From Your Catholic School Trustees
Luz Del Rosario and Thomas Thomas
Welcome back to Dufferin-Peel! Welcome back to all of our students and their families as well as our teachers and all of our Dufferin-Peel staff! We hope that you had a wonderful summer. A sincere and warm welcome to our new students and their families. As parents and guardians, we hope that you will become involved in your school by way of Catholic school council and volunteer opportunities. You can make a difference. As we begin another school year we ask God to bless and guide us. We are blessed to be a part of a Catholic school system where Jesus stands in the centre of all we do. We pray that this will be a successful year for all.
Welcome all new staff. We know that you will find our schools to be dynamic and enriched places of learning. We wish our staff God’s blessings as they move forward this year. We appreciate your time and talent and especially your donation of treasured volunteer hours for extracurricular activities.
We would like to welcome our new superintendent Wayne Brunton to Mississauga Brampton Central. Mr. Brunton brings many years of expertise in education to this position and we know that he will enjoy working with all of you.
A special welcome to our grade nine students. Your four years will fly by. Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our potential for our students to experience many courses and extracurricular activities that will give them a firm foundation on which to build their future as well as develop as a committed member of society.
To our grade twelve students - we wish you the very best in your last year of Catholic secondary school. You will be thinking about college, university or the world of work. This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! We hope you make the best of this exciting year.
We are so proud of Dufferin-Peel! We know that our school communities have a positive impact on young people’s lives. And while we had to face government cuts while developing this year’s budget we are confident that we will deliver a quality Catholic education to each of our students. Our graduation rates as well as our EQAO results provide us with data on which we will continue to build upon our goal for excellence! Schools have been cleaned and renovated by our dedicated custodians and are ready to welcome all of our students. We have much of which to be proud in Dufferin-Peel.
Parents please support and join your Catholic School Council. It is a great opportunity for input and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. There will be information about your school council available over the next few weeks. You can make a difference!
We wish you a positive and rewarding year and may the God bless you always!
For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:9