Master Class Proposal and Rubric

National Conference 2018

November 9-11, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA

Facilitator 1
Name / exemplar proposal - names have been removed
Full, official school name
Email address
Facilitator 2
Full, official school name
Email address

If you wish to add additional co-facilitators, please add their information in this section.

Master Class Title / Belonging, Believing and Owning: Making Habits and Mindsets Matter
Brief description for the National Conference catalog (100 words or less):
When students can say the following 24 words with confidence, school is a completely different experience for them: I belong in this learning community. I can change my abilities through effort. I can succeed. This work has value and purpose for me. This master class will provide the opportunity to delve into these four “learning mindsets”, considering their relationship to habits of scholarship and reflecting on how they can be fostered through school structures. Please bring a computer or tablet so you can interact with on-line artifacts.

Applicable to grade level(s):

Primary / Elementary / Middle / High

Please choose a focus area for your class from the drop down menu:

How long have you worked at a school partnering with EL Education?

What level is this Master Class designed for?

(for complete description of levels, please refer to the RFP)

Learning Targets (no more than two) / 1.I can explain what learning mindsets are and why they matter.
2.I can analyze how habits of scholarship and schoolwide structures develop students’ learning mindsets.

Session Agenda(please limit to 400 words)

Please provide an outline of your session below. EL Education recommends no more than five minutes for opening/framing, and a minimum five-minute synthesis/debrief. All Master Classes are two hours in length.

Time / Activity / Description
5 minutes / Opening and Framing / Reading from Learning That Lasts. Review session Learning Targets.
2 / Opening & Framing of the Session / Introduce ourselves.
Share reading about the power of academic mindsets.
10 / Introductions / Greeting: Concentric Circles speed dating
•Always share name & city
•What brings you to the EL Education national conference
•Risk you have taken lately
•Something you practice regularly
•Where you went last time you left the US/why
•Question you are curious about, perhaps spurred by natural phenomenon, current event, reading, movie
•Last mistake you made that you can recall
30 / Reading & Last Word Protocol about academic mindsets – LT 1 / Text: “Readiness for College: The Role of Noncognitive Factors and Context” (Camille Farrington, et al)
Use the last word protocol in groups of 3 or 4 to dig into the question: Why do academic mindsets matter?
13 / Making Connections -- LT 2 / Participants will use large sticky notes to write the habits of scholarship that their school uses/is considering.
We will use a silent Gallery Walk, with a different color sticky to code for connections between their school’s habits and the academic mindsets.
10 / Shift to Target #3: Individual Reflection – LT 2 / Participants will use a note catcher to consider the structures they have in place now to support academic mindsets and habits.
40 / Menu of Options – LT 2 / Participants can select from a menu of on-line resources to help them dig into other structures that are used to support academic mindsets. Most of the structures shared will be from our school.
Among the choices:
-Use of criteria lists and self-assessment at various grade levels
-Use of a menu structure in class
-Crew structures
-Grading practices
-Use of progress reports
-Student-led conferences
15 / Debrief & Evals / Silent Reflection: What is one structure that you commit to honing or creating to support mindsets and habits? (5)
Share (5)
Complete evaluations

Check this box if your School Designer/PD Specialist (if you have a partnership with EL Education) has read and given feedback on this proposal prior to submission.

School Designer/PD Specialist Name: xxx

Check this box to indicate that you agree to register for this conferenceon the EL Education website and understand that only registered facilitators may present. Registration opens August 13, 2018.

Check this box to confirm that you have informed your school leader of thissubmission and of our policies:We offer one national conference registration waiver for each Master Class proposal that is accepted, regardless of number of presenters.If presenters are from more than one school, the waiver maybe split between the two main presenters/schools. If presenters are from one school, the full amount will be credited to the first facilitator named on the application.Each facilitator’s school leader must agree to pay registration fees not covered by EL Education.Travel costs and lodging are not included. Pre-conference day registration is not included.


  • Master Classes typically have between 24 and 56 participants depending on available space and participant interest. Confirmed presenters will be notified two weeks prior to the conference how many people they can expect in their class. It is the responsibility of presenters to provide materials for all participants.
  • Each breakout space will be equipped with chart paper, markers, sticky notes, an LCD projector, and projection screen. You will be responsible for providing any additional equipment (e.g., AVI adapter, speakers, document camera).

Proposal Submission

  • Please save your completed proposal as a Microsoft Word Document, using the title of your Master Class as the title of the file (ex. The Power of Protocols.docx).
  • Email your completed proposal as an attachment to o later than June 29, 2018, 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Late proposals will not be accepted.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Prospective presenters will receive email confirmation that their proposal has been received by July 2nd.If you do not receive an email confirmation by this date, please contact Stephanie Bishop () no later than July 6th.

Please see Proposal Scoring Rubric Below

2018 National Conference Philadelphia
Master Class Proposal Scoring Rubric / Strong Evidence
4 / Sufficient
3 / Limited
2 / No Evidence
  • Content is compelling and inspiring.
  • Content is clearly aligned with one of the focus areas and EL Education’sCore Practices.
  • Contentis likely to appeal to a wide variety of conference participants.

  • Proposal reflects effective instruction (e.g. use of lesson structures, protocols, models, ongoing assessment).
  • Proposal makes clear how participants will be active and engaged throughout the session.
  • Proposal includes time for participants to apply and reflect.

Learning Targets
  • Proposal includesone or twoclear and specific learning targets.
  • The learning targets capture the intended learning from the session and align with the proposal.
  • The proposal explains how the learning targets will be actively used during the session.

Sequence and Flow
  • Within 400 words, proposal clearly explains how the two-hour session will be sequenced and paced.
  • Sequencing and pacing is logical and appropriate for audience and topic.
  • Time is allocated within recommended parameters (no more than five minute opening/framing, minimum five minute debrief).

  • Proposal is complete.
  • Proposal is clear and concise.
  • Proposal includes a brief description - 100 words or less - for the conference catalog.