Date of next review: / July 2015 (new policy)
Committee: / Collaborative Provision Committee
Department/Post holder: / Academic Services
Review Process for Partners
The purpose of the Partner Review Process is to provide the University with central oversight of all partner providers, regardless of the size or nature of provision. The policy has two processes which run concurrently, and converge periodically; one is informed by the other. The two parts are:
- The Partner Annual Review which is a paper-based exercise and occurs every year;
- The Partner Review Visit which is a physical visit by a panel of University staff to the partner and occurs at least once every five years, normally when the agreement is up for renewal, but can occur more frequently due to certain triggers such as where partner provision changes significantly, a new partner has completed the first year of provision, substantial issues are flagged in partner annual reports or other indicators raise concerns or to coincide with a relevant Periodic Review.
1. Partner Annual Review
All partners are required to submit a Partner Annual Report (PAR), with supporting documentation as specified in the report template (annex 1), by the end of the Autumn term each academic year. The PAR provides an opportunity for both partners to consider the effectiveness of a partnership as a whole.It is expected that the PAR will be compiled by a senior staff member at the partner with sufficient oversight of the provision. The purpose of the PAR is to:
- provide the University with an evaluation of the relationship with the partner;
- enable the partner to present an overview of all shared collaborative provision on an annual basis and the effectiveness of compliance with quality assurance processes;
- provide the University with feedback on the partnership from an operational and strategic perspective, and
- Identify any risks that may emerge due to changes at the partner, or highlighted by external reports[1].
Schools will receive a copy of the appropriate PAR to be considered at School Board. School Board will consider any actions arising from the PAR and involve the Link Tutor(s)in addressing actions identified. All PARs will be received and considered at Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC) enabling the University to maintain effective oversight of all partner providers on an annual basis, to monitor the provision from year to year and make decisions and take action where deemed necessary, for example, to implement a Partner Review Visit.Collaborative Provision Committee will consider any themes arising from the PARs and determine whether there is a response required at University level. Partners will be informed confirming the Committee’s receipt of their report.
2. Partner Review Visit
In addition, all partners will have a review visit, after the first year of operation and then normally every five years when the agreement is to be renewed. The purpose of the visit is to ensure that:
- the University’s and the partner’s strategic objectives remain aligned and there remains a continuing commitment to the collaborative contract;
- the partner agreement is operating effectively[2], provision is being managed asexpected under the terms of the agreement and the relevant QAA UK Quality Code;
- to provide an opportunity for the provider to give feedback to the university from an operational and strategic perspective, and
- Due diligence and risk assessment is refreshed.[3]
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) will refresh the due diligence carried out at the point of approval in preparation for the review and complete a re-assessment of risk. The review will take the form of a visit to the partner comprising a panel of University staff, review of supporting documentation submitted in advance, meetings with programmes leaders, support staff and students. The review panel will make a recommendation to Collaborative Provision Committee based on the evidence collated and the visit regarding the continuation of the partnership. Reports from the visits are produced and received by the Collaborative Provision Committee. Any actions identified through the partner review visit will be monitored through Collaborative Provision Committee and the annual PAR.
2.1 Timing for review visit
The visit will normally be once every five years when the agreement is to be renewed. However the frequency may be varied in the following circumstances:
- where provision offered by the partner has changed significantly
- where there is a change in strategic direction
- to coincide with a relevant Periodic Review
- where other indicators raise concerns about the provision offered by the partner
- for a new partnership, a visit should be scheduled at the end of the first year of operation.
2.2. BSU review visit panel
Chair (senior academic, normally HoD level)
Representative from Registry
A member of academic staff with no direct interest in the provision
Officer (supplied by Academic Services)
2.3. Expectation of Partner attendees
Head of HE (or equivalent)
Programme leader(s) and teaching staff
Quality manager (or equivalent)
Student support and professional services, where appropriate
Students should also be available for a separate meeting as part of the review.
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2.4. Materials provided in advance by the provider to Academic Services which will subsequently be circulated to review panel (to be available 3 weeks before visit)
A self-evaluation document (plus appendices) which will cover:
Section / Areas for inclusion to be considered under this section / Supporting data- Introduction and overview
- Awards with Bath Spa University
- Other partners
- Size and campuses
- Strategic objectives and partner aims
Website links
- Recruitment and Progression
- Recruitment targets and success in/expectation of meeting these
- Quality of applications
- Market demand/trends
- Admissions/interview/auditions process
- Induction
- Marketing of awards
- Ensuring accuracy of published information
- Progression through levels and to top-up year
Progression data (numbers, achievement, analysis, plus minutes of subject boards (or equivalent) which may be given as a separate appendix
- Quality of learning opportunities
- Approaches to teaching and learning
- Assuring the quality of teaching; research-informed teaching
- The quality and reliability of the information provided to students about their learning experience
- Student support and guidance
- Learning resources and facilities
- Employability/Work placement
- Use of VLE
List of learning resources and facilities
- Quality Management & Enhancement
- Assessment, marking and moderation
- Engagement with external examiner/s
- Opportunities for feedback from students and mechanisms to enable them to shape their learning experience – levels of satisfaction/complaints
- Feedback from professional bodies, employers and other stakeholders
- Programme administration arrangements
- Good practice
- Student support, including personal tutors
Details of any formal complaints/appeals (number and reason)
- Student Experience
- Access to resources (including specialist resources, physical and software)
- Library resources
- Award documentation (programme handbook and module handbooks)
- Feedback on assessment tasks
- Personal tutoring
- Awareness of Link Tutor
- Opportunities for the Student Voice (including SSLCs or equivalent)
An appendix consisting of module handbooks for modules running in the current year
An appendix showing a sample of module evaluations
An appendix showing examples of assessment feedback sheets for moderated samples
- Engagement and support from BSULink tutor and other services
- Engagement with provider and staff
- Engagement with students
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2.5. Materials circulated in advance by Academic Services to BSU review panel (to be available 3 weeks before visit)
Provider IQER/HER report (if available)
External Examiner reports (up to 3 years as available) and responses to those reports
Annual Monitoring reports (up to 3 years as available)
Approved student handbook for course(s)
Action plan from previous partnership review visit (as available)
Partner Annual Report (up to 3 years as available)
BSU Student Representative Committee minutes relevant to the provision
Partnership Agreement
2.6. Indicative schedule of review meeting (open to change as appropriate by BSU review team)
09:30-10:30Private meeting of panel
10:30-12:00Discussion of provided materials with partner representatives
12.00-12:45Review panel meeting with students
12:45-13:30Private review panel meeting with lunch (to be provided by partner)
13:30-14:00Tour of resources (as appropriate)
14:00-15:00Discussion on future engagement (including role of link tutor) between panel and partner representatives
15:00-16:00Final panel discussions and feedback
2.7. Report
A report and recommendationsfrom the partnership review meeting will be completed by the Officer to the panel. The report will be submitted to:
- the partner, for checking of factual accuracy;
- the relevant School Board(s), for endorsement;
- Collaborative Provision Committee, for oversight of themes and identification of any actions. The PAR will be used to monitor any actions identified for the partner.
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[1]Indicator 5 Chapter B10 Managing Higher Education Provision with Other
[2] Indicator 7 Chapter B10
[3] Indicator 6 Chapter B10