Marsh Creek 6th Grade Center Home & School Association

489 Dorlan Mill Road

Downingtown, PA 19335

HSA Meeting Minutes October 8, 2015

At 7:00 pm, the meeting was called to order by current HSA President, Patty Dungan. Introductions were made. Other board members present were Cindy Hauer, Treasurer and Christine Johnson, Secretary. Also present were Vice Principal Tucker Birkhead, parents of students, and guest speaker, Tina Forsythe.

The first order of business was presented by Tina Forsythe. She is a DASD Student Assistant Specialist who works from DWHS and acts works with kids at risk through a team of teachers. Teachers bring concerns about children in different ways: attendance, grades, depression, etc. Goal is to help with wellness and overall well-being of students and to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

The primary focus of Ms. Forsythe’s discussion was regarding the Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS), which will be administered to 6th grade students. PAYS will ask hard questions regarding drugs, sex, gambling, depression, etc. The children take the survey anonymously and the results do not produce any identifying information about any child. The test takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Parents can opt out of having their child participate. The eventual PAYS results are reported at both the district and county level and will be posted on the DASD website.

Previous test result have shown shocking results of high school seniors with their relationships with drug and alcohol and has helped DASD drive curriculum based drug and alcohol programs in an effort to reduce awareness. For example, the Note Program geared toward encouraging friends to call police if they think their friend is in danger AND don’t take drugs not prescribed to you.

Olweus bulling survey will also be given to all 6th graders. Taken on ipad but is also anonymous.

On Tuesday, Oct 13th – Priscilla Singleton is coming in to talk about anxiety and stress and depression . . . will look at signs and symptoms . . . sponsored by Safe Homes . . . please RSVP so we can get a headcount.

Strengthening Families program to improve communication within families . . . FALL PROGRAM is full but another session will begin in late January or early February, email strengthening families to let them know your interest. This concluded the guest presentation by Ms. Forsythe.

Current and upcoming business was discussed by board members and committee chairs including:

Magazine Fundraiser –funds are still coming in and we are waiting for final numbers from 6 Star. The majority of the orders were placed online as opposed to paper orders.

Spirit Wear –Most orders have been completed. Will begin holiday orders soon and a discussion was opened about the types of spirit wear available.

Boxtops – The first collection resulted in over 8,000 boxtops collected which will equate to $800. There are online opportunities to get special boxtop bonuses. The first boxtops check is expected December 15th and the next collection deadline will be some time in February. Contests seem to bring in more boxtops. A discussion was started with ideas for boxtops contests.

Treasurer’sreport given by Cindy Hauer – Budget was presented which outlined expected income and expenses for this fiscal year.

Overview of Upcoming Events – teacher appreciation dinner 11/4, movie night, pizza bingo, teacher appreciation week 5/5, iceline 3/3. See HSA tab or school calendar on website for full listing.

Principal’s report given by Tucker Birkhead, Vice Principal – Reinforced event calendar is on school webpage, includes school and hsa events, Halloween dance coming up, paradise farms update, stream study update – high school kids are helping with stream study, study island is being used during advisory period and gives feedback to teachers for math and language arts, Iboss should be working now, end of year math assessment was given and 50 kids were chosen to enter accelerated math and pre-algebra.

Open Discussion – A question was raised about facilities use.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20pm