Over the last five years the Commonwealth’s Human Resources community has engaged in multiple independent studies to analyze our HR business practices and to identify barriers to effective and efficient HR service delivery. Consistently, the studies concluded that we have a very talented and knowledgeable workforce.But our HR service delivery modelwas labor intensive, was being delivered inconsistently across agencies and we had underinvested in technology.
In response, the MassHR project was established. The launch of Self-Service Time and Attendance and the MassHREmployeeServiceCentermark the first step toward our mission to streamline self-service time entry through technology and the restructuring of our HR service delivery model via shared services provided by the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter.
This significant milestone could not have occurred without the support and partnership of Governor Patrick and Secretary Gonzalez. In January 2010, Governor Patrick issued Executive Order 517 and charged the Executive Department HR community with implementing a plan to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of human resource service delivery. Secretary Gonzalez has met regularly with the MassHR Executive Committee to provide leadership and support to ensure our success. And finally, the collaborative support of the HR community from agencies and departments across the Executive Branch with the MassHR project team has helped to ensure that business needs and interests arebeing met. I am sincerely appreciative ofagency and department leadership for supporting the time many of you have spent collaborating with us on this effort.
While MassHR is a multi-year initiative, I am excited about this first step. And, I am very confident that the next implementation will be as momentous.
Have a great day,
Paul Dietl
Chief Human Resources Officer
Commonwealth of Massachusetts / MassHR AT-A-GLANCE
Implementation– SS TA Rollout #2.
“Go-live”Summer 2012
Change Management Approach Rollout #2
Communications - Started 4/30 (ESC & Non-ESC specific)
- Weekly ePostcards
- MassHR Website updates (as needed)
- Liaison Meetings (Started 3/1)
- Agency Delivered EE Transition Meetings (Beginning 6/4)
- Project Team Delivered Approver Transition Meetings (Beginning 5/29)
- Agency/College Delivered Transition meetings (Beginning 6/4)
- Online Learning (Beginning 5/21)
- Presenter Training for Employee Transition Meetings (Beginning 5/29)
- HR/Payroll Staff Training (Beginning 6/4)
In this issue… / CONTACTS & FEEDBACK
MassHR Employee Service Center: Reliable ServiceEach Time you Call
Self-Service Time and Attendance and Employee Service Center: Lessons Learned from the AprilRollout
MassHR ESC Team Spotlight: Audrey Shelley
Self-Service Time and Attendance and Shared Services Implementation Schedule: Rollout #2 / MassHR Communications Lead
Deidre Travis Brown
Tell us what you think…
MassHR Employee Service Center: Reliable Service Each Time you Call
Since its launch on Wednesday, April 25th, the MassHR Employee Service Center (ESC) has been busy answering calls and providing customer service to employees with questions concerning Self-Service Time and Attendance (SS TA). The ESC serves as a central point of contact to assist employees in the 10 agencies that began using SS TA in April, and is gearing up to support approximately 8,000 additional employees in agencies that will go live with SS TA this summer.
To date, the majority (63%) of calls coming in to the ESC have been general inquiries about time and attendance. An additional 21% of inquiries have been SS TA password re-set requests. The remaining inquiries include time entry requests, prior period adjustment requests, and other more specific questions.
The MassHR ESC is committed to providing excellent customer service and has employed the latest in telephony technology and other tools to monitor their performance and work to continuously improve the service they deliver. Among several metrics, the ESC tracks the number of calls they receive, caller wait time, and length of time to problem resolution. Nearly 75% of employee inquiries are resolved during the first contact with the ESC, with 90% resolved within 4 hours, and all inquiries resolved within 3 days. User feedback has been extremely positive. To date, 95% of customers rate the service they have received as very good or excellent.
Lana Jerome, Director of the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter, is excited about how the new ESC team has come together. She explained, “The group has quickly adopted a team approach to serving our customers and has embraced a focus on continuous improvement.” When not answering calls, ESC Specialists can be found reviewing open cases, analyzing information from closed cases, and sharing information among team members in order to increase everyone’s knowledge.
617-979-8500 | TOLL FREE: 1-855-4HR-SPPT (1-855-447-7778) | TTY: 617-248-0546
MassHR Newsletter -May 2012 Page 1 of 4
Self-Service Time and Attendance and EmployeeServiceCenter: Lessons Learned from the April RolloutReadiness is a key indicator of a successful project implementation. For the April rollout of Self-Service Time and Attendance, many agency readiness activities, and tasks were completed to prepare employees for the deployment of the new self-service time and attendance application and the launch of the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter.
In preparation for the April Rollout, the SS TA/ESC Change Management Team engaged in a partnership with agency liaisons to provide information and support to employees in their respective agencies. Together, we developed and distributed ePostcards, conducted Transition Meetings (system demos) and held meetings to get employees ready for the transition. Employee feedback has indicated that the information was welcomed, and the tips provided bolstered their understanding of Self-Service Time and Attendance and the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter.
Since the April 25th “Go Live” date, the April Liaisons and the Change Management Team continue to meet to provide ongoing support. Also, weare now partnering to share these lessons learned with the Rollout #2 Agency Liaison team.
Recently, we sat down with the April Agency Liaisons to review lessons learned. Figure 1.1 outlines feedback and insights we have gained. All of these will be applied to Rollout #2 scheduled this summer.
MassHR Newsletter -May 2012 Page 1 of 4
MassHR ESC Team Spotlight: Audrey ShelleyThis month, we would like to introduce you to Audrey Shelley, Assistant Director of the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter. Audrey brings a wealth of experience to her new position at the ESC. She has worked in HR in the Commonwealth for over 20 years, beginning at the Department of Youth Services, and then moving to the Executive Office of Health and Human Services before joining the MassHR Project Team in December of 2011 to help create the service delivery model now in place at the MassHREmployeeServiceCenter. Known for her wit and caring nature, Audrey is a great coach to the ESC staff and a trusted leader on the team. When asked about her new job, Audrey replied, “It can be challenging to build a brand new organization, but I am proud to be part of the ESC and the work we have started to transform how HR services are delivered to Commonwealth employees.”
Self-Service Time and Attendance and Shared Services Implementation Schedule: Rollout #2
Self-Service Time and Attendance and the EmployeeServiceCenterwill be implemented in three phases between Spring and Fall 2012. All Executive Department agencies will participate along with several Independent Agencies and Constitutional Offices. Following is the Rollout #2 (Summer 2012) participant list.
Executive Department Agencies
- Administrative Law Appeals Division
- Appellate Tax Board
- Civil Service Commission
- Criminal History Systems Board
- Department Of Agricultural Resources
- Department Of Children And Families
- Department of Early Education and Care
- Department of Higher Education
- Department Of Telecommunication And Cable
- Department Of Transitional Assistance
- Developmental Disabilities Council
- Division Of Banks
- Division Of Insurance
- Division Of Professional Licensure
- Division Of Standards
- Executive Office Of Economic Development
- Executive Office Of Education
- George Fingold Library
- Group Insurance Commission
- Mass Commission For The Blind
- Mass Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Mass Office of Business Development
- Mass Rehabilitation Commission
- Massachusetts Marketing Partnership
- Massachusetts Office On Disability
- Office Of Consumer Affairs And Business Regulation
- Parole Board
- Public Employee Retirement Administration
- Teachers Retirement Board
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