
You got the vax! This is an important step to protect yourself against meningitis B. For your Trumenba® MenB vaccine to be fully effective, you will need to receive a second dose in 30 days and a third dose six months after your second.

Mark your calendar now!

Dose 1 was given on: ______Dose 2 is due on: ______
Dose 3 is due on: ______

Severe reactions are rare but typically occur within a few hours of vaccination. More than half of those who get a MenB vaccine will have mild reactions. Mild reactions include soreness where you received the vaccine, tiredness, headache, muscle or joint pain, fever or chills, nausea or diarrhea. Call 911 if you think you are having a severe allergic reaction. Otherwise call555-555-5555.


You got the vax! This is an important step to protect yourself against meningitis B. For your Trumenba® MenB vaccine to be fully effective, you will need to receive a second dose in 30 days and a third dose six months after your second.

Mark your calendar now!

Dose 1 was given on: ______Dose 2 is due on: ______
Dose 3 is due on: ______

Severe reactions are rare but typically occur within a few hours of vaccination. More than half of those who get a MenB vaccine will have mild reactions. Mild reactions include soreness where you received the vaccine, tiredness, headache, muscle or joint pain, fever or chills, nausea or diarrhea. Call 911 if you think you are having a severe allergic reaction. Otherwise call555-555-5555.


You got the vax! This is an important step to protect yourself against meningitis B. For your Trumenba® MenB vaccine to be fully effective, you will need to receive a second dose in 30 days and a third dose six months after your second.

Mark your calendar now!

Dose 1 was given on: ______Dose 2 is due on: ______
Dose 3 is due on: ______

Severe reactions are rare but typically occur within a few hours of vaccination. More than half of those who get a MenB vaccine will have mild reactions. Mild reactions include soreness where you received the vaccine, tiredness, headache, muscle or joint pain, fever or chills, nausea or diarrhea. Call 911 if you think you are having a severe allergic reaction. Otherwise call555-555-5555.


You got the vax! This is an important step to protect yourself against meningitis B. For your Trumenba® MenB vaccine to be fully effective, you will need to receive a second dose in 30 days and a third dose six months after your second.

Mark your calendar now!

Dose 1 was given on: ______Dose 2 is due on: ______
Dose 3 is due on: ______

Severe reactions are rare but typically occur within a few hours of vaccination. More than half of those who get a MenB vaccine will have mild reactions. Mild reactions include soreness where you received the vaccine, tiredness, headache, muscle or joint pain, fever or chills, nausea or diarrhea. Call 911 if you think you are having a severe allergic reaction. Otherwise call555-555-5555.

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