dr / , / Tel:86-27-87286968 / Huazhong Agricultural University, No 1, Shizishan Street, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei province, 430070, China
Jianhua Mo, Dr / , / Tel: 02 6951 2537
Fax: 02 6951 2719 / Yanco Agricultural Institute,
Industry & Investment NSW,
PMB Yanco, NSW, 2703, Australia / Population ecology and pest management
Jianqing Dai, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 86 20 84190809
Fax: 86 20 84190809 / Guangdong Entomological Institute,
Guangdong Academy of Sciences,
105Xingang Road,
West Guangzhou, 510260, China / Chemical ecology of various
vegetable pests
Jianxiang Xu / , / Department of Plant Protection,
Yangzhou University,
Yangzhou, 225009, China
Jie Zhang,Dr / / Tel: +86-10-62815921 / InstituteofPlant Proteciton,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
2 Yuanmingyuan West Rd.,
Beijing, 100193, China
Jinming Zhang / / Tel: 86-571-86400445 / Institute of Plant Protection and microbiology, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
Jingye Zhang / , / Department of Primary Industries,
Private Bag 15,
Ferntree Gully Delivery Centre,
Victoria, 3156, Australia
Johan Meijer, Dr / , / Tel: 461 867 3321
Fax: 461 867 3389 / Dept. of Plant Biology and Genetics,
Genetics Centre, Box 7080,
Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences (SLU),
SE-75007, Uppsala, Sweden / Not Available
John Duff, Mr / , / Tel: 07 54662222
Fax: 07 54623223 / Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation,
Gatton Research Station,
Locked Bag 7, Mail Service 437,
GATTON, Qld. 4343, Australia / IPM of vegetable crops using biocontrol agents; biofumigation of soilborne pest insects and diseases
Judith Pell / , / IACR-Rothamsted,
Dept Entomology and Nematology, Harpenden,
Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ England, UK
Judy Myers, Dr / , / Tel: 604 822 3957
Fax: 604 822 2416 / Department of Zoology,
6270 University Blvd,
The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada / Microbial biocontrol and
population ecology
Juliana Soroka, Dr / , / Tel: 306-956-7294
Fax:306-956-7247 / Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Saskatoon Research Centre,
107 Science Place, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, S7N 0X2, Canada / Long-range movement of
DBM; host plant-DBM interactions; host selection
Kailash Saxena, Dr / , / Tel: 510 9790077 / 1675 Blackfoot Drive,
Fremont, CA, 94539, USA / Insect behavior and insect-
plant relationships;
Orientation and feeding
behavior of DBM and its
parasitoid Cotesia plutellae
Kathrin Henniges-Janssen / ,
, / Not Available / Max Planck Institute for Chemical
Department of Entomology,
Hans-Knöll Str. 8,
07745 Jena, Germany / Genetic basis of host range
expansion to sugar peas
Kazuo Yamazaki / / Osaka City Institute of Public Health & Environmental Sciences,
8-34 Tojo-cho, Tennoji, Osaka 543-0026, Japan
kiruba solomon / ,
Klaus Reinhold / ,
Larry Cooper, Dr / , / Tel: 610738249541
Mob:61 0439755647
Fax: 61 7032863094 / PO Box 327,
Cleveland, Queensland, 4163
Australia / Production of ebooks and field guides for handheld devices, and growing Euphorbia crop for use in anticancer drugs
Li Weidi, Dr / , / Tel: 86 571 86400445
Fax: 86 571 86400445 / Institute of Plant Protection and
Micrology, Zhejiang Academy of
Agricultural Sciences,
Shiqiao road 198, Hangzhou
Zhejiang province, China / Physiological regulation of DBM by parasitoids, and
behaviouralattractionof DBM cocoonsto pupal parasitoids
Lisa Knolhoff, Dr / , / Tel: +49 (0)3641 571560
Fax: +49 (0)3641 571502 / Department of Entomology,
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology,
Hans-Knoell-Str. 8,
07745 Jena, Germany / Behavioral and genetic mechanisms of host plant adaptation in the DBM
Lloyd Dosdall, Dr / , / Tel: 780 492 6893
Fax: 780 492 4234 / Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2P5, Canada / Insect-plant interactions,
biological control, IPM and
agroecology of crucifer and cereal pests
Luke Masson / , / Biotechnology Research Institute,
National Research Council Canada,
6100 Royalmount Ave,.
Montreal, PQ ,H4P 2R2, Canada
Maa William, Dr / , / Tel: 886 2 27899621-225
Fax: 886 2 27899624 / 128 sec 2,Yen-Ghiu Yuan Road, Nangang, Taipei, 115-29 Taiwan / Immunochemistry of insecticide resistance of DBM with reference to heat shock protein
Mao Chen / , / Dept. of Entomology, Cornell University
630 W. North ST. Geneva, NY 14456 / Insecticide resistant management
Martin Hommes / , / Federal Biological Research Centre,
Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture,
Messeweg 11-12,
D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany
Merle Shepard / , / Clemson University,
Coastal Research and Ed. ,
270 Savannah Highway,
Charleston, SC, 29414, USA
Michael Fitton / , / The Natural History Museum,
Department of Entomology,
London ,SW7 5BD, UK
Michael Keller, Dr / , / Tel: +618 8303 7222
Fax: +618 8303 7109 / School of Agriculture, Food & Wine
Waite Campus,
The University of Adelaide,
South Australia, 5005, Australia / IPM and biological control of
DBM, and behavioral ecology
of predators and parasitoids
Micky Eubanks, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 979 862 7847 / 115 Biological Control Facility,
Texas A& M University, USA / Biological control
Mike Adang, Dr / , / Tel: 706 542 2436
Fax: 706 542 2279 / Department of Entomology,
University of Georgia,
Athens, GA, 30602-2603, USA / Bt toxins for Lepidoptera and
Mike Furlong, Dr / , / Tel: +61 7 33654822
Fax: +61 7 33651655 / School of Biological Sciences,
University of Queensland,
St Lucia, Queensland, 4072, Australia / DBM ecology and IPM
Myron Zalucki, Dr / , / Tel: + 61 7 3365 1747
Fax: + 61 7 3365 1655 / School of Biological Sciences,
The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, 4072, Australia / Insect-plant interactions
particularly as it relates to
oviposition behavior and
immature survival.
Modeling the distribution and abundance of insects
Nancy Endersby, Dr / , / Tel: +61 3 8344 2281 (off)
Tel: +61 3 8344 2279 (lab)
Fax: +61 3 8344 2279 / Bio 21 Institute,
The University of Melbourne,
30 Flemington Road,
Parkville, Victoria, 3010, Australia / Population genetics and
insecticide resistance
Nancy Schellhorn / , / Department of Entomology,
South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI),
GPO Box 397, Adelaide,
South Australia, 5001, Australia
Narayan S. Talekar, Dr / , / Tel: +91 99 7072 0763 / 124-B, Mahatma Society,
Kothrud, Pune, 411029
India / IPM and biological control of DBM; Education and training
Narayanasamy P / ,
Neil Crickmore, Dr / , / Tel: +44 1273 678917
Fax: +44 1273 678433 / School of Life Sciences,
University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton , BN1 9QG , UK / Mechanisms of DBM
resistance to both Bt and
chemical insecticides;
interactions between toxins/
insecticides/bacterium in
non-resistant insects
Omprakash Mittapalli, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 330 263 3955
Fax: 330 263 3686 / The Ohio State University,
Department of Entomology,
1680 Madison Ave,
Wooster, Ohio, 44691, USA / Molecular basis of invasive insect pest adaptation
Pampapathy Shetty / ,
Paul Downard, Dr / , / Tel: +61 2 97763476
Fax: +61 2 9776 3199 / Dow AgroSciences Australia,
Locked Bag 502,
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086, Australia / Resistance management and
control of DBM
Pei Liang,Dr / , / Tel: 86 10 62731306
Fax: 86 10 62731306 / Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University
2 Yuanmingyuan Xilu
Beijing, 100193, China / Insecticide resistance mechanisms and management
Peter Cameron, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 64 9 6385108 / 20 Westminster Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024, New Zealand / Insecticide resistance, adult
dispersal, biological control,
and IPM
Peter Dal Santo / , / CPA Research P/L,
21 Rosella Avenue,
Victoria, 3551, Australia
Peter Ridland, Dr / , / Tel: +61 3 9486 3679
Mob: +61 0 437 885 116 / 44 Gladstone Avenue,
Northcote, Victoria, 3070, Australia / IPM and insecticide resistance management for DBM and other crucifer pests
Philippe Ryckewaert / , / FLHOR CIRAD,
7 chemin de I'Irat, Ligne Paradis,
Reunion Island (French Indian Ocean Islands)
Punu Moha / ,
Qingwen Zhang, Dr / / Tel: +86-10-62733106 / China Agricultural University,
No.2 Yuanmingyuan West Road,
Beijing, 100193, China
Qing-jun Wu, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 86 10 82109518
Fax: 86 10 82109518 / InstituteofVegetablesandFlowers,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
12 Zhongguancun Nandajie,
Beijing, 100081, China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Ragesh Chandran / ,
Rana Sarfraz, Dr / , / Tel: 604 347 3924
Fax: 604 822 2416 / Dept of Zoology and Biodiversity,
2370 - 6270 University Blvd,
The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada / Multitrophic interactions,
biological control, IPM,
applied ecology, biology and
insecticide resistance
Richard Roush, Dr / , / University of California,
One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA, 95616-8621, USA / IPM of various insect pests
Rieta Gols, Dr / , / Tel: +31 317 482330
Fax: +31 317 484821 / Wageningen University,
Laboratory of Entomology,
Radix building,
Droevendaalsesteeg 1,
6708 PB Wageningen,
The Netherlands / Genetic variation in plant
defense and how that affects
insect-parasitoid interactions (cultivated and wild brassicaceous species)
Robert Nofemela / ,
Ronald Mau, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 808 956 8261 / University of Hawaii at
Manoa, 3050 Maile Way
Honolulu , HI, 96822, USA / Practical resistance management of DBM for commercial growers
Ross Runge, Mr / , / Rotam Australasia Pty Ltd,
38 Churchill Road, Killara,
NSW 2071, Australia
Roxina Soler, Dr / , / Laboratory of Entomology,
Wageningen University,
The Netherlands / Insect ecology and multitrophic interactions
Ruth Kahuthia-Gathu, Dr / , / Tel: +254 722 716824
Fax: +254 208 711575 / PO Box 16862-00620 Mobil Plaza,
Nairobi, Kenya / IPM using biological control agents
Sahayaraj K / ,
Sally Brown / , / Southern Farmer Newspaper,
PO Box 1523,
Surrey Hills North,
Victoria, 3127, Australia
Sanford Eigenbrode, Dr / , / Tel: 208 885 2972
Fax: 208 885 7760 / University of Idaho,
Department of Plant Soil and Ent. Sci.,
Moscow, Idaho, 83844-2339, USA / Chemical ecology of various
vegetable pests
Sang Soo Kim / ,
Sarasua MariaJose / ,
Sato YM / , / Kyoto College of Medical Technology,
Kyoto, 6220041, Japan
Sergio Soriano Valles / , / Maizales 109,
Fracc, Ags 2000,
Aguascalientes, Ags.,
Mexico C.P. 20117
Shafiq Ansari, Dr / , / Tel: +91 571 290 1524
Mob: +91 941 213 3609
Fax: +91 571 270 3516 / Department of Plant Protection,
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,
Anoopshahar Road,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, 202002, India / Ecology, biology and IPM of
DBM using inter/trap cropping
of host/non-host plants
Shenghua Xie / / Institute of Plant Protection
Hainan Academy of Agricultural and Science,Haikou,571000,China
Shigui Wang / , / Tel: +86 571 28865331 / College of Life Sciences
Hangzhou Normal University / Insect immunology
Shireen Prasad / , / Tel: +679 3379222
Fax: +679 3386326 / Secretariat of the Pacific, Community, Land Resources Division, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji / Baculoviruses for control of DBM and other lepidopteron pests in Brassica crops.
Shude Zhu, Dr / ,
, / Tel/Fax: 86 0514 87978110 / School of Horticulture and Plant
Yangzhou University,
No. 48 Wenhui East Road,
Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225009, China / Biocontrol of DBM, and effects of LED light on DBM
Shu-sheng Liu ,Dr / , / Tel: +86 571 86971505
Fax: +86 571 86049815 / Institute of Insect Sciences,
Zhejiang University,
268 Kaixuan Road,
Hangzhou, 310029, China / Conservational biological
control; behavioral ecology;
Implementation of IPM
Simon Baxter / , / Department of Genetics,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria, 3010, Australia
Sivapragasam A, Dr / ,
, / Tel: 603 89437427
Fax: 603 89425786 / Rice and Industrial Crops Research
Center, Malaysian Agricultural
Research and Development Institute
(MARDI), G.P.O. Box 12301, 50774
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / IPM and biological control of
crucifer and tropical pests
Soler Roxina, Dr / ,
Soyelu Olalekan, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +27 726035574
Fax: +27 862186575 / Department of Crop Production and Protection,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife 220005
Osun State, Nigeria / Nutrition physiology/ecology of parasitoids of DBM, and improving fitness of the parasitoids.
Srinivasan Ramasamy, Dr / , / Tel:+886 6 583 7801
extn 426
Fax:+886 6 583 0009 / AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center
60 Yi Ming Liao, Shanhua,
Tainan, 74151, Taiwan / IPM on vegetable crops
Stan Finch / , / Entomological Sciences Department,
Horticulture Research International,
Wellesbourne, Warwick,
CV35 9EF, UK
Steve Mckechnie, Dr / ,
, / Tel (w): 61 3 9905 3863
Tel (H): 61 3 9803 2450
Fax: 61 3 9905 5613 / School of Biological Sciences and
Monash University,
Melbourne, Victoria, 3800, Australia / Insecticide resistance,
adaptation and population
structure in DBM populations
Strand Michael / ,
Subramanian Sevgan, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +254 20 8632000
Mob: +254 722329927
Fax: +254 20 8632001/2 / International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE),
Plant Health Division, P.O. Box 30772 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya / Biological control; host range expansion by DBM
Su-fen Bai, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 86 371 63558170 / College of Plant Protection,
Henan Agricultural University,
95 Cultural Road, Zhengzhou, 450002
China / Physiological interactions
between parasitoids and their host insects; biological control of DBM
Susanne Heisswolf / , / Tel: 07 4761 4000
Fax: 07 47852427 / Agri-Science Queensland,
Dept of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation,
Bowen Research Station,
PO Box 538, Bowen,
Queensland, 4805, Australia / Soil health, nutrient management and biodegradable mulch film use in field vegetable crops; also worked on IPM of vegetables
Tadashi Miyata / , / Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,
Nagoya University,
Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan
Thomas Coudron, Dr / , / Tel: 573 876 8305
Fax: 573 875 5364 / 1503 S. Providence, Res. PK.
Columbia, MO, 65203-3535, USA / Biological control
Tim Hammond / , / Crop Protection Products,
DuPont (Australia) Ltd.,
10 Linden Avenue,
Orange, NSW 2800, Australia
Tong-Xian Liu / ,
Tufail Ahmad, Dr / ,
, / Mob: +91 9456241708 / Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, 202002, India / IPM; tritrophic interactions; thermal models
V. Selvanarayanan, Dr / ,
, / Tel: +91 414 423 8282
extn 298
Mob: +91 944 333 2024
Fax: +91 414 423 8080 / Department of Entomology,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Annamalai University,
608 002, Tamil Nadu, India / Host plant resistance against
insect pests; Microbial
control of insect pests
van Dam Nicole, Dr / , / Tel: +31 0 26 4791111
Fax: +31 0 26 4723227 / Postbus 40, 6666 ZG Heteren,
The Netherlands / Multitrophic interactions,
and chemical ecology
van Emden Helmut / ,
Vandenburg JD / , / Plant Protection Research Unit,
Plant Soil and Nutrients Lab,
Tower Rd., Ithaca, NY, 14853, USA
Walker DE / , / Department of Entomology,
University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA
Winai Rushtapakornchai / , / Thep Watana Chemical Co. Ltd,
293-293/1-2 Thep Watana Bldg,
Suriwong Road
Bangruk , Bangkok, 10500, Thailand
Xia Feng / , / Tel:+86-20-8759-7577
Fax: +86-20-8759-7577 / Pesticide Laboratory,
Plant Protection Research Institute,
Guangdong Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou, 510640, China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Xianchun Li / / University of Arizona
Xiaolin Meng / , / Tel: +86 27-68754217 / Institute of Insect Sciences
Zhejiang University
Xiaoxia Liu, Dr / , / Tel: 86 10 6273 4946 / Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University
2 Yuanmingyuan Xilu
Beijing, 100193, China / Transgenic plants and Insecticide resistance and management
Xiwu Gao, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: 86 10 6273 2974 / Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University
2 Yuanmingyuan Xilu
Beijing, 100193, China / Insecticide resistance mechanisms and management
Xuexin Chen / , / Tel: +86 571 86971219 / College of Life Sciences
Wuhan University
Yaobin Lv, Dr / , / Tel: 86-571-86400445 / Institute of Plant Protection and microbiology, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
Yidong Wu, Dr / , / Tel/Fax: +86 25 84396062 / College of Plant Protection,
Nanjing Agricultural University,
Nanjing, 210095, China / ResistancetoBt and chemical insecticides
Yinquan Liu, Dr / , / Tel: +86 571 86039565 / Institute of Insect Sciences
Zhejiang University
Yoichi R / , / Graduate School of Bioapplication and Systems Engineering,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
Kognaei, Tokyo, 1840012, Japan
Youjun Zhang / , / InstituteofVegetablesandFlowers,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural
12 Zhongguancun Nandajie,
Beijing, 100081, China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Youming Hou / , / Tel: +86-591-83789214 / College of Plant Protection,
Fujian Agricultural University, Fuzhou, Fujian province, China
Yurong / , / Tel: 86-20-85283985 / Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
Zhen-yu Li,Dr. / / Tel:+86-20-8759-7577
Fax: +86-20-8759-7577 / Institute of Plant Protection Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Guangzhou,510640,China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Zhendi Hu,Ms / / Tel:+86-20-8759-7577
Fax: +86-20-8759-7577 / Institute of Plant Protection Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Guangzhou,510640,China / Pesticide resistance and
integrated resistance
Zheng-Xi Li, Dr / , / Tel: +86 10 62732539
Fax: +86 10 62733608 / No.2 Yuanmingyuan West Road,
Beijing, 100193, China / Molecular ecology of aphids
and whiteflies
Zhong-ping Hao, Mr / , / Tel: 0571 86971619 / Institute of Insect Sciences,
Zhejiang University,
268 Kaixuan Road,
Hangzhou, 310029, China / Understanding mechanisms of diapause in Cotesia plutellae