Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 at 7.00 pm
St Gregory’s Church, Station Road.
Present: Chairman: Cllr H Whitehead Vice Chairman: Cllr R Symonds
Cllrs G Betts, G Oakley, S Ward, K Coleman, County Cllr I Ould, Mrs F Helliwell (newly appointed Clerk) Mrs J Tomlinson (retiring Clerk). Two members of the public were present.
The Chairman welcomed Fiona Helliwell to the meeting and thanked Joan Tomlinson for all her hard work over the last 12 years.
1Apologies received from Cllrs K Hughes and C Coleman both away on holiday.
2Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman with one minor amendment.
3Situation Report from the Clerk
a. Attended three evening meetings with councillors:
- Parish Council Training Workshop 8/3/07 – briefing note on Material Planning Considerations prepared and distributed to councillors.
- RCC Annual Consultation seminar 22/3/07 – information pack available which highlights examples of how the Parish Plan process has led to real improvements for communities.
- Parishes Forum 29/3/07 - Community Forums Pilot will be established later in year. All 3 tiers of Government will be represented. Splitting HBBC area into 3 – Urban; Rural West; Rural East.
b. Details of the Community Transport Service (Pilot Scheme) were outlined and a discussion ensued regarding the potential need and demand for such a service in Market Bosworth. Cllr Ould reported that he had not been consulted on the scheme. There was a general feeling that the service as planned would largely go unused.
Action: FH to write to HBBC requesting further consultation to be undertaken by HBBC to establish community need. The Parish Plan process may help to highlight local issues. The financial contribution requested to support service delivery for 2007/08 was declined.
c. It was noted that Sally Crossfield is the new Rural Issues and Events officer at HBBC (taken over from Sonia Smith).
d. It was noted that the RCC is hosting a meeting of the Parish Plan group on Thursday 12th April 7.30pm at St Gregory’s Church.
e. JT confirmed the solicitor advised that the Deed of Covenant for land at the rear of the Black Horse (registered under Title Number LT 375682) be signed.
Action: Chairman signed the Deed of Covenant - Cllr Ould to act as witness if necessary.
f. It was agreed that Market Bosworth Parish Council will renew its affiliation with Market Bosworth Community College for 2007/08.
Action: FH to complete Extended Services Registration by 30th April 2007.
g. JT reported that business rate relief had been received for the cemetery from 2006/07 and will be received for the car park from 2007/08 onwards.
h. JT reported that COMSPRAY has agreed to carry out street cleaning and the contract has been confirmed for 16 weeks from 28 May 2007 to 17 September at a cost of £25/hour for 2 hours per week.
i. JT reported that ARRIVA had agreed to provide a bus timetable on the fingerpost by the canal.
j. JT reported that County Fairs will holding an event on the Parish Field over the Easter Weekend. It was agreed that the hirer would be required to rectify any damage caused and will be charged £150 for use of the field over 3 days.
Action: JT to inform County Fairs of fee required and terms of hire.
k. JT reported that the DCC of St Peter’s Church has agreed the quotation from Windmill Garden Services for the grass cutting at the church.
Action: FH to arrange payment on receipt of invoice.
4Declarations of Interest – there were no declarations of interest made.
- County Councillor Ivan Ould
General Issues: Cllr Ould reported that the Cabinet had unanimously agreed to adopting a 2 tier model for schools reorganisation starting in Melton Mowbray and the Vale of Belvoir. This would be extended across the county as funding becomes available (2013). The implications for Market Bosworth are not yet known. Cllr Ould outlined details of two new schemes targeting Young People. The Government is making a total of £607,705 available to Leicestershire in 2007/08 to give young people the opportunity to be actively involved in running and financing activities in their communities.
Local Issues: Cllr Ouldhas requested a survey be carried out to assess the condition of the footways and pavements on Station Road. Cllr Betts raised the issue of the narrowness of the pavement between the primary school and the new housing development. Cllr Ould drew attention to the serious financial constraints facing LCC but agreed to support the case for improvement as an opportunities arises.
Cllr K Coleman raised concerns about the extraction of water from a hydrant off Station Road. Cllr Ould agreed to investigate this matter further.
- Borough Councillor Rita Aldridge – none received.
- Police –none received.
- Crime and Safety Forum
Cllr Ward reported that the Hinckley and Bosworth Community Safety Partnership has been restructured resulting in a reduction in the number of seats. Concern was expressed that this was carried out without consultation and the Crime and Safety Forum has lost its seat. Inspector Hall announced staff changes which should result in 2 sergeants being based at Market Bosworth from 2nd April 2007. The Forum is to finance the purchase of a bicycle for the PCSO and will be used by Simon at Market Bosworth. The Police Report for the last 30 days records: 12 cases of burglary from dwellings;12 cases of burglary other than from dwellings;11 cases of assault;15 cases of damage;9 cases of damage to motor vehicles;18 thefts;10 cases of theft from motor vehicles;10 thefts of motors vehicles.
6Public Participation
A question was raised regarding the proposal to allow the introduction of plaques to mark where ashes are scattered in the labyrinth. Cllr Betts confirmed that a number of requests from bereaved families had been received. It was agreed that options for accommodating the request be investigated.
Action: DS/GB to investigate practical options and report back.
7Planning Matters
- Plans approved
07/00124/FUL Extensions and Alterations to Dwelling 121 The Park.
- Plans declined –none
- New plans (see or MBPC Notice Board)
Ref 07/00324/FUL - Extensions and Alteration to Dwelling Common Farm, Barton Road. There were no objections to this application.
Ref 07/00359/FUL - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Garage and Erection of Replacement Dwelling , 11 Sutton Lane. There were no objections to this application.
Ref 07/00362/CON - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Garage, 11 Sutton Lane. There were no objections to this application.
Action:FH to send comments to HBBC
8Cemetery, Shenton Lane
Cllr Simmons reported that a site visit was held with Alan Spencer (Architect) on 1/4/07 and it was confirmed that Planters are now setting out the labyrinth correctly. A Burial of Ashes is to be performed on Thursday 5th April and the contractors have been requested to vacate the site at 2.30pm. The plants have been ordered from Coles for landscaping to the car park area - Peter Bayliss has advised that the number specified is insufficient to complete the job. It was agreed that an additional 45no. laurel bushes be ordered and collected to allow work to start on site w/c 2/4/07.
Action: DS to request Peter Bayliss to order and collect additional plants as agreed.
FH reported that the quotes for the wildflower meadow are still outstanding.
Action: FH to investigate options for obtaining 3 quotes by 27/04/07.
9Rectory Lane Car Park Extension
FH reported that 6no. contractors had been invited to tender for the work (3no. ground works only; 3no.ground + surface work). To date 2no. quotations received. It was agreed that the deadline for acceptance of quotes is 27/04/07.
Action: FH to contact potential contractors to obtain at least 3 quotes by 27/04/07.
10Premises Licence Application
JT reported that R Bradford has agreed to be the Designated Premises Supervisor. The Application Form is now complete and the process for submitting and advertising the license application can begin.
Action: JT to submit the license application to HBBC.
11Contract for Parish Clerk
FH reported that the contract for the Parish Clerk has been drawn up using the latest joint NALC/Society of Local Council Clerks Model Contract of Employment. Clause 19 makes provision for the employee to join the Local Government Pension Scheme. It was agreed that Market Bosworth Parish Council apply to join the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Action: FH to prepare Notice of Statutory Resolution.
The question of extending the hours the Parish Office is open to the public was discussed. It was proposed that an early evening session be offered between 4.30 and 6.30pm on a Tuesday. This will be effective from May 2007.
Action: FH to advertise thenew opening hours for the Parish Council Office.
12Financial Report and Accounts for Approval
The Finance Working Party has not met.
Treasurer Account £1241.05
Money Manager Account £34,715.43
Appointment of External Auditor
UHY Hacker Young appointed as Auditor to MBPC for 2006/07.
Credits received
HBBC £2306.65 Car Park Income
Burial Fee £275.00
Burial reservation (2 plots) £100.00
Accounts for Approval
/ Amount £ / Details / Cheque NoHBBC / 13.84 / Rates for Cemetery / 101724
HBBC / 144.97 / VAT / 101725
HBBC / 63.60 / Rates for Car Park / 101726
HBBC / 1764.78 / Car Park Services / 101727
HBBC / 604.54 / Business Rates for Car Park / 101728
HM Revenue and Customs / 289.03 / Tax on 3 employees / 101729
J Williamson / 60.54 / Xmas Lights (electricity) / 101730
Thomas Flavell and Son / 352.25 / Car Park lease/associated costs / 101731
George Sykes (Properties) Ltd / 26.25 / Insurance / 101732
St Gregory’s RC Church / 20.00 / Room Hire / 101733
Mrs J Tomlinson / 297.33 / Salary and expenses / 101734
Mrs F Helliwell / 358.96 / Salary and expenses / 101735
Mrs F Helliwell / 60.00 / Petty Cash / 101736
Rural Community Council / 30.00 / Annual Subscription / 101737
Local Council Review / 12.00 / Annual Subscription / 101738
ASHTAV / 25.00 / Annual Subscription / Declined
ABBA / 86.00 / Annual Subscription / Declined
Market Bosworth Community College / 20.00 / Annual Affiliation Fee / 101739
FH requested that Councillors consider how correspondence be treated in the future. It was proposed that a record of all correspondence received at the office be recorded in a day book. This would be available for reference. Relevant information would be circulated to all councillors. Correspondence requiring a council decision would be included as a specific agenda item and relevant papers circulated with the agenda for the next full council meeting. It was agreed that this proposal be adopted.
Action: FH to implement new system for dealing with correspondence.
14Date of Annual Parish Council Meeting 8 May 2007 at 7pm preceded by Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30pm Community College, Station Road.
Action: JT to prepare Chairman’s Annual report for 2006/07 and send a letter of thanks to Market Bosworth Society for the hard work undertaken in preparing the Conservation Area Character Statement.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Chairman
Date …………………………………..