Market Maxx Leads For Life

Never Prospect Again

Marlin R. Bollinger CFP, CLU, ChFC, CFS, CAS


How many times have you been inundated with emails and ads for the best leads or free leads for contracting with an IMO? We see them every day. Many of you have paid up to $100 or more for quality leads. And many of you have been disappointed with the results.

As a recruiting IMO, we have experienced similar results when contracting a third party to provide advisor leads. To be fair, I cannot fault the third parties. I sincerely believe they do their ultimate best to provide a quality product.

The weak link in this prospecting chain can be broken down to one word, “relationship”. No matter how good or how much vetting has been done by these third party vendors, they don’t get paid to establish relationships. That’s your job! They can only provide a warm lead, based upon a product or concept. You get the picture.

What if I told you there is a way to get quality leads where a positive relationship has already been established? Furthermore, in many cases, we can provide a “Red Carpet” introduction for you, establishing credibility with a client you’ve never met before. Assuming my statement is true, how much would you be willing to pay for these leads?

Let me take it a step further. These leads are great for life, annuity, health, and long term care sales. One more thing; I am going to eliminate your prospecting woes by offering you an opportunity to partner with my team of marketing professionals.

Prior to entering the insurance business, I spent several years as a principal in an advertising agency as well as an executive in the radio industry. I learned early on that a consumer must receive your message between 7 to 10 times before they take action. So, why not development a business plan with an entity that has already established a relationship with the prospective client. All you have to do is meet the client, under favorable circumstances, and close the sale.

At this point, many of you are ready to get on the bandwagon and go!

The Rest of the Story

Everything I’ve shared with you so far is true and doable. But it won’t work without a solid and strategic business plan.

We know that the average independent agent is in his or her late 50’s or early 60’s. We also know that more agents are leaving the business than are entering. Therefore, the distribution of our products is shifting. Shifting from the independent model to those entities that have the appropriate date, and the ability to mine the data.

We’ve all seen the increased marketing efforts from banks and brokerage firms to market life and annuity products. You may have also noticed that some of the companies we sell are also competing with us through direct distribution.

There is another source of distribution that has the data necessary to market our products efficiently. I’m referring to property/casualty agencies. There are thousands of independent P/C agencies throughout the Country with databases of qualified prospects. These agencies have the required established relationship with their clients and, a high percentage of them have never marketed financial services to these clients. In fact, although many are life licensed, their history has been almost totally reactive, and not proactive.

They have relationships with their clients in the commercial and personal lines of the business, creating a tremendous opportunity to market financial services, under extremely favorable conditions.

Partnering with a property/casualty agency is where we come in. If done properly, your prospecting woes are over. If not done properly, it will fail. Many agencies have attempted to bring in a financial services agent, only to experience abject failure. The reason is simply a lack of proper business planning.

To successfully work with a property/casualty agency it is necessary to understand their language and modus operandi. You must also develop a trusting relationship with the agency principals. Trusting relationships are developed through well written business plans. These business plans detail your specific actions plans as well as providing strong non-piracy language to protect the agency.

We have worked successfully with property/casualty agencies for more than 35 years, successfully developing cross-marketing systems and programs, guaranteed to work.

AgencyMaxx is the industry’s most comprehensive turn-key marketing system for property/casualty agencies. Most property/casualty agencies want help with marketing, especially when it involves cross-marketing financial services. In today’s highly competitive environment, these agencies understand the importance of offering products and services beyond the scope of just personal and commercial lines. Very few of these agencies, have an organized approach to securing leads, identifying opportunities, organizing communications, and tracking prospects.

Even if they have the best of intentions, they quickly realize that integrating their desktop calendar and email program with a lead generator, and an email provider with a CRM system, is not a simple proposition.

Enter AgencyMaxx, a powerful suite of marketing resources, specifically designed to bring all the essential elements of a property/casualty program together.

The only thing missing is you! Many participating AgencyMaxx agencies need qualified life and annuity producers to close the sale. AgencyMaxx provides qualified agencies:

  • Data Management – consolidation and categorizing of data to apply to the AgencyMaxx system
  • Communications – development and management of customized and dynamic email campaigns
  • Contact Management – intelligently follow targeted leads, providing real-time data and daily reports, tracking opens and other indicators of client interests
  • Step by Step Sales Process – sales and presentation training to all agency personnel, including point of sale agents
  • Appropriate Marketing Tools – current and contemporary planning tools and concepts, including fact finders, selling systems, multi-carrier underwriting assessment, and our highly successful Drop Ticket electronic submission program
  • Point of Sale –This is where you come in. If a prospective agency needs a qualified advisor to close the sale, we will assist you in making a professional presentation to close the relationship. We will advise on all commission splits, contracting, and necessary documentation to execute a non-piracy agreement.
  • Additional Backup – Our experienced team of life and annuity Sales Vice Presidents, Case Managers, and Executives stand ready to assist you at all times.

So there you have it. You will never have to prospect again if you qualify to participate in our “Leads for Life” program.

It is noteworthy to mention that we work with the top life and annuity companies in the country and provide highly competitive contracts to all independent advisors contracted through The Bollinger Companies. In addition, we offer the industry’s highest interest rate 5 year MYGA through a limited distribution offering. According to Wink, Inc., total first quarter MYGA sales were $10.9 billion, up over 60% from the last quarter of 2015.

The partner marketers at The Bollinger Group and MarketMaxx stand ready to help you grow your practice, either through our highly successful AgencyMaxx program or through a direct relationship with The Bollinger Companies. Please feel free to contact me directly or Peter Wilson, EVP, MarketMaxx. Just mention the AgencyMaxx program and we’ll help you eliminate the need to ever prospect again!

Marlin R. Bollinger CFP, CLU, ChFC, CFS, CAS

CEO, The Bollinger Companies
