Judging Contest Coordinators are encouraged to use the following sets of questions as a guide for your contest. Your questions do not have to be these exact ones, although feel free to use them. Each class that has questions should consist of 10 questions. You may want to use separate sets for Juniors and Seniors.

Sample Market Steer Questions

Which steer is the heaviest muscled?

Between steers __ and__, which one would be more apt to grade Choice?

Which steer is the nicest balanced?

Which steer is the most structurally correct?

Which steer is wasty through his brisket?

Which steer is the soundest in his movement?

Between steers __ and __, which steer has more shape down his top and through his lower quarter?

Which steer it the widest pinned and thickest thru his hip and quarter?

Which steer appears to be the easiest feeding and biggest ribbed?

Which steer appears to need more days on feed to reach his end point?

Which steer is the narrowest topped and flattest through his quarter?

Which steer is the weakest topped and steepest hipped?

Which steer is the straightest through his shoulder?

Which steer is the tightest ribbed and shallowest flanked?

Which steer appears to be the lowest cutability?

Which steer should be the most profitable when sold on a grade and yield rewarding grid?

Which steer should rail a carcass receiving the lowest numerical yield grade?