July 10, 2016

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mon Is 1: 10-17/Mt 10: 34—11:1

Tue (SN) 8:00am SP/Exposition/Closing 4pm Is 7: 1-9/Mt 11:20-24

Wed (HF) 8:00am SP Is 10: 5-7, 13b-16/Mt 11: 25-27

Thu (HF) 6:30pm SP Is 26: 7-9, 12, 16-19/Mt 11: 28-30

Fri (SN) 8:00am Alice Gerten Is 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Mt 12: 1-8

Fri (HF) 9:15am Exposition/Closing 8pm

Sat (SN) 4:00pm For the Parish

Sat (HF) 7:00pm For the Parish Sunday Readings

Sun (HF) 8:30am Liv & Dec’d Larry Siebeneck family/ Gn 18: 1-10a/Col 1: 24-28/

Melvin W. Verhoff Lk 10: 38-42

Sun (SN) 10:30am Bill Ziegler

JULY 9 & 10 WEEKEND MASS SERVERS: (SN) Sat, 4pm - Jordan Schnipke, Dominic Schroeder, Raegan Cox; Sun, 10:30am - Zach & Caleb Warnimont, Ethan Ellerbrock; (HF) 7:00pm – Logan & Ross Niese, Grant Palte; Sun 8:30am – Grace & Alvin Homier, Ava Rosengarten

GIFT BEARERS: (SN) Sat, 4pm – Ken Hermiller family; Sun, 10:30am – Lance Erford family; (HF) Sat 7pm, Ushers; Sun, 8:30am – Roger Homier family

OFFERINGS: St. Nicholas, Reg. $1,078.00; Upkeep, $1,259.00; Peter’s Pence, $ 522.00

Holy Family, Reg, $1,014.00; Upkeep, $ 657.00; Peter’s Pence, $ 30.00

NEXT WEEKEND there will be a second collection at St. Nicholas and Holy Family to help defray the costs of the Blood Drives sponsored by the Altar Rosary and the Youth Group throughout the year. Members of these groups will be at the doors as you leave Mass.

CHRISTIAN FORMATION REGISTRATION FORMS for the 2016-2017 school year have been mailed. If you do not receive one, please call the parish office or you can download one from our website: stnicholasholyfamily.org.

MOVIE NIGHTS: families and individuals are invited to the parish center at 6pm on July 10 for a recently released movie on the life of Jesus as a child and on July 24 for a recently released movie about the resurrection. Snacks will be provided; bring your own drinks. Admission: one non-perishable food item. These movies will be shown on our large screen; come, be inspired! This first movie on Jesus’ childhood is extremely violent and not appropriate for young children!

CLC MEETING will be held Thursday, July 14, immediately following the 6:30pm Mass at Holy Family. Members! Please sell those chicken barbecue tickets. The chicken barbecue will be held Sunday, July 17, at Holy Family. Oops… Mistake on the tickets says au gratin potatoes but the menu is Chicken barbecue, potato salad, baked beans, and dinner roll. $8 per meal. Tickets

available from any CLC member or call Pat Gerten, 419-235-1991.

THE ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY would like to thank all who donated or helped in any way at their recent Blood Drive. It was a successful day with 48 units donated!

ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY would like to thank everyone for their generosity in supporting the Ottawa Food Pantry this past month. If you would still like to donate, Holy Family will be collecting throughout the month of July.

IS YOUR MARRIAGE TEARING YOU APART? If your marriage has become troubled or stressed, unloving or uncaring, or if your relationship has grown cold or distant, if you are thinking of separation or divorce, or if you are already separated or divorced, but you want to try again – then Retrouvaille is the program that can help you. For more information, call 419-481-1116 or 1-800-470-2230. You may call anonymously. No group discussions. Hope is only a phone call away! The next Northwest Ohio Retrouvaille Program begins July 15-17. Call for other dates or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com.

SPECIAL CHOIR FORMING AT THE SHRINE. The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation invites area singers to join the 2016 Assumption Choir. This choir, along with a brass quintet, will lead the music for the Vigil Mass of the Assumption, in the Shrine Park, on Sunday, August 14 at 9:30 pm. This unique experience gives singers, amateur and professional, the opportunity to sing a wide variety of music with a short-term commitment. Rehearsals will be held from 4–5:30pm in the Original Shrine Church (next to the Gift Shop) on Sundays: July 24, July 31, August 7. Please direct any questions to the Director of Music Ministries, Mr. Jack Gerding, at or 419-396-7107.

TOLEDO DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN – Save The Date! The TDCCW will host their annual conference on Saturday, September 24, at Saint Alphonsus Parish, Peru. Pre-conference dinner will be held on Friday, September 23 at the parish. The theme of the conference is “Be Merciful, As Your Father is Merciful” (Luke 6:36). Father Ron Cameron, CPM, Mission Director, Fathers of Mercy, will be the conference speaker. Pat Oedy-Murray will also present. All women of the Diocese of Toledo are invited. Registration details will be published in August.

NaProTECHNOLOGY. What is it? Authentic Women’s Health – Unleashing the Power in a Woman’s Cycle Come watch an informational DVD explaining NaProTECHNOLOGY, Monday July 18, 7-8pm - St. John’s Parish Center, Glandorf. Real Solutions to Real Problems – Infertility, Menstrual cramps, Premenstrual syndrome(PMS), Ovarian cysts, Irregular or abnormal bleeding, Polycystic ovarian disease, Repetitive miscarriage, Postpartum depression, Prematurity prevention, Hormonal abnormalities and more. Building a Culture of Life in Women’s Health Care www.naprotechnology.com www.popepaulvi.com.

EXCLAIM! 2016. The EXCLAIM! Christian Music festival returns this summer for its seventh year on Sunday, July 31. Join us for music from Matt Hammitt, the former lead singer of Sanctus Real, with members of the University of Toledo Gospel Choir and members of the Toledo Symphony. Josh Wilson and Tori Harris will also be performing. This FREE events includes music on the main stage all day, along with kids activities, inflatables, and plenty of room to run around! The day will end with Mass at 7 p.m. The event is located at 555 S. Holland Sylvania Rd in Toledo. Details at www.exclaimtoledo.org

ST. BARBARA CLOVERDALE Festival Sunday, July 10th. BBQ Chicken/Pork Dinners (served 10:30 am-6:00 pm). Carry-outs available. Lunch Stand/Beer Tent, Hourly Cash Drawings, Raffle Booth, Bingo, Bicycle Drawings, Bake Sale, Big Ticket Drawing/Grand Prize - $1000.

OTTOVILLE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Parish Festival will be held Sunday, July 17. Family style dinners served from 11am-2pm and 4-7pm in the Parish Center. New this year – Saturday evening social from 5-9. Food and beverages and DJ entertainment will be provided.

CRUISE ON OVER TO THE 2016 CAR SHOW Thursday, July 14, 4-7pm at The Meadows of Ottawa. Musical entertainment, 50/50 drawing/ hot dogs, hamburgers, refreshments available! All proceeds will benefit The Challenged Champions. RSVP to 419-523-4092 if you are bringing a car!

SAVE THE DATE! Join The Meadows of Kalida, Leipsic, and Ottawa, Ottawa Senior Citizens Association, Putnam County Council on Aging, Putnam County Health Department and Putnam County HomeCare and Hospice at the 2016 Putnam County Senior Expo on Friday, Aug 5, from 8:30am to 12pm. at the Ottawa Elementary. This is a free community event that includes: complimentary lunch, health screenings, door prizes, shuttle service, many exhibitors, and free medication disposal, presentation by Dr. Black & Dr. Reed and entertainment by Alan Siebert “The Music Man”.

LAST YEAR HUNDREDS PARTICIPATED IN “The most amazing big Catholic family reunion ever!” Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 13 and JOIN US at Holy Trinity parish (Swanton) for the IGNITE Catholic Family Festival, a Spirit-filled day of fun, food, music, fellowship and festivity for everyone! This year’s theme is “Thy Kingdom Come.” Our great adventure will lead us deeper into the heart of Jesus Christ. Tickets are DISCOUNTED THIS WEEK so REGISTER NOW at IGNITEFamily.eventbrite.com!

CLOVERDALE CLC is sponsoring a 1-day bus trip to Shipshewana, IN on Tuesday, September 20th. Shop the Flea Market or Stores, Buffet Meal, Musical ‘Josiah for President’. For ticket info, contact Theresa at 488-2381. Cost is $85 per person (Make checks payable to: Cloverdale CLC). Deadline is July 20th. Meet at St. Barbara’s parking lot--bus loads at 7:15 am & departs at 7:30 am. Approximate return is 9:15 pm.

BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: NIESE SHEET METAL & ROOFING: We feature seamless gutters and High Efficiency Gas Furnaces and Central Air. Sales and service. Call the office at 264-3242 or Nick at 643-4221 or Kevin at 943-2094

FOOD PANTRY. DURING THE MONTH of July, Holy Family will be responsible for stocking the Ottawa Food Pantry. Drop off any items at Holy Family Church. Suggested items include but are not limited to: Pasta, boxed dinner items, chicken or beef broth, spaghetti sauce. Canned meats, soup, all canned vegetables and fruit. Baking and cooking items (flour, sugar, brown sugar, shortening, oil, spices. Cake mix, frosting, pie filling, instant pudding/jello. Peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, salad dressing, cereal, pop tarts, oatmeal, pancake mix & syrup, cookies, crackers, snack items, any gluten free products, etc. Also Cleaning supplies, laundry products, paper products, personal hygiene items.

Please drop items off in the front of Holy Family Church by the Blessed Virgin statue. Monetary donations are welcome and can be placed in the weekend collection in a special marked envelope and the office will forward the cash donation to the Pantry. The Food Pantry will accept fresh produce on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month form 9am-2pm at Trinity United Methodist Church, Ottawa. The will also accept processed deer, whole hog sausage etc. but you must contact them prior to bringing it.