Marian High School
Teacher: Mrs. Rutherford
Contact Info:
Website: ® Teachers’ Pages ® Rutherford
Course Description
As part of a college preparatory curriculum, students study the essentials of geometry, proofs, plane figures (2 dimensional) and their relationships, transformations and an introduction to solids (3 dimensional figures) and probability.
Course Goals
As a result of their experiences in this course, students will continue to develop their mathematical proficiency, improve problem-solving skills, and apply geometry concepts to the world around them.
Course Format
This course is structured to provide a variety of learning opportunities for each student. During class meetings there may be lecture, discussion, question and answer sessions, problem-solving tutorials, small group activities, or brief student presentations. Lectures and other presentations will be based on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content.
Course Supplies
Ø Binder or Spiral Notebook – for notes and other class activities
Ø «Folder – for worksheets, returned assignments, etc…
Ø Loose-leaf paper – for homework assignments
Ø Graph paper
Ø «Ruler – metric
Ø «Protractor
Ø «Compass
Ø «Calculator – scientific/graphing (4-function not acceptable)
«I will check for these items as a class preparation grade. (These checks may or may NOT be announced
Course Procedures & Policies
On your way to the classroom:
Ø Go to the bathroom.
Ø Get a drink of water.
Before class begins:
Ø Place your homework in the homework tray.
Ø Sharpen your pencil or borrow a writing utensil.
Ø Get tissue(s).
Ø If you need to see the nurse because you are ill and might go home, you must ask me for a pass BEFORE the bell rings for the start of class.
During class:
Once the bell rings for the start of class, plan to stay until the end of the period.
Tardy Policy:
Ø See Student Handbook ® Atttendance Policies ® Tardiness
Classroom Behavior:
Ø Respect the materials and equipment in the classroom.
Ø The safety shower and eyewash station are for emergencies.
Ø No projectiles!
Ø Remain in your seat.
Ø Stay in the student area of the classroom.
Ø Areas off limits to students:
o stairs in southeast corner.
o chemical hood area in southwest corner.
o Station #7 in northwest corner.
Ø Consequences: See Student Handbook ® Student Discipline
Ø The textbook introduces and reinforces material presented in class.
Ø Students are responsible for proper care of their textbook.
There are regular homework assignments.
Ø Homework must be complete AND neat.
Ø Homework must be done on loose-leaf paper.
¬ Ragged edges are NOT acceptable = 20% penalty.
Ø Omitting the heading results in a 20% penalty.
Ø Heading:
Turning in assignments:
Ø Due BEFORE the bell rings to begin class!
Ø MUST be placed on the appropriate shelf in the classroom.
Ø Late after I collect from the class shelf.
Ø Late penalty = 20% of the possible points.
Late assignments:
Ø Even though I have collected the assignment from the class shelf, you may still turn in the assignment and earn some credit.
§ I will grade the assignment when time permits.
§ There is a 20% late penalty.
§ I will accept assignments for each quarter up to the Friday BEFORE the end of each quarter:
· 3 October 2014
· 12 December 2014
· 6 March 2015
· 22 May 2015
Ø Please talk to me if there are extenuating circumstances.
Extra Credit:
« There will be one or two opportunities to earn 5-10 extra credit points each quarter. (e.g. GRS)
« Do NOT count on extra credit points to make up for missing and/or late assignments or poor overall performance during the grading period!
If you are absent:
Ø It is YOUR responsibility to find out about any assignments.
Ø Assignments MUST be completed within the period of time stated in the MHS student handbook.
Ø Check your class shelf for hand outs.
Ø See me AFTER CLASS on the DAY YOU RETURN to make arrangements to make up any quizzes/tests that you missed.
Ø If YOU do not make these arrangements the DAY YOU RETURN, the quiz/test will be LATE. (= 20% penalty)
Ø If you miss the appointment that YOU make, the quiz/test will be LATE.
(= 20% penalty)
Ø may contain questions that pertain to material from the textbook, supplementary material, or any topic discussed during class.
Ø may consist of multiple choice, problem solving, short answer & essay questions.
Ø Quizzes usually have values between 5-20 points.
Ø Tests usually have values between 50-100 points.
Ø Homework assignments usually have point values between 5-50 points.
Ø Homework assignments usually have point values between 5-35 points.
¬ Homework is graded on completeness:
· Show ALL your work.
· Try ALL the questions.
Ø Projects usually have point values between 100-150 points.
Ø Daily observations of student attention, participation and behavior.
Ø Student responses to questions.
Ø Student demonstration of problem solving.
Ø Each assignment, quiz or test is worth a certain number of points.
Ø The number of points will reflect the significance of the assignment.
Ø You EARN points on each assignment.
Ø When I hand assignments back to you, record the points you earned and the points it was possible to earn on your Grade Record Sheet (GRS).
Ø At the end of each quarter, I will calculate your average by:
1.) Adding up all the points that you earned
2.) Adding up all the possible points
3.) Dividing your total points earned by the total possible points
and multiplying by 100:
Total Points Earned x 100 = Your Average
Total Possible Points
Ø See your Student Handbook to convert averages to letter grades.
Ø Semester Average = 0.45(1st Qtr Avg) + 0.45(2nd Qtr Avg) + 0.1(Semester Final)
Suggestions for Success
¬ Prepare for class.
- Bring the required materials and texts to class each day.
- Arrive on time.
- Do the assignments carefully.
- Turn in assignments on time.
- See me with questions before the next class.
¬ Use your Grade Record Sheet.
- When I hand assignments back to you, record the points you earned and the points it was possible to earn on your Grade Record Sheet (GRS).
- At the end of the quarter, turn in the completed GRS for 10 extra credit points.
¬ Read the textbook.
- Before we cover the material in class.
- After we cover the material in class.
¬ Focus in class.
- Get a good night's sleep.
- Eat breakfast &/or lunch.
- Keep all distractions out of reach.
- Ask questions.
- Take notes!
¬ Respect yourself and others.
- Speak loudly enough so the whole class can hear.
- Listen when someone else speaks.
- Do your own work.
Copied work earns ZERO points!
GEOMETRY Signature Sheet 2014-2015
DUE DATE:___Wednesday, 20 August 2014______
I have read the Course Expectations for Geometry and understand
that my child, (print name)______,
will be held accountable to them this academic year.
I have read the Course Expectations for Geometry and
understand that I, (print name)______,
will be held accountable to them this academic year.