Market Index Abbreviations

Return Type

·  NR: For MSCI index series only. NR indicates that total return is calculated reinvesting net dividends. This series approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment. The dividend is reinvested after deduction of withholding tax, applying the withholding tax rate to non-resident individuals who do not benefit from double taxation treaties.

·  GR: For MSCI index series only. GR indicates that total return is calculated reinvesting gross dividends. This series approximates the maximum possible dividend reinvestment. The amount reinvested is the entire dividend distributed to individuals residing in the country of the company, but does not include tax credits.

·  TR: Represents Total Return.

·  PR: Represents Price Return.

·  IR: Represents Income Return.

·  MV: Represents Total Market Values.

·  Yld: Represents Yield.

Currency Type

·  LCL: Indicates an index that is listed in local currency. This listing represents the theoretical performance of an index without any impact from foreign exchange fluctuations.

·  USD: Indicates an index that is US dollar priced.

·  Hdg USD: Indicates an index that is currency-hedged in USD.

Other general abbreviations

Abbreviation / Words
Adj / Adjusted
Aero / Aerospace
Agcy/Agcs / Agency/Agencies
Agg / Aggregate
ATGAF / Alcohol/Tobacco/Gambling/Armament/Firearms
Astk / All Stocks
ADSs / American Depository Shares
App / Appliances
ABS / Asset Backed Securities
Auth / Authorities
Autos / Automobiles
Auto / Automotive
Avg / Average
AW / Asset Weighted
AW (FTSE only) / All-world. Please see the data point “Legal Name” for FTSE index names without acronyms.
Bas / Basic
btr / better
Bev / Beverage
Biotech / Biotechnology
Blt / Bullet
Brd / Broad
BIG / Broad Investment-Grade
Bldg / Building
biz / Business
Calg / Catalog
Cert / Certificate
CD / Certificate Of Deposit
Citi / Citigroup
Coll / Collateralized
Comrcl / commercial
Comct / Communication
Coms / companies
com / Company
compnt / component
Cmpt / Computer
Conglmrt / Conglomerate
CM / Constant Maturity
Constnd / Constrained
Const / Construction
Cons / Consumer
Convnt / Conventional
Corp / Corporate
CQG / Corporates&Quasi Government
Conty/Conts / Country/Countries
Cpn / Coupon
Ccy / Currency
Cyc / Cyclical
USTREAS / US Department of the Treasury
Dv / developed
Dvlpr / developer
Dev / Development
Disc / Discretionary
Distrbtn / Distribution
Div / Diversified
Durb / Durables
Electl / Electrical
Electrnc / Eelectronic
Em / Emerging
EMC / Emerging Market Corporates
EMNBS / Emerging Market Non Brady Sovereigns
EMS / Emerging Market Sovereign(s)
EMU / European Economic and Monetary Union
ESBI / Emerging Sovereign Bond Index
EBIG / EMU Broad Investment Grade
Enr / Energy
Eng / Engineering
Entrtmnt / Entertainment
Equip / Equipment
Eqty / Equity
Estt / Estate
EuroDep / Eurodeposit
Eurodoll / Eurodollar
Eur / Europe
EPAC / Europe, Pacific, Asia and Canada
Erpn / European
EuroZ / EuroZone
EW / Equal Weighted
Ex / Excluding
Explor / Exploration
Extnd / Extended
FHLMC / Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FNMA / Federal National Mortgage Association(Freddie Mac)
Fin / Finance
Fincl / Financial
Fxd / Fixed
Fl / Floating
Fgn / Foreign
Gen / General
Gbl / Global
Gds / Goods
Govt / Government
GBI / Government Bond Indez
GvGtd / Government Guaranteed
GNMA / Government National Mortgage Association(Ginnie Mae)
Gov/Govsp / Government/Government Sponsored
Gurntd / Guaranteed
Hwre / Hardware
HC / Health Care
Hgd / Hedged
HF / Hedged Fund
HY / High Yield
Htl / Hotel
Hushld / Household
Hsg / Housing
Incl / Including
Indl / Industrial
Ind / Industry
Infln / Inflation
Info / Information
Infra / Infrastructure
Instr / Instrument
Insurc / Insurance
Itnet / Internet
Invt / Investment
IG / Investment Grade
Isur / Issuer
Isurs / Issuers
Ivory Cst / Ivory Coast
Jumbo Pfand / Jumbo Pfandbrief
Lg / Large
LPF / large Pension Fund
LA / Latin America
Leis / Leisure
LPT / Listed Property Trusts
lodg / lodging
Lgc / Logistics
machry / machinery
Manufctr / Manufacturer
Manfctg / manufacturing
Mkt / Market
MLP / Master Limited Partnership
Matls / Materials
Mats / Maturities
Mat / Maturity
Mbl / Mobile
Mon / Month
Mort / Mortgage
MFX / Mortgage Finance Index
MBS / Mortgage-backed Security
Multiutil / Multiutilities
Non / N-/Non-
CND / NASDAQ Canada Index
NTTR / NASDAQ Technology Total Return
NonBK / Non Bank
NonIndp / Non Independent
NonInFin / Non Insurance Finance
Nlife / Nonlife
NA / North America
TMT / Technology, media and telecommunications
Oilfld / oilfield
Opt/Optl / Option/Optional
Oth / Other
Pac / Pacific
Pkg / package
Pakg / Packing
pers / personal
Pharm / Pharmaceutical
Prec / Precious
Prdcr / Producer
prdcrs / producers
Prod(s) / Product(s)
Prodtn / production
Ppty / Property
Pvdr / Provider
Prov / Province
REIT / real estate investment trust
Reg / Regional
Rresid / residential
Res / Resource
Restar / restaurants
Retl / Retail
Retlr / Retailer
RTS / Russian Trading System Stock Exchange
Secndry / secondary
Sec / sector
Secs / Securities
Securtzn / securitization
Securzd / Securitized
Secty / security
STRIPS / Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
Svc / Service
Svcs / Services
Smlr / Smaller
Swre / Software
Spnsd / Sponsored
Strctr / Structures
Sub / subsector
Supl / Supplies
SpAg / Supra Agency
Supra / Supranational
Tech / Technology
Tele / telecommunication
Tobc / tobacco
Trd / trade
Trdg / Trading
Trad Pfand / Traditional Pfandbriefe
Transpt / Transportation
Trvl / Travel
Trsy / Treasury
Ureg / Unregulated
Util / Utility
Val / Value
Vcle / Vehicle
Wtr / Water
W Euro / West Europe
Whlsalr / Wholesaler
Wless / Wireless
Wld / world
WBIG / World Broad Investment Grade
Yks / Yankees
Yr / year