Monday, September 28, 2015


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Mon. 5:15PM Mary Lou Torgerson

Tues. 7:00AM Steve Pastorelli

Wed. 5:15PM Lewis Milby

Thurs. 7:00AM Bernard Lewis

Fri. 9:15AM Special Intentions

5:15PM Bob Bruley

Sat. 5:15PM Evelyn Marchetta

Sun. 8:00AM Special Intentions

10:30AM People of the Parish

Income needed Fiscal YTD / $99,378.51
Offertory received Fiscal YTD / $87,808.80
Offertory needed each week / $9,034.41
Offertory / $5,686.90
Roof Fund / $52.00
Building Fund / $51.00
Cemetery Fund / $1.00
(Includes “Online Giving”)


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: Genesis 2:18-24.

2nd Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11.

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16.

Calendar of Upcoming Events
Sunday / 2PM / Pray the Rosary
Sept. 27 / 4pm -8pm / Confirmation Classes
Oct. 3 & 4 / After Masses / Hy-Vee gift cards
Oct. 4 / 9:15-10:15am / Elementary Rel. Ed Classes
Oct. 4 / 6:00PM / Dead Theologians Society
Weds. / 10-Noon / Adult Bible Study
Thurs. / 6:00-8:00pm / Adult Bible Study
Saturday / Before Mass / Pray the Rosary
Friday / 3PM / Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Oct. 22 / 3:30-5:30pm / Low Cleaning in Church

BULLETIN DEADLINE is Monday by 10:00AM

September 27, 2015

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance: Glory and Praise to Our God - #547

Preparation of Gifts:Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist - #372* *Sing Alternate Verse 1

Recessional: For the Beauty of the Earth - #595

If you are or were a WIU student, faculty member and/or a staff member and would like to be informed about the Newman Center, Please contact <.> Please give your e-mail address or contact information.

The Women's Guild Garden group will be working in the Rose Garden west of the Church on Friday, October 2 from 6:45 -8 a.m. Please bring your own tools. Questions: call Pat Arnold, Dana Derry or Judy Yeast


HyVee gift cards will be sold the weekend October 3 & 4 and again on October 31 & November 1, after all the Masses. Gift cards will still be available in the school office on weekdays or by calling Joy McQuillan at833-4689. Thank you for your support!

St. Paul Cub Scout Pack 332 will be selling popcorn in the Narthex after Masses onSaturday, October 10 and Sunday, October 11.


Students in second and fourth grades are preparing for our St. Francis Mass. The Mass will take place in our school gym on Monday evening, October 5 at 5:15 p.m. Everyone is invited to bring their pets to this Mass for a blessing. We look forward to seeing (and hearing) all of you and your pets at this mass. This year we would like for each family to bring a pet donation for our McDonough County Animal Shelter. Details will follow.


The Women's Guild would like to thank the parish for their support during our Fall Rummage Sale. We would also like to thank the sixth grade class for helping bring over many items from the storage area on Friday, September 11 and the families who donated rummage. Thanks also to our co-chairs Jackie Sullivan and Barb Connor along with all the volunteers who helped with set-up, publicity, sorting, cashiers, providing baking goods for the bake sale and helping with teardown. Our profit for the Rummage Sale was $3,717.93 and for the Bake Sale was $470.77.
SAVE THE DATE for the week ofApril 11-14to help prepare for the next sale on April 15-16, 2016.


Please join in our local Life Chain with others in prayer to honor of those lost to abortion and help end abortion through prayer.

Life Chain isSunday, October 4from2:00-3:00 p.m.on the North side of Chandler Park on the sidewalk across from the Amtrak Station.

Please bring your family and friends. All are welcome. You may bring lawn chairs, water bottles and strollers too. For more information, please

contact Connie Kreps309-333-9483or


Peggy Davern, former parishioner of St. Paul recently celebrated a birthday. If you would like to send a card she resides at Healthcare Center at Friendship Village, 2625 E Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282. Or if you would like to make a contribution to the Francis & Peggy Davern International Scholarship fund, you can send it to WIU Foundation, 303 Sherman Hall, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455. Online donations are accepted at For more information you can contact Patricia Jones at .

Celebrating St. Francis

Sat. 10/3: Open House 11-3pm

Sun. 10/4: Mass at 5pm

Franciscan Meal Following

Please RSVP by October 1st

St. Francis Newman Center

1401 W University Dr.

Macomb, IL 61455

309 837 3989

NEWMAN CENTER NEWS: Mass on Thurs. and Sun. at 5 PM, Eucharistic Adoration on Wed. at 7 PM, Bible Study on Mon. at 8 PM. Ph. # 309-837-3989.




MERCY YOUTH RALLY 2015: Featuring Jason Evert and Matt Faley, Sat. Nov. 14, 1200 – 8 PM, Spalding Pastoral Center, Peoria. Open to all HS teens. Register early. Contact Shirley Plaag at 309-671-1550. $30 per person, RSVP by Oct. 30, Inspiring talks, adoration, Mass, Confession, games, food, etc.