Appendix K

Massachusetts Water Protection Regulations*

236 CMR 2.00 Drinking Water Systems, Certified Operators

301 CMR 11.00 Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA)

301 CMR 12.00 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern

301 CMR 20.00 Coastal Zone Management

310 CMR 10.00 Wetlands Protection Act Regulations

310 CMR 15.00 Title 5: Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage

310 CMR 16.00, 18-19.00 Solid Waste Regulations

310 CMR 21.00 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Assessments

310 CMR 22.00 Drinking Water Regulations

310 CMR 24.00 Aquifer Land Acquisition

310 CMR 25.00 Filtration Plants

310 CMR 26.00 Source Identification and System Rehabilitation

310 CMR 27.00 Underground Water Source Protection (UIC Regulations)

310 CMR 29.00 Mineral Resources Regulations

310 CMR 30.00 Hazardous Waste Regulations

310 CMR 31.00 Conservation Grants Program

310 CMR 32.00 Land Applications of Sludge and Septage

310 CMR 36.00 Water Management Act Regulations

310 CMR 40.00 Massachusetts Contingency Plan

310 CMR 45.00 DEP Selection, Approval, and Regulation of Drinking Water Projects Receiving Financial Assistance from the State Revolving Fund

313 CMR 2.00 Water Resource Management Planning

313 CMR 3.00 Well Drillers Regulations

313 CMR 4.00 Interbasin Transfer Regulations

314 CMR 2.00 Permit Procedures

314 CMR 3.00 Surface Water Discharge Permits

314 CMR 4.00 Surface Water Quality

314 CMR 5.00 Groundwater Discharge Permits

314 CMR 6.00 Groundwater Quality Standards

314 CMR 7.00 Sewer System Extensions and Connections

314 CMR 8.00 Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

314 CMR 9.00 Water Quality Certification Regulations

314 CMR 12.00 Operation and Maintenance of Sewer Systems and Wastewater Treatment Facilities

314 CMR 15.00 Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution in the Waters of the Commonwealth

333 CMR 1-13.00 Pesticide Board Regulations (11.00 ROW Management; 12.00 Groundwater Source Protection; 13.00 Application of Pesticides)

350 CMR 8.02 Deer Management Program in the Quabbin Reservoir Area

350 CMR 11.00 Watershed Protection Act Regulations

527 CMR 9.00 Board of Fire Prevention Regulations - Tanks and Containers

990 CMR Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Safety Council


* This listing is for informational purposes and is not all-inclusive. Regulations are available at the State House Bookstore.