Visual and Text Content Creation – at least 4 weeks out from event

Visual image(s) created

Facebook Images: See info for specifics on every type of post and ad on Facebook

Facebook Posts: Build three or four images 600 x 315 less than 20% text

Pinterest and G+ Images: 700 x 700 and/or 700 x 1200

1stBlog Post is created, visual(s) inserted and post published.
Hub - everything on this - including the images and video and email capture

Create 5 Twitter hashtags for the event - what are the keywords you are using in the blog post, share them with the Team to use everywhere – global and specific

1st25-35 Tweets are written and scheduled in HootSuite, includes link to blog post. Use bulk upload system.

1st email is created and sent to your entire list

Optional: YouTube video is created (interview, PPT of blog post etc..) and inserted into the original blog post. Make sure video description is highly filled in for SEO on YouTube.

Optional and highly recommended: add the closed captioning on YouTube video

Optional: Create Facebook Event and the G+ Event (copy blog post for description of the event) include link to the sign-up page on website (which includes the optional video).

Optional: Create Facebook Website Promotion-type ads to drive traffic to website event info and sign-up page

Optional and highly recommended: Create at least one “tweetable” and include the link on all promotional emails and on the blog post

Other Ideas:

Content Linking and Ads – At least 3 weeks out from event

Review Tweets and see which ones are getting the most Re-tweets. Schedule another round of tweets in HootSuite for the next 3 weeks spanning time zones; include links and hashtags. At least 5-10/day.

2ndemail sent featuring event (include social share buttons and tweetable link)

Locate Promotional Partners to Share the Facebook posts and optional Event to their communities, or share the Promoted Post to their connections. Create expectation list:

○Like the FB Page

○Share at least one post a week

○Follow on Twitter

○RT at least five tweets

○Create blog post

○Pin the images

Create 2 Facebook Posts for the Event and make it a Sponsored Promoted Post for the highest your budget allows. Remember to make this particular post fun and interesting with an image that has less than 20% text. Post one on Monday 12 noon and the other on Thursday 5pm.

Pin the blog post image to your Pinterest Board and include all the hashtags and links in the description.

Post to G+ to Public and in any Communities you are in.

Other Ideas:

Further Promoting – At least 2 weeks out from event

Add additional information (images, links, testimonials) on the Facebook Event Page or your regular Facebook Page, ask people to Share the Event - add back to the blog, too

Add more Tweets with hashtag, schedule in HootSuite. Suggested 10-15/day.

Create 2 more Facebook Posts for the Event and make it a SponsoredPromoted Post for the highest your budget allows. Remember fun and interesting with an image that has less than 20% text. Post one on Monday and the other on Thursday. If Sunday is better - post then.

Create Facebook Ad(s) with external link to website sign-up page or product Page

Optional: Create second promotional YouTube video update

Post the blog post to LinkedIn personal account and then to specific Groups on Promotions tab.

3rdemail sent to your list – add new features and benefits

Re-Pin Videos and new images to Pinterest Boards

Posting on G+ to Public, any specific Circles and Communities

Other Ideas:

One week out from Event or Launch

Create 2 more Facebook Posts for the Event and make it a Sponsored Promoted Post for the highest your budget allows. Remember to make this particular post fun and interesting with an image that has less than 20% text. Post one on Monday and the other on Thursday.

Create new Facebook Ad with external link to website sign-up page or product Page

Continue Tweets with hashtag, schedule in HootSuite, add time text “Next week! In 6 days,” etc.

Twitter ads: you can specify the budget - specify the tweet(s)

4th email sent to your list – add new features and benefits

Personally contact your Promotional Partners to check on their progress with helping. Provide anything they need.

Optional: Ramp it up on G+ with a Hangout On Air

Other Ideas:

Day of Event

Create new Facebook Post. Alternately edit your original Image Post and Share back to your Page.

Edit Facebook Event - Add “Today” and re-post to page and personal accounts

Add “Today” to final tweets

Send out additional email reminder to join the webinar (to sub-list of people who did not join yet).

Post on G+

Optional: If you have a G+ On Air Event scheduled, you will need to manage that live video feed

Other Ideas:

Wrap it up - one hour through 2 weeks after event

Create and send out Thank-You tweets and hand-written notes to any special guests and your Promotional Partners

Write thank you on Facebook Page or Event Page with any additional links and images

Follow up with email marketing to new people who joined your list

Other Ideas:

This document is a bare-boned Social Media Marketing Flow checklist. You can take each section and expand it out in many directions. This checklist meant to inspire you to think about social media marketing for your next event.Need some help with all of this?

©2014 Phyllis Khare - Social Inc. 561-247-1632