Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar ( M.P.)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences ( HSS 20)
Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology (AIH 21)
The Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology was established during the session 1958-59 at Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar ( Formerly University of Saugar) under the headship of Prof. K.D. Bajpai, a distinguished scholar of Archaeology.
The department has adequate facilities for Under Graduate, Post Graduate, M.Phil. and Ph. D. Programmes. Apart from teaching and research the department has a well equipped excavation and exploration wing. A good number of antiquities acquired in excavations, coins, sculptures, inscriptions and paintings are housed in the departmental museum.
Session: 2009-10
Under Graduate Programme: B.A. I Semester
Course name: Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology
PAPER Code / NAME OF PAPER / L / T / P / CP-1 / AIH C 111 / Political History of India (Harappan Culture to Second Century B.C.) / 3 / 0 / 0 / 3
P-2 / AIH C 112 / Ancient Indian Social Institutions / 3 / 0 / 0 / 3
AIH C 111 is the Paper Code in which:
AIH is the department’s code
C indicates that this is a Core Course
111is the course number where first digit stands for Semester, second digit is
the level of the Programme (i.e. U.G. Programme in this case) and third
digit denotes serial number of the course.
L, T and P indicate the weight ( credits) attached to lectures, tutorials and practical
work respectively.
C indicates the total number of credits that the course carries.
PAPER Code / NAME OF PAPER / L / T / P / CP-1 / AIH C 111 / Political History of India (Harappan Culture to Second Century B.C.) / 3 / 0 / 0 / 3
Unit - I 1. Sources of Ancient Indian History
1.1 Literary Sources
1.2 Archaeological Sources
2. Harappan Culture
2.1Name and Extent
2.2 Town Planning
2.3 Religious Beliefs
Unit - II 1. The Vedic Age
1.1 Early Vedic Culture
1.2 Later Vedic Culture
2. The Mahajanapada period
1.1The Sixteen Mahajanapadas
1.2The Republican States
Unit - III 1. Rise of Magadh Empire
1.1Haryanka Dynasty
1.2Nand Dynasty
Unit - IV 1. Invasion of Alexander and its effects
2. Achaemenian (Persian) Invasion and its effects
Unit - V 1. Rise and Fall of the Mauryan Empire
1.1Chandra Gupta Maurya’s achievements and extent of his empire
1.2Bindusar: General Introduction
1.3Ashoka: Early life, Kalinga War and his Dhamma
1.4Causes for the decline of Mauryan Empire
- Indo-Greek
2.1 Indo-Greek invasion and its effects
1 ,p- lh- jk;p©/kjh % izkphu Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl
2 ds- ,- uhydaB ’kkL=h % nf{k.k Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
3 Ñ".k nÙk oktis;h rFkk
foeypan ik.Ms; % izkphu Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
5 foeypanz ik.Ms; % izkphu Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd rFkk lkaLÑfrd bfrgkl
6 fdj.k dqekj FkiY;ky
rFkk ,l-ih- ’kqDy% lSU/ko lH;rk
7 jkeo`{k flag % izkphu Hkkjr
8 xqyke ;tnkuh ¼ laik½ % ndu dk bfrgkl
9 jktcyh ik.Ms; % izkphu Hkkjr
10 dUgS;kyky vxzoky % Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl
11 H. C. Roychoudhary : Political History of Ancient India
12 R.C. Majumdar (Ed.) : The Age of Imperial Unity
13 Romlia Thaper : History of India
14 K.A. Nialkantha Shastri: History of South India
Unit – I(1) Varna system – Origin and Development
(2) Ashram system – Forms and Importance
Unit – II(1) Purushartha – concept and Importance
(2) Panch Mahayagya – concept and importance
Unit – III (1) Sanskaras – Main sanskaras and importance
(2) Marriage – Forms and importance
Unit – IV(1) Family – Origin and importance
(2) Position of women
Unit – V(1) Education – Main features and educational centres
(2) Women Education
bdkbZ &I¼1½ o.kZ O;oLFkk& mRifÙk ,oa fodkl
¼2½ vkJe O;oLFkk & izdkj ,oa egRo
bdkbZ &II¼1½ iq:"kkFkZ & vo/kkj.kk ,oa egRo
¼2½ iapegk;K & vo/kkj.kk ,oa egRo
bdkbZ &III¼1½ laLdkj & eq[; laLdkj ,oa egRo
¼2½ fookg & izdkj ,oa egRo
bdkbZ &IV¼1½ ifjokj & mRifÙk ,oa egRo
¼2½ ukjh dh fLFkfr
bdkbZ &V¼1½ f’k{kk & eq[; fo’ks"krk,¡ ,oa izeq[k dsUnz
¼2½ L=h f’k{kk
lgk;d lanZHk xzaFk %
1 eu®jek t©gjh % izkphu Hkkjrh; o.kkZJe O;oLFkk
2 t;’kadj feJ % Hkkjr dk izkphu bfrgkl
3 ds- lh- tSu % izkphu Hkkjrh; lkekftd rFkk vkfFkZd laLFkk,a
4 jktcyh ik.Ms; % fgUnw laLdkj
5 gfjnÙk osnkyadkj % fgUnw ifjokj ehekalk
6 ,- ,l- vYrsdj % izkphu Hkkjr esa ukfj;® a dh fLFkfr
7 vkj- ,l- ’kekZ % izkphu Hkkjr esa ’kwnz®a dh fLFkfr
8 ,- ,l- vYrsdj % izkphu Hkkjrh; f’k{k.k i)fr
9 jes’kpUnz etwenkj % izkphu Hkkjr esa la?kfVr thou
¼vuq- Ñ".knÙk oktis;h½
10 e®rhpUn % lkFkZokg
11 Ñ".knÙk oktis;h % Hkkjrh; O;kikj dk bfrgkl
12 Ñ".knÙk oktis;h % izkphu Hkkjr dk fons’k®a ls laca/k
13 vkj- ,l- ’kekZ % iwoZ e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa lkekftd ifjorZu
14 MkW- pUnznso flag % izkphu Hkkjrh; lekt v©j fpUru
15 lqfLerk ik.Ms; % lekt] vkfFkZd O;oLFkk ,oa /keZ
16 jekukFk feJ % izkphu Hkkjrh; lekt] vFkZO;oLFkk ,oa /keZ ¼ oSfnd dky
ls 300 bZ- rd½ A
17 P. N. Prabhu : Hindu Social Organization.
18 S. K. Maity : The Economic Life of Northern India in the
Gupta Period.
19 L. Gopal : Economic Life of Northern India.
20 D.R.Das : Economic History of the Deccan.