Monday, September 10, 2012


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mon. 5:15PM Duane Beck

Tues. 7:00AM Mary & Walter Sobkowiak

Wed. 5:15PM Mary Lou Torgerson

Thurs. 7:00AM Vern Laverdiere

Fri. 9:15AM Special Intentions

5:15PM Ed Schutte

Sat. 5:15PM Joan Pano

Sun. 8:00AM Special Intentions

10:30AM People of the Parish

Offertory needed each week / $8,155.00
Offertory / $9,209.50
Roof Fund / $81.25
Building Fund / $333.50
Cemetery Fund / $284.00
(Includes “Online Giving”)


Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: Isaiah 50:5-9a.

2nd Reading: James 2:14-18.

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35.

Music for the

The Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance: All Are Welcome - #411 in Music Issue

Prep. Of Gifts: Your Are Mine -#491 in Music Issue
Recessional: Healing River of the Spirit - #701 in Music Issue

St. Peter and Paul’s Yard Sale on Saturday, September 15th; from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in school gym Nauvoo, IL. All kinds of items for sale from clothes, furniture, toys, house wares, books, shoes, and MUCH MORE! A bake sale will be sponsored by the teachers too!


The St. Paul Fall Rummage Sale is scheduled forFriday, Sept. 14, from 9AM – 6 PM and Saturday,Sept. 15, 9AM – 12.You may bring rummage sale items to St. Paul gym any time 8:00a.m. – 8:30p.m., Sept. 10, 11, and 12.None later than Wednesday please.Sorters needed for Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. the 10th, 11th, 12thand 13th, anytime from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Baked goods (no cream pies) are needed for Friday, Sept. 14th, only. Leave them at the gym late Thursday evening or early Friday morning. Bake Sale is Friday only.

Also, needed are workers for set up on Sunday, September 9th, at 5:00 PM in the school gym. We needmanypeople (kids can help) to help clean-up and put things away on Saturday, Sept. 15, Noon sharp.

Volunteers are welcome for all times mentioned above. For questions, call Leslie Timlin at 255-0431 or Marlena Lee at 255-4721

Holy Land Pilgrimage - January 2013

You are invited to join parishioners from Hancock County, Illinois on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land this coming January 21-31, 2013.Fr. Thomas Szydlik will be accompanying the pilgrimage, and here are some of the pertinent details:

-Sites to visit: Nazareth, Cana, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem (of course!), Bethlehem, and others

-Cost: $2,495 per person/double occupancy (airline taxes and surcharges are not included and are currently $426 per person, costs based on 20 person minimum)

-Departure from Chicago

For further information, please contact Fr. Szydlik at (217) 453-2428 or

Women of the parish-Please come to a Women's Guild meeting to kick off the year and welcome new officers! The meeting will be on October 6th at 9:00am in the church chapel. We will discuss old business, induct new officers, and discuss new business and ideas for the upcoming year. This meeting is sure to be full of fellowship and fun; we hope to see you there!


The St. Paul School Magazine Sale began Wednesday, August 29, 2012. As you receive magazine subscription renewal notices this summer, please renew these subscriptions through our sale.

If your renewal date does not coincide with our sale, you can renew subscriptions any time on-line at Our school will receive credit for your order(s) when you provide our school name or code #1289412.

Thank you for your continued support of our school!

Kendall Lockard

Theology of the Body Event

We are excited to be offering a full day seminar onGod, Sex, and the Meaning of Life: an Introduction to the Theology of the Body,at Epiphany Parish in Normal, ILon Saturday October 20, 2012 from 9-3:30. The presentation will include revolutionary teaching onhuman sexuality, marriage, God, and what it means to be created man and woman. Based on audience addresses of Blessed John Paul II, the seminar is for adults (young and old), whether married, single, engaged, parents, religious, regular church-goers or those not observing a faith tradition. (Appropriate for mature high school students and up). Our speaker isDamon Owens, Executive director of the Theology of the Body Institute, seen on EWTN and other news outlets. You may go onlinewww.bntheologyofthebody.comto register online and get more information. Register early.Don't miss thisbig event! You can also contact Robin309-888-4111,ith questions.

A Mother's Love- Healing Retreat after a Pregnancy Loss

If you have suffered through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant loss and are looking for healing, please joinA Mother's Lovegroup for our annual healing retreat. The retreat will take place on October 20th at St. Philomena Church (3300 N Twelve Oaks, Peoria) in the Sacred Heart Room (lower level of the rectory). The retreat is from 8am-3pm. There is no cost, and lunch and snacks will be provided. Please o register to help us get a count for food. There is also registration available the day of the retreat. Contact RyAnne Carr if you have any questions at309-253-0314or at the e-mail above.


Fr. Timothy Davern of Tempe AZ recently passed away. Fr. Timothy was a former student at St. Paul School and was the first to be ordained from St. Paul Church.

Condolences may be sent to Mrs. Peggy Davern: .


Thank you to all who contributed to the St. Paul Parish Endowment fund in honor of my 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. The amount contributed was close to 9,000.00.

The Parish Endowment fund was set up in 1984. The reasons given to the Bishop for his approval were:

1) While the present needs are great, present income is almost keeping pace.

2) Projections show that prices will continue to go up and the economy of Macomb will not improve much if any.

3) It is necessary to secure the future of Catholic education in Macomb by having a sound financial basis. 4) It is necessary to begin providing for future capital improvements and major renovations.

Until this time it has not been necessary to draw from the fund, but in accordance with the wishes of one of the donors;the income from one instrumentis applied each month for partial payment of the power bill for the church. It amounts to 80.37 each month.

Msgr. Pricco

THE WORD AMONG US (Benet House Retreat Center)

Read, reflect, pray and share with other committed Christians seeking to grow in reflecting on the challenges of Scripture for everyday life. We share a new book each month. Presenter: Sr. Charlotte

Sonneville, OSB; 2 Mondays each month, Oct. 1 & 15; 6:45-8:15 pm; Fee: $65 for the series or $5/ session & cost of books. For more information call: (309) 283-2109. Contact Sr. Jackie Walsh at (309) 283-2108 or to register for programs mentioned.