DATE: October 26, 2005

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, MD 21202

PRESENT: Stephen Parker, Chairman

Donald Ratcliffe

Diane Cho

Gary Bowden

Juan Torrico

R. Glen Stephens


OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas L. Woods, Executive Director

Melina Trust, Assistant Attorney General

Terry A. White, Executive Secretary

John Corkill, MSAIA


Chairman Parker called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. Ratcliffe seconded by Ms. Cho, and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of September 28, 2005, meeting.


The Board approved the following applications for reciprocity:

Jennifer L. Kossler 14392 Albert J. Tinson 14395

Kristen L. Windmiller 14393 Larry W. Moore 14390

Daniel McCauley 14394 David R. Ruggles 14396

Thomas A. Tyler 14397 Jack B. Ferguson 14398

Steven L. Jacobson 14400 David J. Barici 14403

Nicholas K. Cade 14404 Gregory J. Dykstra 14405

Richard H. Franklin 14406 Lori A. Greenzweig 14407

James T. Housewright 14408 George B. Jennings,III 14409

Michael J. McGovern 14410 William Neil 14411

Walter G. Parks, Jr. 14412 Paul J. Trop 14413

Willard M. Scribner 14414

Maryland Board of Architects
October 26, 2005

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The Board approved the following applications for the Architectural Registration Examination:

Stacy J. Droneburg Barry A. Friedman

Steven D. Greenberg John Le


The Board approved the following applications for firm permit:

Zahn Incorporated 14401

J.A. Burton Architecture, Inc. 14402

RDG Schutte Wilscam Birge, Inc. 14415


The Board unanimously approved 7 applications for Reinstatement.


Motion (II) was made by Mr. Torrico seconded by Mr. Parker, and unanimously carried to deny one applications for reciprocity because of incompleteness.


The Complaint Committee reported on the status of these complaints:

05-AR-01 - Hearing scheduled for December 2, 2005

05-AR-03 - Open; Referred to OAH

05-AR-06 - Hearing scheduled for December 8, 2005

05-AR-11 - Open; Sent 10 day letter

05-AR-13 - Open; Referred to OIS

06-AR-02 - Open; Sent 10 day letter

06-AR-03 - Open; Sent 10 day letter

06-AR-04 - Closed; Agreed to Consent Order

06-AR-05 - Open; Offered a Consent Order

06-AR-06 - Open; Sent 10 day letter, Referred to OIS

Motion (III) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Stephens and unanimously carried to accept the report and recommendations of the Complaint Committee.

Maryland Board of Architects
October 26, 2005

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H. Carleton Godsey letter

The Board received a letter from NCARB President, Mr. Godsey, in which he asked the Board not to act on numerous requests to delete IDP as a pre-examination requirement until NCARB completes a comprehensive study of the issue.

After a thorough discussion, the Board decided to wait until more information, including the results of the NCARB study, are made available. Furthermore, the Board will formally ask NCARB to expedite the process if that is possible, as timing is a critical element.

Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Parker and carried by a majority to await the results of the NCARB study before soliciting public input into the issue of taking the A.R.E. before completion of the IDP. Also, the administration will write to the senders of the form letters, to inform them of the same.

Motion (V) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Parker and carried by a majority, that the Board will write to NCARB to formally request expeditious handling of the IDP/A.R.E the study as that information will be essential to the Boards direction.

Concluding this item, Motion (VI) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Torrico and unanimously carried to await the findings of the NCARB study before formal discussion on this topic can begin.


Signing and Sealing Issue

Milena Trust, Board’s counsel, received correspondence from Mr. Robert Hollendonner, architect licensed in the District of Columbia, requesting an opinion from the Board regarding signing and sealing plans for single family homes. It is the opinion of the Board that as permitted by Section 3-103 of the Architects Act, an addition, alteration or construction of a single family home does not require the seal of a licensed architect if that structure is for the personal use of the owner or the owner’s family. The local building officials, also as authorized by Section 3-103, may still require the plans to be sealed by a Maryland architect. Ms. Trust will respond to Mr. Hollendonner.

Maryland Board of Architects
October 26, 2005

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It is the opinion of the Board that an addition, alteration or construction of a single family home does not require the seal of an registered architect if that home is for the use the owner or a member if the owner’s family. The plans are still subject to local building codes and municipal officials can require the seal of an architect in order to assure the health and safety requirements. Ms. Trust will respond to the writer.

Continuing Education Reporting Audit

The Board agreed that the administrative staff should conduct the random audits ascertaining compliance with the continuing education requirements. The Board authorized the staff to audit one percent of renewals per annum. In the event an audit reveals an individual case of non-compliance, the Board decided to give such individual three months to complete the requirements before a disciplinary action is considered.


Upon inquiry, Mr. Morant of the Central Collection Agency responded to the Executive Director that a suit has been filed against Mr. Darren Comedy to collect the unpaid disciplinary fine, which is now over $22,000 due to interests and penalties.


There being no further business, motion (VII) was made by Ms. Cho, seconded by Mr. Stephens and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 a.m.

__XX______With Corrections

Without Corrections


Stephen Parker, Chairman



On page 3, under the topic of “H. Carleton Godsey letter”, the second paragraph can be illuminated as it is redundancy.