Mary Branch Elementary
Parent Involvement Policy
Mary Branch Elementary strives to promote education as a family activity. Parents and family members are considered to be a child’s first and most important teachers. As a campus, we have determined 3 main goals to help support our families.
Goal 1 / Mary Branch will host family events to increase parent understanding of campus initiatives : Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Conscious Discipline, Instructional Strategies, TEKS, Study Habits, Behavioral Supports.This goal will be accomplished by combining grade level musicals and/or academic nights with opportunities for parents to attend trainings on each campus initiative.
Goal 2 / Mary Branch will increase the use of social media in order to include parents more fully in the daily activities of our campus: Facebook, Twitter, Web Page, Call Outs, Weekly Announcements.
This goal will be accomplished by assigning school staff with the task of posting events/news from our school regularly.
Goal 3 / Mary Branch will host Transition Events for all grade level students/families.
This goal will be accomplished by hosting a Kindergarten Transition Night in May for all incoming Kindergarten families. Also, a 4th Grade transition night will be conducted in late February for students transitioning to Intermediate School. A Grand Transition Night will be held in May for students entering 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
To reach our goals, we will operate under the following guidelines to ensure positive working relationships with the families we serve.
Communication from home to school will be written/delivered in the language and form of the home. Parents will be notified of family involvement activities and events by:
●Phone Calls, Flyers, Marquee Sign, Personal Communication, Campus Website, Campus Facebook page, Twitter and/or Personal Invitations from students
Locations and Times of family involvement activities and events will be varied to better meet the scheduling needs of families.
●Places - Branch Elementary, Neighborhood Locations
●Times - Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays at varied times throughout the day
Professional Development will be provided for our faculty and staff on the value and contributions of parents and families to student learning.
●August Professional Development, Faculty meeting before Open House, and Faculty meeting before parent conferences
●Training will be completed by Principal and Assistant Principals
Improvement in our communication and collaboration with families will be addressed in meetings with families. We want parents to be involved in making decisions about our campus parental involvement plan, programs, budget and changes.
●First Tuesday in September, TBA
●First Tuesday in March, TBA
●First Tuesday in June, TBA
Identify students with the need for special services, in order to support them in meeting academic success.
●Migrant students
●Students/families identified as homeless
●English-language learners
●Students served through Special Education
●Students identified as economically disadvantaged
●Students of parents who are disabled
Increase the number of families involved in the education process through the following activities/strategies.
●Parent Events
●Parent Conferences
●Parent Contact
●Home Visits
●Home-School Compact (evaluated annually) to guide relationship between school and families and to outline the shared responsibilities for academic achievement of each child.
Evaluate our Parental Involvement Policy and program to ensure constant growth in working with the families we serve. To do this we will use a variety of evaluation tools:
●Faculty Surveys
●Parent Surveys
●Parental Involvement Meetings
●Review number of parents participating in campus events
This parental involvement policy is created by and its’ implementation is supported by:
Mary Branch Elementary Parental Involvement Committee and Coordinator