marks /

Written Report Total Marks + any bonus marks (see below) worth 16%

Comments or see report for comments:
HIDDEN TEXT IS FOR TA USE ONLY. CONSISTENCY BETWEEN DIFFERENT MARKERS IS CRITICAL. The numbers below are guides for proportioning marks in a section & should not be used religiously as points for marking. When running into questions ask before proceeding with marking.



Analysis: (data manipulation to clearly convey findings (e.g. time series graph(s), annotated maps / images; summary, integrated observations)

-presented in a clear, easily understood manner (1/5th)

-adds value to the report objective (1/5th )

-supports & provides evidence for your explanation interpretation(s) (1/5th )

-links key observations through time (1/5th )
-links key observations to each other(1/5th )
We expect that analysis explanation sections are integrated, so apportion analysis marks for the manipulation of the data. Analysis can take the form of graphs, diagrams, annotations and/or text. Student may use any or all of these as analysis. Evaluate analysis components holistically & for effectiveness. Consequently the above mark breakdown doesn’t always work (in these cases use a pass/fail or letter grade approach).



Explanation: (explains & provides evidence for what occurred over the 4 days & why)

-correctly states what occurred & why it occurred (1/5th )
-supporting evidence is provided; analysis work is interpreted & used in the explanation(1/5th - see following points)
-relates local data (diary, observations, UNBC Wx Stn, any other data sources) to major synoptic controls (pressure systems; fronts, regional conditions)
-correctly interprets timing number of synoptic events (1/2)
-relates weather observations to each other
relates weather observations to local / minor effects(1/10th )
Because the explanation can take a variety of forms, evaluate components holistically and for effectiveness. The analysis should be used in the explanation. Evidence should support the explanation. We expect the analysis and explanation sections are integrated, so sometimes the numbers above don’t work, in these cases use a pass/fail or letter grade approach to get a numerical grade. Under some weather conditions the last 2 statements don’t all work.



PresentationOrganization: (reports structure, organization, and how it looks)

-neat, well written, readable; correct spelling, grammar; appropriate length, pages are numbered

-material is well organized; report’s structure adds value to the report (most important)
-Table of Contents, Appendix sections are used correctly & enhance the organization
-figures, tables, appendices are numbered & have good quality captions (1/4th )
-figures, tables, appendices appropriately referred to in the body of the report
Expect 2000 words at maximum, Concise complete should be considered for bonus marks.
In your evaluation consider that there are a variety of ways to present quality work, and credit is given equally if well done. We expect headings and subheadings, figures embedded in the text (though not required). If there are a lot of Appendices a Table of Contents is needed. Consider readability. You may find it easier to evaluate as a letter grade approach or consider the work in terms of pass/fail..



Citing References the majority of the weighting is for the first 2 points ~6 /10; the last 2 point are ~4/10

-information sources (internet sites, verbal communication, etc.) are properly cited (in text) & referenced (end of document list)
-all necessary reference elements are provided (e.g. authors, dates, publishers, pages are required for long sources, access dates for web sites, etc.)
-citation & reference style is consistent; follows an author-date format; reference list is alphabetically organized;
-sources are appropriately referred to in the report; all referenced items are cited; all citation are referenced
- information sources are used appropriately
-relayed data or information sources are correctly referenced to their original source
No particular style other than author date is required. In your evaluation consider the quality of the work done.



Bonus Marks(+ up to 10 marks for excellence or originality in the project, especially analysis, presentation or explanation)

Generally, these are 1 or 2 marks. These are usually given for appropriate creative effort, excellent graphs, images, analysis, explanation, or other work that is above expected level. Ask if you aren’t sure .


/ Late deductions 20% per day (starting after the due time - noonMonMarch 31, 2014)



Documented Data Rationalization (data quality control)

-original data included & clearly differentiated from rationalized data (2)

-data reviewed; problems considered; appropriate measures taken (this point & next = 5)

-reader is alerted to data problems; any data changes are documented; sources for replaced data are referenced

Looking for evidence of data rationalization quality & how it is documented. Expect students can get 10/10 by putting in the effort. If this marking scheme above isn’t working, evaluating data rationalization can be considered in terms of pass/fail, A, B, C, D, F basis.

Reminder: Total Report Marks 30%; apportioned as follows. Highlighted marks were already given (see grade statement for these.)

6% Data Collection During Project Period

4% Project Writing Meeting
4% Documented Data Rationalization: 1% for work done in lab; 3% as demonstrated in the report (see above)
16% Report Grade (see above)

Additional Notes For Markers Only :

  • Use this marking scheme form once/student and write comments on it so students can see how they were evaluated. It will help you grade more consistently.
  • This marking form/scheme can be used as a check-off and underline form; so that if a student does a listed item well you could check it off or write "good" beside it, or if they do something poorly write something like: "missed the key idea which is….." This should save you writing time and give better feedback.
  • The "Comments sections" above are intended for additional comments that don't fit the items already listed. Don’t forget to give at least one personalized comments in each evaluation area on the marking scheme form or summarize all your individual comments at the end / next page if that seems more appropriate.
  • The following UNBC mark breakdown to help you assign marks for each section and evaluate the entire report value appropriately.