Course Number: SOCI 2 Division: Social Sciences

Course Title: Social Problems in America

Hours Lecture 3 Hours Lab: 0 Weeks: 18 Units: 3

Credit Status:

AA/AS: X Non-Degree: Certificate: NonCredit:

Transfer Code: UC: X CSU: X None:

Prerequisite or Corequisite: Recommended completion of SOCI 1 and ENGL 12 with minimum grades of “C”.

Catalog Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the study of social problems in America and the social forces that impact our culture, basic institutions, and values. (CAN SOC 4)


This course meets the General Education requirement, Area D, for the AA and AS degrees and is transferable to the UC and CSU systems.

Course Outline Prepared by:

Vanessa Haynes Date: January 15, 2005

Curriculum Committee Chair: Division Chair:

Janice J. Blume Dr. Cornelia L. Lyles


TOP NO. 2208.00 USOE NO. 00000000 CLASSIFICATION T5/55001(a)(1)(B)


Compton Community College January 15, 2005

Course Outline for SOCI 2

Social Problems in America

I.   Catalog Description

SOCI 2, Social Problems in America 3 Units

This course is designed to introduce students to the study of social problems in America and the social forces that impact our culture, basic institutions, and values. (CAN SOC 4)

II.   Expected Outcome for Students

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to perform the following activities with 70% accuracy.

A. Demonstrate an understanding of the three major sociological perspectives on social problems by explaining each perspective and then provide an example.

B.  Explain the social inequalities that produce unequal access to health care.

C.  Explain the relationship between mental disorders and patterns of inequality in a society.

D.  Explain the objective and subjective dimensions of drug use.

E.  List and describe some types of crimes and criminals.

F.  Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of poverty by explaining the relationship of the poor and the unequal access to health care, education, housing and the justice system.

G.  Explain ten of the consequences of prejudice and discrimination.

H.  Demonstrate an understanding of the pressures of change involving family stability by explaining the effects of divorce, family violence, postponement of marriage, homeless families, and changing norms of parenthood to the family structure.

I.  Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of economic globalization by explaining the way in which corporations and businesses adjust to global change.

J.  Explain the social impact of technology and describe how it contributes to problems in the natural environment.

K.  Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of terrorism and war in the post-9/11 era on our society by explaining the global and domestic impact.

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III. Course Content

A.  Sociological perspectives on social problems

1. What is a social problem?

2. Perspectives on social problems

3. The natural history of social problems

4. The media and social problems

5. Research on social problems

B.  Problems of health and health care

1. Unequal access to health care

2. The high cost of health care

3. Inadequate protection

4. Women and health care

5. The disabled and handicapped

C.  Problems of mental illness and treatment

1. The social construction of mental illness

2. Inequality, conflict and mental illness

3. Institutional problems of treatment and care

D. Alcohol and other drugs

1. The nature of the problem

2. Alcohol use and abuse

3. Illegal drug use and abuse

E. Crime and violence

1. The nature of crime

2. Types of crimes and criminals

3. Gangs, guns, and violent death

4. Conditions and causes of crime and violence

5. Controlling crime

F. Poverty

1. The haves and the have-nots

2. Poverty and social class

3. The nature of poverty

4. Concomitants of poverty

5. Explanations of persistent poverty

G. Racism, prejudice and discrimination

1. The meaning of minority

2. Defining racism, prejudice and discrimination

3. Origins of prejudice and discrimination

4. Institutional discrimination

5. Some consequences of prejudice and discrimination

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H. Gender and sexuality

1. Traditional sex roles

2. Gender identity and sexual orientation

3. Sexism and gender inequality

4. Sources of sexism

5. Sources of homophobia

I. An aging society

1. Aging as a social problem

2. The elderly in America today

3. Dimensions of the aging process

4. Concomitants of aging

5. Retirement

6. Death

J. The changing family

1. The nature of families

2. Divorce

3. Postponement of marriage

4. Changing norms of parenthood

5. Homeless families

6. Family violence

K. Problems of education

1. Sociological perspectives on education

2. Education and equality: the issue of equal access

3. School reform: problems of institutional change

L. Problems of work and the economy

1. The American free-enterprise systems

2. Global markets and corporate power

3. Effects on American workers

4. Problem aspects of work

5. Consumer and credit

M. Urban problems

1. An urbanizing world

2. The American city

3. Theories of urbanism

4. Metropolitan growth

5. Problems of cities

6. Shelter poverty, homelessness, and neighborhood distress

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N. Population and immigration

1. The world’s population

2. Population control

3. The U.S. population

4. Immigration and its consequences

O. Technology and the environment

1. Defining technology

2. Technology and global inequality

3. Controlling technology

4. Technology and institutions

5. Technology and the natural environment

6. Environmental stress

7. The United States and the world environment

P. Terrorism and war

1. Terrorism, global and domestic

2. War and its effects

3. Military technology and the conduct of war

4. Theories about war and its origins

IV. Methods of Presentation

A. Lectures

B. Instructor facilitated discussions

C. Media presentations

D. Article handouts

E. Guest speakers

F.  Reading assignments

V. Assignments and Methods of Evaluation

A. Class attendance and participation

B. Oral presentation to the class

C. Quizzes

D. Group projects

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E. Written assignments: reaction or position papers, and journal reports, critical analyses of concepts and issues
F. Library or Internet research assignments

G.  Examinations: objective and short answer

VI. Textbook(s)

Kornblum, William and Joseph Julian. Social Problems. 11th Edition. Upper Saddle

River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2004.