Marketing Disclosure Form
The Champlain Housing Trust, Inc. (hereafter “CHT”) hereby discloses the following information to potential purchasers (the “purchaser”) of 6 Ciara Lanelocated in the town / city of Grand Isle, Vermont (the “property”) currently owned byShannon Lane(the “owner”):
1. CHTis assisting owner in the sale of their property by virtue of an option agreement betweenowner and CHT. Under said option agreement, owner is required to give CHT 180days notice of its desire to sell their property.
2. In order to assist owner in their obligations under said agreement that limits the resale price of their property and places certain income restrictions on the purchaser, CHThas agreed to market the property in question and look for an eligible purchaser.
3. CHTundertakes to assist owner in this capacity under its enforceability power granted to it by Vermont law (27 V.S.A. § 610). CHTis a registered non-profit corporation committed to the sale and resale of real estate to low and moderate income families. CHTis NOT a licensed real estate broker and is NOT acting in said capacity. It will not receive a commission from owner or purchaser, nor will it accept one. However, under certain circumstances, CHTmay mark up the sales price to purchaser to cover its advertising, appraisal, administrative and legal costs.
4. You also have the right to hire a real estate agent or other professional to represent you in the purchase of property. This real estate agent would represent your interests and would have a duty to provide you with all information it has material to the purchaser of the property. While CHTwill make a good faith effort to provide you with all information it has material to the sale and purchase of the property in question, it DOES NOT represent your interests or that of the owner.
5. If you decide to have a real estate agent represent you, you must enter into a written agreement with the real estate brokerage firm who will then represent your interests in the transaction at your expense.
Its Duly Authorized Agent
I/We acknowledge that I/we received a copy of this Disclosure form. I/We further acknowledge that CHTdoes not represent my/our interests or the owner’s interest in the sale of the property.
Please initial on the Sign In sheet that you read and understand this disclosure.