SWCBA Board Meeting
October 19, 2010
- Meeting called to order by President, David Ritz.
- Roll call by Jacque Ochs, Secretary Treasurer
David Ritz, President
Rita Widder, Past President
Tom Fox, President-Elect
Jacque Ochs, Sec/Treasurer, NACS Trustee
Todd Cragg, Arkansas Trustee
Brenda Bartlebaugh, Louisiana Trustee
Melanie Sparks, New Mexico Trustee
Brenda Reinke, Oklahoma Trustee
John White, Texas Trustee
Tammy Smith, At-Large Trustee
Corrie Thibodeaux, Associate Trustee Book
Arlinda Bush, Associate Trustee Non-Book
Starla Clawson, Administrative Assistant
- Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Corrie Thibodeaux to amend the agenda to include swearing in Rita Widder as Past President.
Motion was seconded by Tammy Smith
Motion carried.
- David Ritz swore in Rita Widder as Past President.
- Past Presidents Visit
David Ritz asked the Past Presidents who attended the regional meeting to attend the Board Meeting for a few minutes to give some advice to the current board members. The advice given was to keep up with the history of the association, keep moving forward with membership and to continue to look for other ways to partner with associations for regional meetings.
- Approval of October 16, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes were not ready for approval from October 16, 2010 meeting.
- Board Introductions
- Announcement of 2010/2011 Secretary/Treasurer
David Ritz announced that he had asked Jacque Ochs to remain as the Secretary/Treasurer and she had accepted.
Motion as made by Tom Fox to accept Jacque Ochs as the Secretary/Treasurer.
Motion was seconded by Arlinda Bush.
Motion carried.
- Old Business
- DeAnn Hazey, NACS Foundation 2012 Project.
Motion was made by Brenda Reinke to approve $6,000 to NACS Foundation beginning January 2015.
Motion was seconded by Rita Widder
Motion carried.
- NACS IRS 1099
Rita Widder is going to research this with Rich Herschman, NACS to see if we can add our name to the list of other associations who are supporting NACS and she will report to us at the next conference call.
- 2010/2011 Committee Assignments and Calendar Review
- Committee structure and expectations
David Ritz reported how he had developed the committees and how they were to work and his expectations. All committees are to keep him and Starla updated.
- Administrative Assistant’s Report
- SWCBA Store Membership total and by State
Starla Clawson has given everyone an updated store membership list sorted by state.
- SWCBA Associate Membership Total
Starla Clawson has given everyone an updates vendor membership list.
- Master Calendar on Website
Starla Clawson is working on a master calendar and all board members are to get important dates to her by November 2, 2010. All conference calls will be the same day every month and the calendar will be put on the website.
- Inclusion on all Conference Calls and email
David Ritz would like Starla to be included on all conference call and emails so that she may keep accurate records.
- Bank of America and Paypal Account.
Starla Clawson reported the Bank of America account has now been opened and she does have access to the account. The Paypal account is open and Jacque is working on getting this fixed.
- Agenda Items(s) due dates
Starla will send email out a couple of days before conference call asking for agenda items.
- Review of Membership Dues Collection
- Does the Invoice need to be updated
- Best Method of Delivery
- Where is best for members to return their invoice and payment
Discussion was made and decided to update the policy and procedures manual to reflect “All” correspondence to Starla
- Direction of the SWCBA
- Where is the SWCBA Headed
- State Trustees contact with State Members on their desires
- Create a Survey Stores for Guidance
- Ad-Hoc Joint Venture Committee for Super Regional for 2013
- Ad-Hoc Joint Venture Committee Representative to attend Spring Board Meeting for Briefing/Update of Super Regional 2013
- Master Calendar of Events and Due Dates
- Report from Trustees
- Arkansas
Everyone told Todd Cragg thank you and that he did a wonderful job.
- Louisiana
Brenda Bartlebaugh said she would contact store to regain some membership.
- Oklahoma
Brenda Reinke plans on offering the Mini-Nar in Oklahoma City in April. Also she is working on the survey for the regional meeting.
- New Mexico
Melanie will call stores to get them to participate.
- Texas
John White said he was happy to be here.
- At-Large
Tammy Smith said she plans on talking to Mississippi stores again to try to get some stores to join.
Jacque Ochs has a meeting in a couple of with NACS
- Associate Trustee (book)
Corrie Thibodeaux said he really had nothing new to report.
- Associate Trustee (non-book)
Arlinda Bush reported that some vendors had left early during the tradeshow. It was suggested to make a list and the following year those vendors will be moved to the back of the room.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Budget Preparation for 2011 Annual Meeting
Jacque said she will prepare the budget in the next couple of weeks.
- Review Policy and Procedures for the Audit of Books and ask Secretary/Treasurer, Jacque Ochs to prepare the SWCBA Books for Audit.
David Ritz asked Jacque Ochs to prepare the books for audit.
- 2011 Annual Meeting Update and Camex Reception
- Committee Members and Responsibilities for Annual Meeting
- Dates, Cost, Scholarships. How soon to post information to the SWCBA Website about the annual meeting.
David Ritz said to go ahead and post 2011 Regional information to website.
- Camex 2011 SWCBA Reception and budget
Motion was made by Todd Cragg to split up to $1,000 for the Camex Reception with RMSBA.
Motion was seconded by Corrie Thibodeaux.
Motion carried.
- Spring 2011 SWCBA Board Meeting Location and Dates
All Board Members are to get their spring break dates to Starla to put on the calendar to find a time that best suits everyone.
- Board Member Attendance at the NACS Leadership Conference
Motion was made by Corrie Thibodeaux to send John White, Brenda Bartlebaugh, Tammy Smith and Tom Fox to the NACS Leadership Conference.
Motion was seconded by Brenda Bartlebaugh
Motion carried.
- New Business
- Discussion regarding during the trade show some vendors were leaving early and also NACS found themselves an extra table. It was decided by the Board Members that an invoice for $100.00 be sent to NACS for the extra table.
- Vote on continuing membership for Total Computing
Motion was made by Tom Fox to accept Total Computing as a continuing vendor member of the SWCBA.
Motion was seconded by Arlinda Bush.
Motion carried.
- Open Discussion
- Adjourn
Motion was made by John White to adjourn.
Motion was seconded by Brenda Bartlebaugh.
Motion carried.