LIANZA Ikaroa Regional Committee

Massey Library, Palmerston North

5:30pm Wednesday 28th August 2013

I. Present : Amanda Curnow, Anne Odogwu, Katherine Chisholm, Heather Manning, Kim Salamonson (problems with Skype so Kim late getting connected). (No word from Danae but may have been problems with Skype.)

II. Apologies: Juanita, Robyn, Maureen.

III.. Agenda review – none.

IV. Approve previous committee meeting minutes : Amanda moved, Anne seconded. Carried.

V. Matters arising, previous minutes: Amanda blog post for lib asst day probably won’t happen. Expenses for Taranaki President’s visit – wait for next bank statement – not sure if it has been charged to Ikaroa. Supposed to be half for us and half for PUB-SIG. Anne will report. Statement of accuracy for Chair to sign at end of year regarding finances - Amanda has this.

Furious Five on Friday went well. Hydestor award given to Sue Fargher (Mataraunga Maori seminar) and Joanne Dillon (Koha conference).

VI. Treasurer’s Report:Anne presented her report. Balance is $2824.78c. Hui fees received have not come through the bank statement yet. Some people have had problems using our Internet banking while others have not had a problem. Anne will check with the office what the problem was. When presenting accounts at AGM they are in the process of being audited, so are to be presented ‘subject to audit’. Amanda will forward these to the committee and print for the AGM. Reimbursment for expenses for AGM $69.08 to Katherine for drinks/nibbles. Katherine moved, Amanda seconded. Carried. Heather will purchase flowers for Anne thanking her for job as Treasurer. Heather to bring reimbursement form to AGM. Amanda will have invoice for catering for hui. These expenses approved subject to receipts. Anne moved her report be accepted Amanda seconded. Carried.

VII.Councillor’s Report: Wendy reported :LIANZA Council held a full day face to face meeting on Monday 5th August. A number of significant developments were approved and progressed. These included a new student membership fee of $1.00 per week and the initiation of the EBL ebook lending scheme for LIANZA members. We received updates from the Brand Libraries and Emerging Leaders working groups. $50,000 was committed towards the development of a brand libraries campaign. It was good to receive feedback from members on the Strategic Plan and some of the feedback was incorporated into the plan. We discussed potential ways of recognising the contribution of Library Assistants to the profession and ways in which regions could recognise their members.

VIII. Round the Regions Report (Danae and Kim) Kim – meant to have AGM on 11 August but did not get a quorum. Still have good numbers of members but not coming to events. Possibly going into recess and concentrating on participation in Ikaroa. Rescheduled meeting to 11 September, and advertised again. Question whether an online survey of members would be legitimate? Of 26 EastinSIG members 10 are not LIANZA members. At AGM consider options for future of SIG. Suggestion that a Presidential visit from Laurinda may be a drawcard..Wendy offered to attend the AGM. Kim will send details to Wendy. Journal club going ok – Kim and 2 others so far.

IX. Local News: Anne Odogwu retirement at Christmas – job vacancy at LASRA. It would be good if the Ikaroa committee could mark the event! Amanda acknowledged Anne’s contribution as Treasurer for 4 years.

X. Industry News: nothing to report.

XI. Events planning and updates

a) Weekend Hui– 31 registrations. Debbie Roxburgh is not able to attend. CathSheard may be able to Skype in (some health issues so may not be able to attend in person.) Amanda has ordered catering for 31 for hui, and 15 for AGM. Katherine will retrieve the wine glasses from Massey library admin area. Meeting in training room 2. Amanda has budgeted for catering (per head) $10 for lunch, $4 afternoon tea, $6 for AGM. Estimated total $510.00. Amanda moved that this be reimbursed when invoice comes. Anne seconded. Carried.

b)AGM– need new Treasurer. Amanda will check with Robyn re Shannon (who has expressed interest but is unable to attend AGM) Heather prepared to stand again as Sec. Amanda would prefer to stand down, but would do another year as Chair if required. Kim and Danae will still stand. Katherine and Robyn will still stand. Juanita standing down.

XII. AOB : end of year event at Bubbles? Low-key.

Acknowledge Anne’s 45 years in library work.

New committee to consider time of meetings.(Robyn not able to attend meetings in evenings due to new job.)

Kim moved a vote of thanks to Juanita for her time on the committee and her contribution to Library Assistants day in particular.

Meeting closed 6.45pm.