Corlough, Corraleehan & Aughawillan
Parish Newsletter
“Bind us together Lord, bind us together in Love”
Sun. 5th April 2015 Easter Sunday
REFLECTION Open the door
'Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door.'
The open tomb is a big part of the Easter story. When Mary of Magdala visits the tomb on the third day after Jesus is crucified, she finds that the stone has been moved away. Along with Peter and the other disciples, the realisation gradually dawns that something wonderful has happened. Jesus is risen from the dead!
Easter is a time for openness. The hearts of Mary and the disciples were opened that first Easter morning, and they suddenly understood what Jesus had been trying to teach them all along. In rising from the dead, Jesus had broken down their barriers. Are our
hearts open? Are we ready to hear the good news?
Look where the garden door is open wide!
Come to the garden, there's no need to hide.
God has broken down the fences
And he stands with arms wide open, come along inside!
Reflect on today's Gospel ….
It is the “first day of the week.” Mary Magdalene is
the first witness of an event which marks not just the
beginning of a new week but the transformation of
human history. But “it is still dark” and she does not
yet understand what has happened. I ponder the
Peter and the other disciple, who had stood faithfully
beneath the cross, run to the tomb. The other disciple
saw and believed. Peter, whose last recorded action
was to deny Jesus, still does not believe.
What blocks me from fuller faith?
He is Risen
SAT. 4th APRIL 9pm. Holy Saturday 1. James Gilbride & Deceased Family, Tullybrack.
2. Tom Paddy McGovern, Owencam.
MON. 6th APR. 9.30am. Easter Monday
***NO MASS TUES. 7th, WED. 8th & THURS. 9th APRIL***
FRI. 10th APR. 8pm.
SAT. 11th APR. 8pm. Nora Maguire, Prospect.
ADORATION: On Friday’s from 6.50pm – 7.50pm. in Corlough Church.
CONFESSION: Anytime on request.
EMERGENCY COVER: Fr. Sean Mawn, Ballinamore (071) 9644039 / (087) 6869040.
SUN. 5th APRIL 9.45am. Easter Sunday Tommy & Agnes Deane, Glebe.
SUN. 12th APR. 9.45am. Christy Keegan, Drumcullion.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: Sun. 29th March & Sun. 5th April: Patricia Deane.
Sun. 12th & Sun. 19th April: Charlie Kelly.
SUN. 5th APRIL 11.15am. Easter Sunday John & Jack Curnan & Deceased Family,
WED. 8th APRIL ***NO MASS***
SUN. 12th APRIL 11.15am. 1. Sean Maguire & Deceased Family, Drumderg.
2. Paddy & Margaret McTague & Deceased Family, Stroke.
ADORATION: Every Wednesday 10am - 10pm.
TROCAIRE: Please bring in your Trocaire contribution and change the coins into notes to
handle more easily. Thanks.
ST. PATRICK’S N. S. CORLOUGH: Enrolment is now open for school year 2015/2016. Enrolment forms available from the school. Phone 049 9523655 for any further information.
KILMORE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: "It would be great if a person from the parish who is ill and yet able to travel to Lourdes, would consider joining the pilgrimage this year. It is important that as many different parishes are represented on the pilgrimage especially on assisted pilgrimage section. The date of this year's pilgrimage is 27th May – 1st June 2015. For further information about the pilgrimage please phone 087 8579968.
MAY REFERENDUM: Relevant differences need to be respected. Why call for 50% representation of men and 50% representation of women in politics yet not think it is important in marriage or in parenthood.
SOLAS NUA: Is a Bereavement programme for those who have lost a husband, wife or partner through Death, Separation or Divorce. The next programme will take place on Wed. 15th April in the Farnham Arms Hotel, Cavan @ 8pm. This is a free service. Please contact Cavan Family Resource Centre Mon –between 11am – 2pm
049 4371363 for more information.
NOTES FOR NEWSLETTER: May be rang or texted to Kathleen Cassidy at 0872147167 or emailed to before 6pm. on Thursday evening.
WHIST: In Aughawillan Hall on Tues. 14th April at 9pm.
Kitchen Staff: Noeleen Smith & Annamae Kelly.
CLOTHES COLLECTION: On Thursday 23rd April. Bags can be left at school or at home of
Sarah McGovern or Sharon Caffrey.
Mountnugent V Corlough: At 6pm. on Saturday evening in Mountnugent.
Tops/Hoodies: New Corlough Club sports gear available to purchase from The Sports Shop Cavan, contact the shop directly for prices/sizes.
ST. PATRICK’S NATIONAL SCHOOL PARENTS ASSOCIATION: Thank you to everyone who came and supported our tea party. To everyone who helped out, sent donations and spot prizes. Special thank you to Alanna for the great music.
Easter Raffle: 1st Prize: Kasia Brennan, 2nd: Brian Cassidy, 3rd: Tommy Mc Govern,
4th: Brian, Sean & Niamh McGovern. Thanks to everyone who bought and sold tickets.
I.C.A. A.G.M. on Thurs. 9th April at 8pm. in Corlough Community Centre.
Ada Vance Information Officer will be in attendance.
5KM. RUN/WALK: Meeting at Corlough Church on Sat. 11th April at 10am.
BALLINAMORE COMMUNITY SCHOOL: To host Mental Health Event for Cycle Against Suicide. They will welcome around 1,000 expected cyclists on Thur. 30th April and will host the lunchtime stop for the cyclists. Together with Cycle Against Suicide, the school will be promoting positive mental health and getting the conversation going around mental health and the supports that are available for everyone in our community. The Cycle starts in Belfast on Mon. 27th Apr. and covers the entire island of Ireland for two weeks before finishing in Dublin on Sun. 10th May. 10,000 cyclists, 1,400 kms, 2 weeks, ONE goal.
It's alright not to feel ok; and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.
Further information on Cycle Against Suicide on where you can register for some or all of the 14 days of the Cycle Against Suicide 2015.
BALLINAMORE CHARITY SHOP: Located on high street is seeking donations of all items including clean clothes, household items, furniture etc. Supporting St. Christopher's Hospice. All donations are greatly appreciated.
UPCOMING COURSES: Fetac Level 2, Beginners Course. Farm Accounts & Book Keeping. It is hoped to run the above courses in the Enterprise Centre, Willowfield Road, Ballinamore in the near future subject to numbers. If you are interested in a place on one of these courses please contact The Ballinamore Development Company, or call 0876793500 to book.
TEMPLEPORT LADIES: (Updates on Templeport St Aidan's Ladies GAA facebook page)
U12, U14 & U16 Girls Training: Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm sharp until further notice. Gumshields essential. U10 Girls Training: Will start on Thurs. 9th April 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
Registration is ongoing please contact Helena 087 9247227 or Aileen 087 2865716 for more information. Birth cert needed for new players.
Cake Sale: Templeport Ladies are holding a cake sale and raffle on Easter Sunday after 11am. Mass in St. Aidan’s National School Bawnboy. Prizes included Family trip to the zoo, cinema pass and Easter eggs. All baked goods will be graciously accepted to help with this fund raiser. For more information please call Helena 087 9247227. Thank you for your support.
A Happy & Holy Easter
John 20:1-9
In some ways this Gospel is a difficult one for prayer. It only presents a part of the story and the full unfolding of the good news the story contains lies in the next part of the text. However, even with this section there is plenty of material for reflection and for prayer.
1. The disciples are in a state of shock and suffering from a traumatic loss. Jesus, the one in whom they had placed so much hope, has been murdered and buried. Then, before they have time to recover comes another shock - the body of Jesus is missing. Have you had experiences in which one tragedy or crisis follows quickly after another? What was that like for you? How did you cope? What, or who, sustained you then?
2. Mary and Peter, and possibly others, came and discovered that the tomb was empty. The part of the story we have in this text gives no explanations of what has happened. They are left in a state of bewilderment 'for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead'. Have you been in that kind of a situation, faced with events you cannot explain, possibly events which have dashed your hopes in another person, or in God? What has that been like for you?
3. Yet in spite of the lack of explanation, the beloved disciple 'saw and believed'.
• Have there been times when others have done something that you could not understand, and which they could not explain at the time, and yet you believed that all was not as it seemed? ... times when you decided to trust in spite of the evidence ?
• Have there been times when others have shown this kind of faith in you when you were not able to offer satisfactory explanations, and all you could say was 'trust me'?
• Have there been times in your relationship with God when you have felt that you were faced with an empty tomb and still you believed?
Where have you found life in such experiences?
Perhaps the most powerful image of Christ's Resurrection is to be found in the anastasis ('Resurrection') icon of eastern Christianity. This represents Christ breaking down the doors of Hades / Hell, crushing its power and shattering the chains of its captives. The first to be lifted out of hell are, in fact, Adam and Eve, whose wrists Christ grasps. These representative figures point to Christ's victory as a saving event for the whole world. Below Christ, with his hands and legs bound, and surrounded by shattered locks and chains, lies the figure of death, overwhelmed and defeated by Christ's love. What chains in my life do I need to have broken?
Are you: Struggling with anxiety or depression?
Finding life difficult? Isolated? Do you find it difficult to talk?
GROW can offer you real friendship, support & help from people who understand.
GROW is Ireland's largest mutual help organisation in the area of mental health.
GROW is anonymous, confidential, non denominational and open to all. New group opened in Cavan town in September 2012. Please contact Mary @ 086 0201718.
SOSAD (Save Our Sons And Daughters): Helps people dealing with depression and suicide. 24hour support in Cavan 049 4326339. Free bereavment support and counselling.
3, Tower Hamlets, Farnham St. Cavan.
SENIOR HELP LINE: Do you need someone to talk to? Senior help Line is a confidential listening Service for older people for the price of a local call, anywhere in Ireland. Lo Call 1850 440 444. Open from 10am – 10pm. 365 days a yr.
ACCORD CENTRE CAVAN: Getting married? To book your pre-marriage course, please contact the Accord office for your Pre-Marriage application form. Book early to avoid disappointment on your preferred date.