ACSC 2018 Role Play & Visume Overview(updated Dec 19, 2017)

There are two parts to the competition, the sales role play and the Visume competition. Below is information about each component of the competition.

Sales Role Play - Students compete individually in a twelve- minute sales role play (same time limit for each round). There are 5 rooms*, and there will be three rounds. Following Round 1, the top 3 students in each room will advance. Following Round 2, the student with the top score per room will advance to the Final Round (Round 3). The Sales Role play is based on the NCSC 2018 role play which will be available in January 2018.

  • For Round 1, the objective will be needs identification, and the judging scoresheet is weighted more heavily on the needs identification portion of the role play. We will be using the NCSC 2018 Round 1 role play. The objective is to set up a meeting with the next higher-level decision maker/influencer in the company.

 Rounds 2 and 3 continue the penetration of the account with each successive meeting involving a higher‐level decision-maker.

  • For Round 2, the objective is to build upon the initial meeting and meet with the next higher-level decision maker/influencer in the company. The necessary information for this 2nd appointment will be based upon the Round 1 role play scenario and additional information (e.g., what really happened after the first appointment, and who you will be meeting with in Round 2) will be given to students upon arrival on Friday, February 23, 2018.
  • For Round3, the goal is to close the sale based on the needs uncovered in the previous meetings. Prior to Round 3, students will be given a brief summary from Round 2 (what really happened, and who you will be meeting with in Round 3). The same company background information will be used for all rounds. The objections will change each round, and will become increasingly more difficult. Information for Round 3 will be given to the finalists about 20-30 minutes before the role play.

*Assuming 30 competitors, 5 rooms with 6 competitors in each room. May change if the number of student competitors changes.

Visume Competition - Students compete individually with a 60-second Visume (video pitch). All videos will be submitted before the competition

(**Due: Monday, February 5th—submit YouTube link to Heidi Cross: ),and judged separately in advance of the competition. Winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet.


• For Round 1, the judging metrics are centered on needs identification (weighted 45%).

• For Round 2, the judging metricsmore evenly weigh understanding needs, presenting a solution and attempting to secure a commitment.

• For Round 3 (final round), the major judging metrics include the presentation and closing the sale, based on needs uncovered in previous meetings. Scoring for this round also more heavily weighs presentation skills.

• For Visumes, they will be sent out to judges in advance and scored based on attached scoresheet.