Marin Women’s Commission –– Business MeetingMinutes

Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 410B, San Rafael, CA 94903

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 –– 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order 7pm
  2. Roll Call all Commissioners in attendance
  3. Agenda Approved DK/DT m/s/p
  4. Approve Outstanding Minutes - edits made by staff: TT/DK m/s/p
  5. Open Time for Guests
  6. Catherine Hargrave & Katelyn O’Halloran sitting in on meeting.
  7. Audriana Aimes from Fair Housing Marin presented information on Fair Housing of Marin.
  8. Fair Housing brochure handed out (copy available upon request)
  9. Some offerings: audits, investigations on unfair housing, education and advocation.
  10. Strategic Issues
  1. Women’s Leadership (CZ)
  2. Pacifics sent over a “thank you” framed photo
  3. Applied for ATT Grant
  4. Women Leading Community Change Summit Invite; no response yet.
  5. Assessment on Women’s Leadership in Marin - Summit
  6. Suffrage 2020
  7. Consent Degree – MAH and CZ – in the future
  8. Correspondence Secretary needed to send letters on behalf of MWC andprovide a continual touch with the community.
  9. KC made a motion that CZ put together a proposal next month with a budget – to review a full proposal next meeting – due to sparked interest. CZ/DK m/s/p
  10. JW may have a possible future speaker regarding women in prison due to domestic violence.
  11. Women’s Economic Empowerment(DK) update:
  12. Group is working on outreach, empowerment campaigns and an aging action initiative
  13. Topic of Sustainment via County money
  1. Events
  1. AAUW’s WorkSmart introduced as analternative to W&M Conference (JW)
  2. Series of financial workshops held throughout the year
  3. Workshops approximately 2 ½ hours
  4. Partnering or in collaboration with other groups
  5. Woman and Money Conference (CZ)
  6. Successful Template in Force
  7. Date being held is April 30, 2016
  8. Motion made to go ahead and move toward having the Woman and Money event on April 30, 2016 CZ/KC m/s/p 5 aye, 4 opposed, 1 abstention
  9. Marin Teen Girl Conference update for the April 2, 2016 event (KC);
  10. Keynote speaker, Cammy Nelson
  11. Possibly 22 workshops being held; including Spanish Speaking Tract
  1. Infrastructure Projects & Miscellaneous Commission Business
  1. Treasurer’s Report (MD/KC/CS)
  2. Based on historic information,review of records and current reports; MWC’s financial status explained (See attachment; available upon request)
  3. All County Money deposited in Cost Center Account #200;
  4. All Donations and Profits went into Cost Center Account #250;
  5. Cost Center #200 never rolls over;
  6. Cost Center #250 rolls over;
  7. Deficit in #250 will absorbed by County and monies in Cost Center#200, the MarinLink account and the Paypal account can be used, as long as all money is spent and not roll over made at the end of the fiscal year.
  8. Finance Committeeto meet regarding the finances and bring an update to the next Executive board meeting.
  9. MWC Commissioner vacancies (AP)
  10. A packet of flyers was given to each Commissioner to hand out.
  1. Adjournment 9:00 pm

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance (i.e. auxiliary aids or services) in order to participate in this public meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by calling (415) 499-6172 (TTY)

or Marin Women’s Commission staff at (415) 473-6195 (voice) at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting.

Late agenda material can be inspected in the Human Resources Office, Room 415, Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.