Marta Anna van der Hoeven
1413 Camberly Court
Midlothian, VA, 23113-2601, USA
001 804 379 4982 - office
001 804 263 0813 - cell
SkypeID: reptileg
- Active Member of ATA (American Translators Association), ATA certification, Member No: 239566;
- Sworn translator/interpreter’s certificate – Polish Minister of Justice accreditation/certification for translations of any official documents to be submitted to any Polish or foreign authorities (Registration No: TP/6077/05);
Educational background:
- Warsaw University, Department of English Studies, MA in translation studies in 2002;
- “Insurance, Banking and Financial Instruments for Translators” workshops;
- 36 Hour Specialized Course In English For Law & Finance & the EU in translations;
- ATA annual conferences;
- Law: trademark registrations, patent applications, copyrights, contracts, deeds, tender documentation, offers, minutes of meeting and general meetings, normative acts, certificates, EU legislation, court decisions, birth, marriage and death certificates, extracts from companies registers;
- Business: business plans, business correspondence,
- Finance: financial statements, profit & loss accounts, investment funds prospectuses; audit reports, tax related documents;
- Marketing: commercial spots transcription and translation, brochures and folders, marketing materials,
- Social sciences, tourism & travel
- Education: transcripts of grades, diplomas, diploma dissertations, certificates, etc.
- Other general: medicine, construction, technology, IT, etc.
- SDL Trados Freelance 2006
- Acrobat
- MS Office Suite
- OmniPage 15
Company:Fields of Translation:
Merrill BrinkInvestment funds prospectuses (Franklin Templeton, JP Morgan, Schroders), translations certifications; investment funds documentation; (; ; )
Siemens S.A.Marketing materials about HiPath systems; ()
EurotextTender documentation, contracts, extracts from companies registers for PLL LOT airlines, deeds, court decisions, certificates and diplomas; ()
Pro Futuro Trademark registrations, patent applications, copyrights; marketing brochures for Toyota Poland; marketing research surveys for Reckitt & Benckiser, commercial spots transcription and translation for Toyota Poland and Reckitt & Benckiser; contracts, deeds, insurance policies, certificates, education related documents, court decisions, tender documentation, offers, business correspondence, diplomas, certificates of compliance; certificates of tax residence and tax returns; ()
E-TłumaczenieLaw: contracts, deeds, normative acts, EU legislation, court decisions, tender documentation, offers, minutes of meeting and general meetings, tax returns and other tax related documentation, trademark registrations, patent applications, extracts from companies registers, birth, marriage, death certificates, certificates of compliance, business plans, business correspondence, pharmaceutical products registrations; interpretation of meetings in notary offices; ()
EVS PolandCertificates of compliance; insurance policies, normative acts; certificates of tax residence and tax related documents, pharmaceutical products registrations;
ATETLaw: contracts, deeds, normative acts, EU legislation, court decisions, tender documentation, offers, minutes of meeting and general meetings, trademark registrations, patent applications, extracts from companies registers, birth, marriage, death certificates, certificates of compliance, business plans, business correspondence, financial statements, audit reports, investment funds prospectuses, commercials, tourist brochures, guidebooks, Polish army and NATO documentation, tax returns and other tax related documents; interpretation in notary offices; ()
LingwejonPolish army documentations; certificates of compliance, contracts;
Bireta Legal documents, certificates, contracts, translation certifications;
AkademosBusiness plans, contracts, certificates and diplomas, medical research grant applications, linguistic training related documentation;
Institute of Hematology Medical research grant applications;
and Blood Transfusion,
Warsaw, Poland;
Municipal Office inConstruction and environment protection contracts, tender
Bialystok, Poland; documentation; tourist and travel catalogues; interpretation for EU representatives, EU legislation;
Daily output:
Comfortable daily output:circa 3000 words;
Maximum daily output:4500 – 5000 words;
Proofreading volume:700 – 2000 words per hour;
Translation:0, 13 USD (0,10 EUR) per word;
Editing:0,09 USD (0,06 EUR) per word;
Proofreading:0,04 USD (0,03 EUR) per word;