Mariner Athletic Code
Aptos High School
The Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Aptos High School, and the Central Coast Section/CIF, have established certain rules which all student-athletes must follow.
The following rules represent the most pertinent of these rules. In addition, the Athletic Department and individual coaches have the authority to establish reasonable, and more stringent, rules for athletes.
1.Physicals - All athletes are required to have on file in the Athletic office proof of anAnnual Physical Examinationwhich clears the athlete for participation in interscholastic sports. no athlete may practice or play for any team without a current physical exam.
2.Insurance - All athletes are required to have on file in the athletic office aProof of Insurance Form, indicating that either they are covered through their parent or guardian’s insurance, or that they have purchased school insurance. If school insurance is purchased, it should be purchased through the athletic office. It makes our record keeping easier if you do notmail school insurance envelopes directly to the insurance company. Please bring them to the athletic office. no athlete may practice or play for any team without proof of insurance.
3.OTHERForms - All athletes must also have on file in the athletic office a Parent PermitForm, which allows for an injured athlete to be administered first-aid if no parent or guardian is present. All athletes must also have on file a CIF Steroids Policy Form and a CIF Concussion Information Form. no athlete may practice or play for any team without these forms on file.
4.AcademicEligibility - To be academically eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics, all student athletes must:
a. be passing at least 25 semester units, or 12.5 quarter units
b. be achieving a minimum GPA of 2.0
c. beenrolled-in and passing at least 5 classes at all times; and
d. be making minimum progress towards graduation.
Quarter grades shall be used at the quarter and semester grades at the semester. Summer school grades may be used in addition to the spring semester grades to determine fall eligibility. College classes used for athletic eligibility must be approved by the principal or designee prior to the season of participation. Please note that there is no appeal process provided under PVUSD by-laws for academic ineligibility.
5.UnexcusedAbsence - If any athlete has an unexcused absence (e.g., cutting a class) on the day of a game or contest, he/she may not participate in the game or contest that day.
6.MinimumAttendance - To be eligible for any game or contest, an athlete must attend at least four (4) completeperiodsof class (or 2 blocks) on the day of the game or contest. Any remaining absences from class must be excused.
7.Suspension - If a student is suspended from school for any reason, he/she may not participate in practice or games during the days of suspension.
8.Equipment - Athletes are responsible for all equipment and uniforms issued to them. If any equipment or uniforms are lost or damaged, the athleteand the parents will be held financially responsible. Report cards, diplomas, and/or transcripts will be withheld until the school has been fully reimbursed for the lost or damaged items.
9.Quitting A Team
if an athlete quits a team, he/she may not try-out for or participate with another team until:
- the original team’s season is completed, or
- the coach from the original team releases the athlete in writing
for the purposes of this rule, an athlete is not considered a member of the original team unless:
- he/she has made the final cut, or
- if the team does not make cuts, the athlete has been practicing/playing with the team for eight (8) practices.
10.IllEgal SUBSTANCE POLICY - Any Aptos High School student-athlete who uses, possesses,
sells, or otherwise furnishesany controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, or tobacco product while
at school or under the jurisdiction of the school is subject to the regular and established consequences of the
California Education Code, PVUSD Board policy, and the rules and regulations of Aptos High School and its
individual athletic programs.
- a first violation will result in: a) a one (1) to five (5) day school suspension; and b) an additional two (2) week contest ineligibility (attendance at practices and games is expected to be continued after the school suspension ends).
- a second violation anytime during the athlete’s high school career will result in suspension from participation in all interscholastic athletics for one calendar year (365 days).
11.Sportsmanship - The highest degree of sportsmanship is expected of our athletes at all times. If
any athlete is ejectedfrom a pre-season or league contest as a result of flagrant misconduct or
unsportsmanlike behavior, he/she will be disqualified from participating in the next scheduled contest. If the
ejection occurs in a CCS/CIF playoff contest, the athlete will be disqualified from all future contests in that sport
for the duration of the playoffs. In addition, good sportsmanship is expected at all practices, and
consequences for unsportsmanlike behavior during practice will be dealt with at the coaches’ discretion.
12.Physical Assault - Any student who physically assaults a game or event officialshall be banned
from interscholastic athletics for the remainderof the student’s high school eligibility.
13.Transportation - Whenever transportation is provided by the school, all athletes must ride both
to and from the event on the provided transportation. If an athlete wishes to drive home with his/her parents,
he/she must have the prior approval of the coach. Parents may drive other athletes if they have their own
insurance and a Volunteer Driver Form on file with the main office. The district insurance does not cover parents. Athletes may drive themselves with their coach’s permission if the students have their own
insurance, but theymay not drive other students. The district insurance does not cover student-drivers either.
14.Grooming & Dress Standards - All athletes are expected to meet team standards.
15.Awards - Athletes must finish the season in-good-standing in order to be eligible for an award.
16.Hazing - Any athlete who intentionally hazes, persecutes, intimidates or humiliates another athlete, in
person, on-line, or through social media, etc., shall be suspended from interscholastic athletics for the
remainder of that season. Any subsequent violation anytime during the athlete’s high school career will result
in suspension from participation in all interscholastic athletics for one calendar year (365 days).
17.Locker Roomsecurity - Neither the AHS Athletic Department nor the school is responsiblefor
the theft or vandalism of any items in the locker room or on school grounds. To ensure the safety of your
property, make sure it is all secured in locked locker(you must supply your own lock).
18.Overall Conduct - The coaching staff and the administration of Aptos High School expect a
great deal of the athletes who represent our school. The rules in this policy are designed to provide a
reasonable set of guidelines for our athletes. The AHS coaches, Athletic Director, and Principal retain the right
to discipline and/or remove any athlete from our athletic program who demonstrates at school, at a school-
sponsored activity or trip, or in the community, that he/she is not responsible enough in his/her personal
behavior to represent our school in athletics.
the bottom portion of this form must be signed & returned to the coach or the
Athletic Office before the athlete can participate in any practices or games.
Cut here and return to your coach or the Athletic Office ------
(Please Print) Student’s Last NameFirstStudent #
we have received, read & agree to comply with the athletic code of aptos high school.
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
March 28, 2012