July 11, 2012
Vol. 37 Issue No. 1
Literacy-International Service- A time to highlightand emphasize World Community Projects
Club Calendar & Speaker Assignments
July 11 Assembly Meeting
18 Stan Needleman
25 Dist. Governor Sonny Holt presentation
Aug 1 Jim Leyton- Marilyn Bedell - Rot. FoundationPresentation
8 Sal Spinosa - Deb. Spinosa - Defense for seniors
15 Gary Plewak
22 Doug Stoehr - Michael Wood-Lewis; Front Porch Forum
29 Jack Miner - Membership Program
Sept. The following dates are available for any member who has an interesting speaker. If no one responds, I will assign members for these days next week: Sept 5, 12, 19, 26.
Editor’s Note: Please inform Wini (496-6710) of the name of your speaker atleast 2 weeks in advance. If you can’t get a speaker for that date, pleasetry to trade with another person on the list. Wini
Birthdays: Ken Amann 7/18; Dinsmore 7/7; Lorraine 7/8
Anniversaries: Tom & Suzanne Byrne 7/14; Carol & Charles Hosford 7/7;Rosemarie & Bill White 7/16
Meeting News
Doug started his term as president on a lovely temperate sunny day,but themembers were so noisy they did not hear the ring of his gavel and JimLeyton had to yell quiet before we could say the pledge of allegiance. Ourguests included: Jeff Poland from Colorado,( Wini’s cousin), John Tocco (Ron Geren’s friend) and Anna White(Rosemarie’s daughter)Doug gave thanks forRotarians near and far, for camaraderie, for serviceabove self, for theopportunity to do things together that could not be done alone and sent usall to the buffet. Breakfast was ready and waiting for us, making a quick start for our forum meeting.
After breakfast, Doug announced the birthdays and anniversaries.John Crump announced that he and his wife were resigning from our club and transferring to a club in Mexico, where he is already working on severalRotary projects and will join their BOD. As a final gesture, he sold DuckRace tickets last weekend.
At this point, Doug had his laptop all set up and plugged in all ready todiscuss the follow up on our visioning session at the end of May.
4th of July float: We won “Best Recycled Float”
Duck Race Sales: Dave Koepele informed us that between the 4th of July and the weekend we sold $1,333. worth of tickets - a splendid start . Davethanked all the members who participated in the various activities duringthe parade and the sales venues.
BOD meeting next week after regular meeting.
Manny passed around a sign-up sheet for the weekend Duck Race ticket sales.
On July 25, Dist. Governor Sonny Holt presentation.
Doug read list of Thank-yous and the amount of our donations:
Valley Art $500, Vermont Camp $100, Relatives Raising Children (nottheir own), Mad River Path Ass’n $500, CVHHH Education $1,000, MadRiver Ambulance -loan of our grill for their breakfast BBQ.
Megabucks $195 Sissy drew the 6 of diamonds to get loser¹s $5.00
Happy Bucks:
Jim Leyton - deliriously Happy to be alive
Chris Kirchen - visited farm in Scandinavia where wife’s grandmother camefrom
Joe Klimek - grapes doing perfectly
Art Conway - grandson getting married
Monk - bought condo in Hanover
Betty - off to Whale watching in Portland
Carol Hosford - town orchard pruned w/ help of Rotarians
John Crump - visit
Ron Geren - friend here today
Dave Ellison - diversion- Group from Maine who helped with flood recovery work - at his house for dinner
Dave Koepele - family from California here
Stan - sold a Boston condo
Rosemarie - daughter here today
Jon Jamieson - wealth ?
Doug Stoehr - daughter from California - studied Mexican Culture
Mad River Valley Rotary Club - Long Range Plan -July 11, 2012
The Mad River Valley Rotary Club commits to the following Long Range Plans,organized by the four Rotary Avenues of Service:
We seek to sustain a club of 70 active members. To achieve this we will:
1. Reorganize the manner in which we recruit speakers and set guidelinesfor identifying potential speakers.
2. Recruit and attract younger members by considering the dues structureand other incentives.
3. We seek to encourage more members to regularly attend meetings.
4. Strongly encourage all members to serve on a club sponsored committee oractivity
5. Hold 2-3 social activities per year that include families.
6. Hold one regular cost sensitive club meeting per quarter in the evening.
Chair: Judy Reed ()
1. Create and communicate to our community a volunteer force that isprepared to respond to resident and organization needs in the community.Criteria will be developed for accepting a request for assistance, includingthe types of needs to which we can respond. A roster of skills will bedeveloped. As a result the club will become an indispensable part of theMad River Valley. Examples include minor repairs, small business coaching,
and transportation.
2. Be involved in more hands-on community service projects and lead atleast two (2) of them. (One possibility might be to obtain medicalequipment for our community and arrange training on how to use).
3. Work with local schools to assist children in the Valley who need help.
Chair: Carol Hosford ()
1. Hold 3 club meetings per year at local businesses
2. Promote the Rotary Speech Contest in local schools.
3. Establish a career guidance program and implement an internship programfor high school students with local business organizations.
4. Partner with local schools to include students in a Rotary serviceproject.
Chair: Gene Scarpato ()
INTERNATIONAL (Rotary Foundation)
1. Fund and participate in an international project with another club inDistrict 7850, concentrating on Latin America.
2. Become active in understanding and participating in Rotary Internationalscholarship programs (e.g. Peace Scholarship)
3. Develop opportunities for members to meet Every Rotarian Every Yearguidelines ($100 minimum per year). Possibilities include adding a $ amountto each meal or paying a set amount monthly.
4. We will significantly increase the number of Rotary Benefactors.
Chair: John Hale ()
Identify additional fundraising projects so that we have a continuallyincreasing amount of funds raised. Explore new ways of raising sustainablefunds, including the internet.
Chair: Clayton-Paul Cormier ()
We will develop an active Media Committee that:
1. Promotes local and international Rotary activities
2. Utilizes the Interact Club to help promote Rotary through socialmedia
3. Arranges for taping and broadcasting Rotary meeting and events onlocal TV that help promote Rotary; uses Rotary International media to helpaccomplish this goal.
Chair: Vickie Walluck ()
of the things we think, say or do:
1) Is it the Truth?
2) Is it Fair to All Concerned
3) Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
4) Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
The Vale News
PO Box 267, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Club Officers
Board of Directors 2012 - 2013
PresidentDoug Stoehr
Vice PresidentManny Apigian
President ElectGene Scarpato
SecretaryRobert Grant
TreasurerDavid Ellison
Past PresidentLorraine Keener
Committee Chairmen:
InternationalJoe Goldstein
ClubAl Barillaro
VocationalDavid Koepele
CommunityDinsmore Fulton
RI FoundationJim Leyton
EditorWini Thorsen
Assistant editors Sissy Walker, Audrey Witschi